Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Open Letter to Eglin Air Force Base and demented Hollywood

For those without the time to read this blog entry, it's basically me saying fvck this and fvck you; not you, you- the people in the title.

I've got ten days to kill before the first Celtics' game.

I'm running out of schtick material. You are some kind of turd. How do you sleep at night?

That's a nice try over at Reddit, but it became clear a long time ago that most avatars are paid fake sock puppets.

Eglin AFB was exposed about five years ago running psyop confidence scams on public message boards. I think that was about the same time Snowden emerged. Dates become blurry.

The laws of physics say Snowden and Assange can't be the only people who will fight for humanity.

There's nothing more disgusting than the military. Even Bill Maher is complaining about military nights.

I think the ptb's are hoping Julian dies soon. It's an absolutely disgusting situation.

People should not fall for paid fake posts anywhere. Like at Reddit they list the page view numbers. I do, too, but it's the inside numbers that show it's all fluff and bloated as in rigged.

Maybe the cointelpro soldiers pay a visit and save some schtick. It doesn't look like long visits. I suppose I can lean on these losers to pad the stats and then eventually I'll stop mentioning them. This place will look very important with millions of satisfied non-paying schtick consumers.

I was gonna blog a bit on Woody Allen and his wife, but Piers Morgan has taken care of that. It's demented medium loops.

The best part of Daily Mail is checking out reactions from the stalked celebrities.

She should change her name to Frumpella or PruneFace might work.

Omg, cover your eyes for the next one. Kendell Jenner is showing off her boobs in public. She's also got on demented Freemasonry pants? The colour scheme is wackadoo.

I remember Opie and Anthony from hosting the radio show on WAAF. There were three cool stations. They were hard rock. I didn't know they went apeshite on the internet. I didn't know that Opie was untalented and Anthony was a racist pig. I think they got fired for a prank on Mayor Menino.

I've been up since 5 a.m..

Why does Kendell Jenner want everyone to see her boobs?

These so-called beautiful women look like trash when they are outside rigged photo shoots.

I'm not a misogynist. Rather, I am attempting to stick up for regular ladies. There's no need to binge, get anoxeric and otherwise develop body image issues when one realises the truth.

It pains me to hear that young people are so sad. I don't blame them. It isn't surprising. Youse young people need to go back to nature and keeping it real. Look at what's going on with Julian Assange. He is never mentioned. It is a total cover up. Reverse the gaslight. It's your only hope. Stop the military crimes. All of the world's problems are their fault. They are breaking oaths to not lie, cheat nor steal. Start arresting them. Tear up the demented CIA into a thousand pieces. Develop a movement to have all state-sponsored criminals arrested. It's the only hope.

All soldiers have the responsibility to break rank and fight back against their superiors who are breaking constitutional law. It's that simple, fellas.

Okay, Nicole Kidman is claiming "I have a strong sexuality. It's a huge part of who I am." They doll her up to look spectacular. Yet, she is clearly nasty gross and full of it in real life. Sorry, but I don't do reboots. This is how Kidman really looks:

She can go fvck herself with all the rest of the fake trash.

Serenity now!

The fvckface wants people to think this is her and not the above:

It looks like she is playing with her thingie.

Young people will need to figure everything out on their own. There will be no help from the medium.

Apologies to Texas for yet again calling ye demented. It's a bad habit.

But anyway, it turns out the Dallas cop has shared racist posts concerning Kaepernick. Was she drunk? Did she deliberately kill that guy and think she could talk her way out of it? We'll never find out because cops are lying sacks of shit with steroids raging through their veins?

Put that wench in with the general population. There is no hot stove, don't touch for the pigs. That's the problem. They have very low iq's. Just saying. They are like teenagers who make the craziest life errors due to immaturity or who the fvck knows. But enough is enough. I can say these things because I'm not a demented cult member operating out of Eglin AFB. Freedom is everything. It's greatness. Soldiers are baby killing turds. People are getting fed up. So keep pushing society, J. Edgar Hoover. Keep doing it, you morons. The blood is on your own hands and not peaceful people like me who are mere messengers.

I guess I'll take a break for heart medication.

I am a young man to have experienced this. Sewer rat Adrian Lamo must be getting revenge on me from the grave. He should really let it go and try harder in the next incarnation... to be a better fricken human being, for crying out loud.

I'm off of smokes now for about five days. The physical addiction is done, finished. The psychological one is the true battle. I heard that the craving lasts three or four minutes. So I just wait it out. I'm done with cigarettes. I could use the savings to buy stamps. However, it's very dangerous to sit in a chair all day. That's another lesson to all of this. Keep the blood moving.

But in conclusion, I'm funny in that I'm not a big fan of demented fake fvckers and their medium loops. Granted, this isn't that good for writing. Sometimes one must feed the blog and continue onward.

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