Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sincere apologies for being part of the problem

It took a health scare to wake me up. The reason why those latest videos weren't uploaded sooner was because they were too negative. Check that. I will never back down from calling out the Military-Industrial Complex as the number one source for why everything is backwards and gets worse. I am very sorry for having gotten too emotional at times and sort of becoming no different than an Alex Jones.

My plausible deniability is that I had hidden health issues turning me into an occasional bitter, nasty fvckface. One artery was completely blocked. Another was at 95% blocked. The third one was healthy, so I was able to avoid a triple bypass. However, I was informed that if nothing had been done and soon, I would have died.

A friend once said that a card shown is a card played. So the videos remain. I'm not one to bring out the scrub brush. My hope is that going forward I will be a nicer guy. I had mysterious other ailments that seem to have been fixed. My advice is to not be afraid of the doctors. I knew eventually I would have to get a checkup, etc.. I've been one of those scared people in that I'd rather not know. I learned the hard way it is better to know.

Stress is a killer because it raises blood pressure and strains the heart.

Talk is cheap, so I'll have to work hard to keep people's respect and earn new readers.

And Alex Jones as cointelpro will never be taken off of the table. If that was real satire, then Joe Rogan is actually an authentic comedian. It's a slippery slope. We end up believing in everything. The internet becomes the new t.v.. I think it already has.

I can't think of one website to visit in order to pass time without experiencing stress. Even the basketball forums are nasty and seemingly by design.

I did watch an uplifting video made by a Christian in which he asked why are their movies so bad. He asked why are self-described Christians so judgmental and preachy. It was proverbially refreshing. It was two way respect. The kid is asking why are we getting into arguments with strangers on the internet. Maybe he can do a video on Hal Turner.

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