Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Correction: This is Stolpman

He played a bully on the crime show. He was not the guy from below. I was wrong. I made a similar mistake years ago concerning Maryscott O'Connor of My Left Wing, but I digress.

A video at Youtube has compiled a few clips of him from the small number of roles he got to play.

The point is that there is a little bit of proof out there that he was indeed a fake actor. He was very goofy looking and one-dimensional. It makes one wonder how do some people end up in shows and movies. I don't think this is biased opinion. He should have never gotten any parts. It's called nepotism. Maybe he joined the NSA or CIA out of high school which often includes medium perks.

Maybe I will make a movie titled, Cecil B. DeMented Medium Loops.

I don't remember there having ever been a million nobodies making videos calling this and that clowns and shills. Now they are everywhere.

I would call people disinfo fakes and get laughed at. Now all of a sudden there are all these enlightened bloggers speaking truth to shill?

The word shill is everywhere.

It must be because of what transpired in 2016. The military is attempting to fast forward and jump over the step in which people were woken from medium slumbers. It's the Russians! They did it. They are them. We are moving on as the truther community. That's the spin despite us all ultimately being individuals with existential lives. There's no such thing as community on the internet.

Stolpman doesn't get that many views as neither does Defango. There are a lot of those names and channels that get pushed. Poopy Korn at Twitter tried to get me interested. Even when one can't possibly care less about something, it will still get pushed into one's mug as legit and something to be addressed.

I no longer drop so many links. I am trying to present ideas on the loops rather than promote them.

H.A. Goodman gets hardly any views. Pakman. And those are bigger names and easier to tie in with mainstream internet.

Unirock. I looked into him. Rants of Ryan. These people are nothing. Perhaps I am less than nothing, but I've never claimed otherwise. The bit about stolen destiny was called a schtick. It's not the amateur comic's responsibility to explain all sarcasm if it fools the reader or viewer. The truth is that genius lies within each of us.

There's no chosen one. It is you, me and everything. We are each part and parcel of the universe. It is an extremely confusing time to live in. I feel very sad for everyone. One cliche is we are all in the same boat. I'm trying to brain fvck people in the military. Snowden and Manning redeemed themselves. This could be part of moving the chains. I am trying to think our way out of the big mess after all. I have no other tools. The pen is mightier than the sword? This is typing. This is beyond the beyond for 2018. None of us saw any of this coming!

I was fricken content to be the prescient kook without many pay stubs. Snowden and Assange ruined their plans, blah blah blah. Now none of it is infotaining anymore. The internet was like Woodstock. 2018 is akin to everyone's gone. It's nothing but the garbage and waste whatnot left behind. Or you're at a Rolling Stones concert one moment, the next someone was killed by a Hells Angel.

It's the sheer horror of swallowing a small fly by accident. It's about finally grokking Fred Sandford's, "I'm coming to join you, Elizabeth. It's the big one."

One minute it's funny to make fun of Hillary, the next it's grotesque. The other side is also garbage. I'm also talking the Republicans and how there is nowhere to go.

The best kook point has always been, well, if what's being argued is so ludicrous, why are anon coward conformists tossing around ad hominems and debating what military documents refer to as conspiracy stories?

He who smelt it, dealt it? The doth protest too much schtick trolls itself?

On what planet will the CNN/DNC Red Scare narrative be accepted as quality academic thought?

People aren't stupid.

The Aunt BB person has me thinking there are apparently hundreds if not thousands of paid fakes putting up videos getting small view numbers but the schticks persist. I have heard a new phrase: fake it 'til you make it. That's them.

I'm isolated on this blog, although I never believed in "community" anyway. There's nothing more cringeworthy than that phrase, imho.

I get limited to zero feedback. It's on me to correct errors or limit posting stuff too esoteric. I'm an amateur writer in pursuit of the written form of holy grail. Hope means what it says.

I figure multiply one by hundreds or thousands and then we become some of kind of hidden lurking majority of internet addicts. We eventually disperse into various digressions and niches. I'm into the Boston Celtics. I might start getting into books. It's interesting to chase the big meta picture of internet and life, but perhaps it cannot be forced and we are not meant to sit this much.

I ultimately care mostly about internet life to the extent of my exact participation in its true history. I'm thinking of Kimberlin, Barrett Brown, Fatterico, Aaron Walker, Brynaert, Mandy et al. It was weird and true. I don't think the fvcker was ever adequately investigated and explained. I think I came close. Donkeytale wrote a good one. I remember the title. I think it was Across the Great Divide. Or maybe not. We were examples and also witnesses. And all that meta seems to be vanishing. It's turning into a big cover up. There should have already been major changes in our country, yet somehow the criminals are never arrested. Shite is doubled down and ginned up.

It's a tough balancing act to express oneself while avoiding the gaslight.

It seems to me that everyone calling out shills and disinfo are also shills and disinfo. It's a weird fricken vibe.

They don't seem to merit many page views to substantiate their online presence.

The deep state wants us to skip steps and assume these people are players. There's no need to ask when and how they developed gravitas.

Seriously, why do some get forced on us, say the Defango guy, Unirock and Stolpman, yet others like me are buried? It's not even about me. I'm just saying I'm a witness. It's called an example. It's called confirmed conspiracy that the people who went after Barrett Brown were the same who fvcked with me. My crime had been to cyber sleuth Brett Kimberlin. My observations fit in with others agreeing the internet was not how it seemed.

I could see that Daily Kos versus Fox News/Breitbart did not feel organic. I'm trying to say I won the internet but that it's too difficult to put into words.

An eccentric professor taught us The Iliad. He said neither side was better than the other but were complementary. People need to look at social reality differently than how we are trained to do so through regular guy schooling.

This is a never ending militarised alternate reality game. The problem and solution must start and finish with the Military-Industrial Complex.

Put together a real movement against them. Outing scum like Unirock is pointless. He outs himself. Two thousand views is nothing. These tools get every fake medium advantage in the book and still end up nowhere.

I'm dealing in the realm of ideas and those can't be quantified or boxed in.

Where were all these fvckfaces before 2016?

It's been easy to call everything rigged and fake since then. Where were those guys before then and what do they have for legacy? I was calling out "fake news" before it was even phrased as such.

I am a primary witness that there are tens of thousands at the top of the chain of command for the Military-Industrial Complex who need to be removed from power and arrested for treason and war crimes. It's about figuring out how to get from point A to point B.

I'm funny in that I bow to no one in power. I've moved all the kook chips in on who is to blame for the big mess.

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