Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I don't know who this guy is. The above was from a video made in 2010. The account was NWOisBunk. The schtick is some form of very stupid sarcasm in which the person keeps fake admitting to being Mossad, a disinfo shill, etc..

There's nothing funny about any of this. It's been going on for decades now.

Maybe I am punching down. I d.g.a.f.. He owns it.

Here's the link if anyone is interested.

I don't think this guy was ever a disinfo agent. It's called a useful idiot. Maybe he quit once the Snowden documents came out. Perhaps he finally read something real on Cointelpro and could start to see that the believer versus debunker narrative has always been state-sponsored.

This person was a useless participant because it's too easy to pick a fake side. It's much harder to follow nothing from nobody. He was part and parcel of the debunker cult. There's no proof he works for the deep state. There is only evidence he was an anal retentive gaslighter unwittingly doing shadow government dirty work.

Debunkers and insane believers are in actuality two sides of the same overall manufactured herd. One cannot exist without the other.

Russia and the U.S. are the same turd. The small beaten down mind can only think in terms of the right/left fracture point. This guy was suckered into the idealism versus rationalism hot potato.

I'm going to let him off of the socratisation hook. I cleaned up some words and will not punch down. I think he simply got in over his head. In one video, he actually apologised for not being a nicer person when reaching out to the kooks. He's also had some depression issues. No fricken way will I punch down on him. I wanted to. We were all victimised by the state-sponsored "conspiracy story" program as exposed by Snowden documents.

It's impossible to debunk government conspiracy. What about the Podesta emails? We the conspiracy minded could see the primary was rigged. Wikileaks provided the pay stubs.

The above guy has disappeared. I hope he has seen the error of his ways. Proving conspiracy is difficult enough with pay stubs. People tend to neither listen nor care.

Oh, I stumbled across an interesting conspiracy theorist who apparently died suicide by cop. His videos are still up at Youtube while other wackadoos get completely scrubbed. His real name was Michael Cravey. At Youtube, he was "Thomas Brinkley." He was suffering from delusions and eventually snapped.

It's pretty weird. He mentions Steve Pieczenik. It's all pretty much related to everything if you think about it. Jones was basically banned for labeling Sandy Hook as a false flag terror event. This guy above claimed the Batman Colorado story was based on himself. In the comments, he claimed 100% confidence in Pieczenik. I mean, okay, that debunker guy looks better and better over time since he used to go hard after Alex Jones. Just based on Hal Turner and looking at Jones, they seem to operate very similarly. I still think the debunker crossed a line or had blind spots for cointelpro. But, he's off the hook. Now to this guy below... Man, it's like a cover up almost. His story is very similar to many that went viral. I wonder why not his.

I think he was basically driven to insanity by Cointelpro. Or check that. People usually go insane or not based on personal biology. The internet is a brand new powerful dimension and influencer as to how things can play out much worse than they had to.

The Youtuber woman's videos are all gone. She actually had some relevant grievances historically related to modern cyber troubles. The violence obviously can't be condoned. But it should still be understood. It gets odd and arbitrary what gets pulled and what doesn't. Or it's based on how viral the stories go. The no name Cravey guy's stuff remains. There's not much info on him. In contrast, everyone was interested in the Youtube shooter. Her stuff is gone.

It's just sweeping dirt under carpets, imho.

Someone somewhere will someday put together her story proper.

I think I was the second person to use the phrase death by internet. A lot of us saw this coming?

I did find the Willy Loman person had covered Cravey. The few links led to a disinformation racket.

It's claimed his name is Scott Chreigton, but who knows. And who cares. But those are real life disinfo agents, imho. I can't imagine every arsehole having wackadoo issues for plausible deniability.

Tyranny News leads to a disinfo agent named Peter Klein. He is one of those false flag losers. There is such a thing as staged events. We saw it with the weather channel. But those people are scum. Alex Jones was scum for pushing demented staged shootings.

Youtube drove the Iranian woman over the edge. Steve Pieczenik apparently drove Cravey to his death.

The military is the villain. I am warning young people that it is the Military-Industrial Complex which is behind all of the weirdness and decaying life.

AuntBB is buddies with "Scott Creighton." She is still obsessed with StyxenFvckFace. I guess she and I both like to twist around his username.

I was an original cyber sleuth. There's nothing outrageous in my blogging record. I never pushed anything crazy or obviously not true. Creighton claims Julian Assange is a paid fake. That's a deal breaker. So that also means Aunt BB is a real life government agent. She stupidly admitted to it.

I made a video on her. It's on this blog somewhere. I got the audio of Aunt BB claiming to have worked for the NSA for 8 years. I think YT banned me during the same time frame.

This blog doesn't get a lot of views, but I'm getting more than her. I'll take it. I'm trying to get people to recognise and ultimately avoid demented medium loops. They are highly addictive and probably harder to quit than cigarettes. Oh yeah, I am craving tobacco. It's psychological. I haven't had one in close to a week. The reward for smoking one wouldn't be worth the penalty. You can't just have one dorito. For me, it is all or nothing. It's like alcohol or pregnancy.

But the internet? How does one possibly quit this fvcker?

I see possible connections and they seem very interesting and enough so to share. The guy above was deeply invested into the Aurora shooting. He ended up attacking strangers with a hatchet. We're talking a psychotic break.

The Elliot Rodger story has had sticking power. Certain images will never be forgotten.

My last goal in life might be to find a hippie shrink and get to the bottom of everything.

On one hand, sure AuntBB is a nobody getting no views and no one cares. On the other, I captured the audio of her claiming to be NSA for 8 years and the thing about Creighton smearing Assange was originally what got me blood boiling.

I'm speaking to the future. Can anyone out there vindicate some of my theories?

Thanks in advance, fellas.

Or it already feels like I was vindicated and the final enchilada of a gaslight is to get no credit for it or worse, that there is never any real true justice for humanity. What am I missing here? We've been left with nothing more than demented medium loops?

And apparently McLuhan already figured that out over fifty years ago, so wtf is exactly going on? I am serious about what the solution is. Obviously Assange and Snowden deserve their immediate freedoms. People in power in the tens of thousands or whatever the number need to go to prison. The solution is very simple. It has always been there. It is a solution which can only exist in real life. The debunker kid from the beginning of this entry made a very good point or question. What do these conspiracies have to do with in real life?

It's gaslighting 101. They have everything to do with real life but not the way they are perverted for militarised alternate reality games.

This all gets very wordy. It was somehow easier to explain before Snowden and Assange shattered the medium. There is no longer a shared zeitgeist. There is no common area of significance which allows for freedom of speech and association.

It is the laws of physics in themselves. Those responsible for the big mess need to be arrested. A guy like Zuckerberg needs to go to prison, for one example.

I'm just one nobody, but I just wanted to say that yes there are solutions. I don't know how to bring them about. I know what morally should occur. I am positive through my personal academic history that none of this is rocket science. Criminals need to go to prison. The felons who are destroying society and planet are part of a swamp which needs to be drained. All cops who have broken the law must be put in handcuffs. All members of the US Military who have broken the constituion, I mean towards the tops of all this Patriot Act stuff- those folks need to lose their freedom and be imprisoned.

There's your solution. Identify powerful scumbags with hard facts and then figure out how to go from point a to point b. Democracy must be real or none of this is meaningful.

Top people in the Military-Industrial Complex must be held accountable. They are war criminals who need to be arrested. They are demented animals.

I was checking in and don't really care about her. I do fear that my ticker is gonna stop at any moment. But that might just be natural fear for the first couple weeks.

I truly need to figure out how to let go of internet addiction.

There will always be doubts balanced by confidence in terms of schtick legacy.

I suppose deep down I done all right.

BB shouldn't refer to anyone as a "Tranny." That's punching down on Transgenders. She is very weird. I'm glad she is getting nothing for page views.


I've always been awkward with goodbyes.

I can't stop overthinking. BB is obviously a disinfo agent. Scumbag is appropriate for a descriptor. She's a sewer rat paid by the military to post propaganda on Youtube. It sounds like she is located in Virginia.

I wouldn't even have mentioned this, but it's sort of related in a convex hull kind of way. She mimics me calling out fake left. She is tied to the hip of that obvious disinfo creep. And he popped up when trying to figure out "Thomas Brinkley."

I suppose with my health scare, this has been a near death by internet experience.

This is the kind of entry I do not enjoy writing. It's proverbial, mailed-in overthinking.


  1. Surely by now you have figured out, that those in power are corrupt. Doesn't matter what country, what position, there is nothing you or I can do about, this is real life, this is reality, we can protest (It won't help). We can talk about it, blog about it till the cows come home, NOTHING WILL change, please for your own health stop worrying about it, there is more to life. There is actually fun, and stress free stuff. No-one cares about the corruption, No-one will do anything about it. it's all about the money honey, THE END.

  2. Thanks. That's a shocking bitter analysis but one that seems impossible to refute. There can be a feeling of huge relief knowing there's not much any of us can do. Lenny f'ed up because he was too optimistic concerning laws and procedures. He should have tightened his diet, quit hard drugs and pretty much stopped caring what anyone thinks.

    Malcolm X. He needed to flee Harlem and regroup elsewhere. Even great people have contributed to their own demises. (Not that I'm great. One cannot win in the expression game or it's not easy to do without sounding narcissistic or gratuitous is a nice word. There is apparently a fracture point for everything.) Assange was used and abused by more than a handful of informants and bad actors. Some of us can't help but take on stress. "I don't find trouble. Trouble finds me." That's a classic.

    But yeah, in general, it is no longer worth the risk. I am feeling tons better health wise. The anger is gone for the most part, although one's happiness or anger quotient is always difficult to convey through words. And I am banned from everywhere, anyway, so I'm basically done. My schtick is complete and over. I will probably still blog but it will be without the fake martyr falling on his sword, woe is me drama.

  3. Glad you are feeling so much better. I hear people with heart problems get angry, and don't realise it. Not that being angry makes you have a heart problem, it's another "be aware" thing. Keep up the humour, have a nice day.

  4. I agree that anger is not healthy. It's tied in with sleep and diet as health factors. As we age, this becomes obvious and is probably referred to as wisdom. I experienced a bit of anger last night and could tell it was pinging the heart. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    "I must stop worrying about worrying. I must stop being angry."

    We are what we are. So, yeah, it is another be aware thing as you phrase it. But we also need clean arteries to pump blood. My paranoia subsided and the pain stopped.

    They put us on restrictions especially with lifting weights and at least for the first couple weeks. They monitor the meds and various levels. I just learned that potassium can make the heart jump a bit. Then I look back and see I only had a banana. The drugs seem to be making me retain potassium. So all these things take a while to work themselves out.

    Your advice has been very helpful. Thank you.

    The best part was probably saying we don't have to visit websites that are pissing us off.

    Routines are good in theory. We are all in the same boat which is interesting in itself. One of the first things I did was blog on how "I almost died." That's actually kind of funny in a pitiful way. But it is seeking out routine which can often lead to rest and recovery.

    And the problem with "being funny" is it is like women. You go chasing after them or jokes, and they become elusive. Lenny had a funny bit on the difference between men and women. I don't want to steal his idea. Sometimes I feel that a lot of my ideas have been stolen and perverted- basically the stuff about paid fakes. That makes me mad which is not good. Maybe it is a coincidence, but it doesn't feel like one.

  5. "Stress Less" is a good motto for sure. Myself I have been banned from some sites merely for being brutally honest. People don't like honesty it seems. Also I could be the most un-PC person on the planet. That doesn't help. Words are just words, to take offense at a word seems over-the-top to me, so I'll continue to call a spade a spade. I don't care what people think.

    The words to the pink floyd song in regards to your next infotainment story are:
    Mamma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
    Mamma's gonna put all of her fears into you
    Mamma's gonna keep you right here, under her wing
    She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing
    Mamma's gonna keep baby cosy and warm

    I'm sure you know them well, it's a great song, great band. Sorry I don't know anything about the story you were pertaining to, guess your blog keeps me updated, good on ya!

    Live long and prosper, nanu nanu (is quoting tv or movies, Plagiarism?). Changing a famous quote to be humourous or more humourous is AWESOME.

  6. I think Bourdain lost it because Argento made love to a kid. It seemed he got jealous she was pictured with a model or tennis player, but my theory is that made him look good. It showed he was competing for younger women. But then it turned out he gave her hundreds of thousands to pay off the teenager. I suppose it doesn't matter.

    Ultimately he was the only decent thing about CNN and it was a fricken food show, nothing to do with news.

    And Letorneau also reemerged in the zeitgeist. Both women are spinning the teenagers they raped as gigolos who took advantage of them. It's ridiculous, but I apparently had nothing better to do than blog on it.

    The medium is dead precisely because people like us are censored.

    No one is an island. If there is no shared meaning, there can be no substantive dialogue.

    I like the name dropping in regards to pop culture. Being There was greatness for a movie. This is some kind of post-modern era in which no new content is available. The world is changing including its infotainment. This is the Peak Content era. Good schtick is a diminishing resource precisely due to state-sponsored conspiracy.

    By banning free speech, the medium is imploding within itself. The true talent has always derived from the unpaid sincere. Without them, no one really cares about Selena, Robin Williams, Jane Fonda, Chris Cuomo and many more. At some point one says to himself that Joe Rogan is a cvnt. One begins refusing to go whence prodded. He and his CIA handlers can go fvck themselves because nobody cares anymore. No one trusts nothing from nobody. Of course Anderson Cooper works for the Military-Industrial Complex.

    This is Karma Police 101. This is about a moment of clarity so pure that there is no going back in time. There can be no forgiveness. There shall be no medium reboot.

  7. I read the Bourdain story out of curiosity. He looked like a creepy old man, with a younger woman. Generally Hollywood women sleep their way to the top. A known fact for many years. The men shit on anyone and everyone, whilst climbing over bodies, to get to the top. They also sleep with creepy old men in power to climb their way to the top. The woman and men can always say no and report the sicko, but for fear of loosing a role or place in Hollywood they don't, not until they have the fame, then they cry wolf. Is fame worth being forced to have sex with ugly old men/women perverts?. No. They should take some responsibility.

    Alyssa Milano, who helped make the #MeToo hashtag go viral last fall, wrote in an essay for The Wrap, "The fact is, these two truths can exist at once: A victim of assault can also be an offender.

    They are all creepy crawly, lying scum bags. No amount of fame or fortune could you pay me to be part of that Scuzz.

  8. Yeah, no one is looking good. Beaver Cleaver is from another time and another place. LeBron James apparently missed the memo that Hollywood is dying, so he's basically one of the last persons going against the tide. Put a fork in the medium, all of it, imho. I could probably shutter down this blog. It's over, point made, and nothing can possibly fix it.
