Friday, September 21, 2018

The Daily Reboot

Who needs cointelpro when we do it to ourselves?

It's not shocking that there are racists. It's that they are so stupid. I agree with anyone asking why Whitey felt the need to single out Black women for showing off their boobs.

Sure, wtf is with this person she is dressing like a prostitute? Has she no shame?

Yet again, both sides suck?

This is Divide and Conquer 101.

My question is if they take the dude's name off of the college plaques, do they have to give back the money?

He was talking up some outdated 1950's racism concerning property values.

I have no problem with the woman but agree she looked like trash dressing like that. But if one is going to attack women for breaking Puritan codes, show some diversity in one's misogyny.

This is apparently her from another picture. She is gorgeous. What is wrong with people? I hate both of them. Both the White man and the Black woman can fvck off for doing CIA reboot dirty work.

I had noticed this story yesterday but thought, "Not today, fellas."

A father and son have killed a neighbour over a mattress. Okay. What does that mean? How are we supposed to react?

I'm nursing a coffee. I mix in half decaf with half dark. It helps me stay regular. I can't quit every vice at once.

The first time on the internet after coming home from the health scare was terrifying. We're not meant to keep rebooting like this with crazy new stories each day. I don't know where I'm supposed to go other than Daily Mail. It seems better to support the Brit paper than check in on anything American.

Maybe that logic is off.

There is so much random violence going on that it becomes arbitrary what one could select for a blog devoted to so-called real, true news.

Beyonce might be a witch? A lot of celebrities including Justin Bieber seem to be experiencing MK-Ultra glitches. Not that I believe in any of that. It's called reverse gaslighting. Of course Hollywood is going down the tubes. There are no easy answers to any of this.

As philosopher Montgomery Clift once said, "Nobody ever lies about being lonely."

What are the odds? I wrote an open letter to Eglin Air Force Base and then a day or two later, Piers Morgan did the same to a white woman with big boobs.

Like Piers Morgan actually cares about the above person. Fricken.

The Daily Mail is action packed with so much sex and violence. That scares me more than the individual stories.

I am more terrified that nothing is ever done to drain the swamp than all crimes occurring before this moment.

The rebooting scares me more than the status quo.

Someone is stalking Taylor Swift.

Ben Affleck's daughter incest fantasy woman was stalked as he participated in rehab.

You can't make this up. Her last name is Sexton. Sex sells a ton?

There's another Barbecue Becky or wtf type story out there. This one is called Baggage Service Becky.

The Taco Bell story was scary. That happened in Florida. An assistant manager acted stupid with English basically refusing service to someone because they are Black. Why are people so mean and inexplicably inhumane towards others? We're not meant to be assholes or at least not 24 hours/7 days per week.

I think all of this is by design. Life is supposed to get better and easier for everyone. We are not meant to live this way with anger, mistrust, hatred, stupidity, tension and confusion.

The only explanation is Cointelpro and the Military-Industrial Complex.

It's in the Snowden documents. It's Hal Turner. It's Anderson Cooper. It's Oprah. She showed a bit too much side boob, no? It's a lot of people and stuff.

Where is my mind?

Just say no to medium reboots.


  1. Your Blog makes me laugh (not sure if it's supposed to). Don't stress out about the fucktards, you're stressing out, stop it.

  2. Thanks. Yes, a lot of it is meant to be funny.

    "If a double decker bus crashes into us..."

    The problem is a lot of the jokes rely on context. E.G., one would have to know Joe Rogan doing stand-up. He goes, "Waffles, bitch." So another time, I switched it around to, "I want me waffles, bitch." That's not technically plagiarism or perhaps Rogan needs to be added to the byline or schtick credits. (i.e. that joke was written by myself and Joe Rogan.) And then it would help for the audience to be aware of Daily Mail adding what they plagiarise to the byline. It's ridiculous and truly happening. I get fixated on things like that. To me it is so absurd that they add other papers and names and that's supposed to cover against copyright law. If no one knows what I'm talking about, then what's the point?

    Like the not today, fellas. I'm sure everyone experiences that feeling. Nancy Kerrigan had, "Why??? Why, me?" Why snot?

    I believe in quality over quantity. One joke can be enough. If someone can create one original thought or close, that's all there is. To me, that's nirvana. That's Alex Jones' he is now at peace and ready to die.

    Lee Camp, wow, he made fun of the homeless in a joke. I nailed him. It felt good. Someone once spoke of a love for the game. It's priceless. It's the only thing of value worth pursuing, imho.

    I'm actually sort of proud I've been walking around as a time bomb for probably over ten years. I got into shape with only one or two working arteries. I made it right up to death and didn't blink. Only here and there have I felt paranoia since the emergency. Modern medicine has clearly picked up the pace in the last decade or two. Although this is outside my knowledge range. I probably won't run a marathon but eventually it's looking like a full recovery. I just have to keep taking medicine so the metal or whatever it is doesn't clot. It's mind blowing they pushed those things through the arms. It's wild stuff. That was the most painful part, to the arm. Little pings to the heart are scary, but those seem to be natural. As long as the feeling isn't like pressing in, it's merely healing. They take the blood pressure. They look at vitals. It is a relatively risk-less pseudo operation. The blood was blocked. They have figured out how to unblock it.

    I'm sorry about your dad. My mom probably had bad luck with ovarian cancer. She needed a better GP and maybe being born ten or twenty years later. This is definitely a golden era to be living in to extend life. But you are correct to advise we shouldn't stress ourselves. That's not helping anyone or anything. Assange is always composed and sounds reasonable. Malcolm X. Biko. Alex Jones is not the way we are supposed to act. I'm surprised he can avoid heart problems. He better be careful.

    I'll become a nicer person in that we never know what others are experiencing. Something about walking in their shoes and grace. It doesn't excuse everything. But now a lot of my personal anger issues make more sense. Sometimes people do have plausible deniability and merit forgiveness. My heart couldn't breathe or something. The blood was blocked. But enough about me.
