Thursday, September 20, 2018

Stupid boring news day proves the reboot has already occurred

Lee Stranahan is verified cointelpro. So when he is getting plugged by Assange's Twitter, it is clear Wikileaks has become compromised.

Suzi Dawson obviously cannot be trusted. A small search shows that she is at best mentally ill and at worst part and parcel of the Five Eyes. Kim Dotcom would become a sewer rat before spending any time in prison. Lee Stranahan is garbage who worked closely with verified cointelpro agent Brandon Darby.

Wikileaks hasn't come up with anything good in a long time since Assange was knocked off the internet. They peaked in 2016 and now there are a lot of arseholes in control of his image.

Barrett Brown and Brandon Darby work for the FBI, period, as does Stranahan. It's absolutely disgusting.

Assange only works for humanity. That's why he is allowed no internet nor apparently pretty much anything including hospital care.

The status quo is made up of millions upon millions of little piggies. It's not that there is the 1% and then everyone else. Maybe 10-20% of the population are aware and good? This is the art of speculation and philosophy. Alan Watts said there is really only one choice, whether or not to commit suicide. One is either alive in the moment or a form of zombie.

It seems common sense 101 to me that Assange should be the number one priority for current social movement. I don't mistrust everyone. But no way in hell is Kim Dotcom a great person or trustworthy. No way is Suzi Dawson anything less than insane or compromised. Barrett Brown is a sewer rat, period. Sometimes there is no other explanation. Other times one must leave at least two options. Such and such for example must be either a paid fake or useful idiot.

Alex Jones is either cointelpro or a grifter (paid useful idiot). There is no halfway for pregnancy.

As goofy as the idea seems that most internet actors are paid fakes and useful idiots, that is precisely the situation.

The dude fixated with James Holmes ("Thomas Brinkley") was obviously insane.

Even if I too have been pure wackadoo or more likely eccentric, I've been deliberately playing off of the conspiracy story program for content. That's me. That's who I've been. I'm still the same guy. And in the end, the gravitas taken was equal to the limiting of belief in the outrageous; sort of like the Beatles' song. One must invert the double-bind.

Today I noticed that every story is silly with no historic relevance. All I see is the demented art of the reboot.

The slow murder of Assange makes way for the cover up of royal Nazi blood.

Bourdain's house is on the market. We won't think about how he was such a weak person he killed himself over a Satanist.

A new study claims Millennials do not like speaking with other humans as compared to other age brackets. Well, duh? One would have to be blind to not see people absorbed in their computer phones.

Fracture points. Convex Hulls. Influencers. One word sentences. That's all there is now.

"Sex workers" are claiming robots as prostitutes are demeaning to women.

[insert meme]

There are so many stories one could point to and not one would seem to be very important.

That to me implies the reboot has already happened.

The essence of each forced narrative lacks meaningful influence pull. I see it like this: If Snowden and Assange documents have had zero effect on nothing from nobody, then that places us directly within Orwell's Oceania for historical context.

There's something on Marcia Brady having been a cocaine addict. That's what I'm talking about. Nothing means anything anymore.

Meanwhile, a different woman is promoting female circumcision.

It is an ad promoted by Twitter? WTF?

There is not one day which goes by in which it is not obvious who exactly are the scumbags destroying society and planet. If I can see it, then anyone can.

                                               A bad look for Henry?

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