Friday, September 21, 2018

Assange's Last Interview

This was made before Ecuador shut down Assange's internet. I am not sure of the exact date. It was made available on Russia Today and I am uploading it here for convenience. (Update: The file size was too big and disallowed by Blogger. The link to the interview can be accessed here.)

He looks fairly healthy for someone not getting much sunlight. He smacks his lips quite a bit, but he is under a lot of duress, so that is understandable.  I only wish Julian the best of luck. He has sacrificed his life for the greater good. He shows no signs of cracking despite going toe-to-toe with the United States as superpower. Julian Assange has been a true leader for all of us. Trump can go to hell for not securing his freedom and thus putting his life in jeopardy.

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