Wednesday, September 5, 2018

All "Influencers" Are Highly Suspicious

Am I one of them? That should be doubtful considering I got banned by Twitter and Youtube. But even then, one never knows? In the age of paranoia another category has been added to paid fakes, useful idiots and paid useful idiots. The fourth one developed in one of my videos. It was in one of the masterpieces pertaining to Comictelpro. I was trying to be funny and chirped in that perhaps those are real true comics after all and I'm an unpaid fake.

Scratch that. That would make me an unpaid useful idiot which is the same thing as a useful idiot. The fourth category is thus a useful idiot who overthinks the sickness which is the internet. A fifth category should probably be included for the enlightened or the so-called woke. Yet, if we are so enlightened, why are we still running around like chickens with our heads chopped off? This is just one more attempt to get the sickness out of my system.

I've got a million tabs opened pertaining to demented medium loops.

I truly understand how difficult it is to overcome internet addiction while still desiring the development of a grand theory to help others.

I should know better. I should take me own advice. By definition, medium loops never end. If my hunch is correct, the repetitive huge influx of page hits to this blog from time to time represents an attempt by the omnipresent conspiracy to never let me go. Schtick and let schtick? Am I also to blame for continually pointing towards said loops? Perhaps.

That's my personal battle.

Or the nail has simply yet to have been hammered in completely?

There are a lot of open tabs at the top of my computer screen. One link always leads to another with various aha moments along that path. This makes it rather difficult to come up with any cohesive writing. Thus, it's as if I am both Lucy and Charlie Brown in regards to the fake football game.

That's not me. That is a product of the gaslighting all sincere people experience when going down state-sponsored rabbit holes.

It is human nature to want to solve puzzles.

I wrote out my backstory within this blog. In regards to social media, I have been both a nobody and one who somewhat made a dent. My academic background was in Social Theory. I was basically educated as to how societies are structured which then makes it easy to grok historical events and trends.

I shouldn't have used the phrase Grand Theory but did anyway. That one was coined by or pertains to some disinfo creep named Talcott Parsons. There has always been an ideological battle between sincere thinkers and tools of the state apparatus. One could go way back and debate say Jean-Jacques Rousseau with Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume and Immanuel "Pussyfoot" Kant.

What is this red versus blue pill? I was always thrown off by the idea that red is conservative and blue is liberal. It's actually from the movie The Matrix. Red pill means all illusion is lifted. Blue means one actually likes how things are, from Jane Fonda to ice cream as in why think too much when there is always food and the Celtics might become better than Golden State by the time the playoffs arrive.

C. Wright Mills was the antithesis of Parsons. He is well known for taking the red pill metaphor. He said Parsons was a tool or whatever phrases he used in that Sociology can never be a hard science. Mills spoke of the sociological imagination. He also shared with the world other phrases such as iron triangle and power elite.

Demented medium loops never cover such ideas. There is no jumping off point. There is no room for individuals to think for themselves. There is no sharing. There is no organic discussion. Actions are simulated and herd behaviour is channeled into the next militarised alternate reality game. I suppose people have moved onto the phrase LARP as in live action role playing. Whatever. Truth is truth.

This is turning into too big a project. I have 29 open tabs from last night. But a card shown is a card played. This personal predicament will be transformed into another instant classic. That is the goal anyway.

Singing Sadie and Lenny Bruce had gutter mouths. I'm not arguing otherwise. Yet people need to keep their schticks within historical context. They would be banned and ostracised today. Malcolm X tried his hardest. He ended up assassinated and the people who seem to represent his any means possible, house vs. field n3gr0, etc. ideas do not stand up to even a basic socratisation. (Farrakhan, Umar Johnson et al)

Joe Rogan and his friends e.g. Redban are pushed as taking over the helm from Lenny Bruce. They think by talking dirty, his legacy is preserved. Perhaps that was what Michael Richards was up to with his N word debacle. I have no clue. But when I heard Rogan's, "Waffles, bitch" schtick, it became apparent that he is not a real comedian. Then one wonders whether his whole career was fake from the start.

Anderson Cooper is a great example. It became extremely easy to think he is and has always been a CIA agent based on his backstory.

If everything is as rigged and fake as I claim, then it should become clear to all sincere readers why it's better to go after real names rather than anonymous cowards. A corollary to that is it's also better to punch up rather than down.

Since there are so many open tabs, this will eventually turn into another mini-movie. I refuse to sweat over anything, anymore. Making videos is a good way to present screenshots without filling up a blog page.

Everything I do is an attempt at creating original content.

One cannot do that if they are always getting their chains yanked and deliberately fvcked with by demented medium loops circumscribed within rise and shine internet mythology.

I had fun making the MapleTurd movie. That formula could become the model for my evolving schtick. I can make modest videos and embed them at the bottom of playbills or the internet equivalent of CliffsNotes. I see no other way to tackle out of control yet related narratives without sweating and gnashing teeth.

Demented Medium Loops; the movie (internet playbill)

This is where I've been going to find free tunes:

music credits:

"My Sweetie Went Away" by Bessie Smith

"The Spirit of Russian Love" by Zinaida Trokai

"Mystery Guest" by Slicing Grandpa

When demented medium loops are the endgame, "content providers" basically troll themselves.

I have been silenced so that fake cyber sleuths can mimic me schtick.

It's not on me to prove whether such clowns are paid fakes, useful idiots or paid useful idiots.

A miniscule amount of people have probably heard of Aunt BB and Willy Loman. A previous video included BB claiming to have worked eight years for the NSA. That's what is meant by paid fakes trolling themselves.

It's not my fault those two are boring and irrelevant. I'm not the one pushing Assange as a controlled CIA or wtf asset.

The Unirock guy and many others are different. They do seem to have excellent production values. He was provided kudos by NBC. Going after him despite his pitiful amount of views is punching up. Going after Cenk Uygur or H.A. Goodman is the same. Everyone is human, so we all make mistakes here and there punching down. It is an important concept to remember. One must pick his or her battles. By doing so with reflection and sincerity, a lot of unnecessary sweat can be avoided.

Schtick theft is not a conspiracy theory.

It is admitted in the Snowden documents for anyone who truly socratises them.

I can't prove that I'm being mimicked and circumscribed, but it feels that way.

It's like that time I noticed someone at Youtube claiming H.A. and Melvin as blood relatives. That led me to Aunt BB. That was my schtick. That was my idea that they look and act very similar. So I have the funny feeling that was a result of the five or twenty eyes monitoring social media. I should only be getting 100-200 page views per day. Since returning to blogging here from my Twitter days, I started noticing bizarre numbers showing up and then leaving, only to return here and there to continue monitoring and perverting my original schtick.

My newest theory is that so-called cyber sleuths on Youtube are actually government agents or influencers. I can explain every scoop I ever got and how it was attained through hard work. I think paid fakes are being provided with inside info implying they are the true talent.

I would love it if there were a million whatever kindred spirits overpowering the zeitgeist with truth bombs, just as Assange wouldn't mind if a million Wikileaks' styled safe whistleblower spots were established. The man has given up everything in pursuit of real true justice and democracy. I want people to quit demented medium loops. The ones who may be stealing from my schtick never provide any relief. They merely prod viewers to remain within the deranged, irrelevant fracture point bubbles.

I don't want people watching H.A. Goodman or Unirock, for two examples. I want them exposed and then that's it. They should no longer matter after that.

What I think may be going on is that paid fake Youtube personalities are supplied with insider information. The demented medium loops led me to one account last night which has put me into a double bind. I do not want to steal anyone's work. Just because Mandy Nagy and Breitbart did it to me doesn't mean I am going to do it to others.

It's just not my thing. Integrity is everything. I love the ability to create and be original. It is a skill or talent that can never be stolen or duplicated. I'm not a narcissist. I don't have delusions of greatness. I'm just me living out the back nine of an incarnation attempting to warn others of what I've learned from participating in internet social reality.

One of the persons I went after quite a while ago was Roy Potter. I quickly found that he was a polygamist and ex-cop and stopped wasting any time on him. There is a Youtube account which put together a nine part expose on him. The stuff included in the video report seems to transcend what is readily available to most people. It makes me wonder if the so-called cyber sleuth is actually a paid fake. I don't have proof, just a feeling.

The same account has provided a lot of information on the Random Rants of Ryan loser. Can you see the double bind? I do love it when paid fakes are exposed. But am I just going to end up supporting clowns faking as opposition such as I almost did for Aunt BB and the Willy Loman fella?

Being left with nowhere to go means what it says.

There are a couple guys named Fkn Freddy and Scooby Doom I get the same vibes from in that I do not trust them. Who puts together four hour live streams? I've been noticing a lot of those or at least many videos running across Youtube which seem to run for at least an hour or two. Who is going to sit through that much nonsense? What is the endgame, for folks to pick a cult?

It's like that part in the Snowden docs. Repetition reduces vigilance. The targets look where you look. How can we game this? That's all in the JTRIG cyber magician documents. My point is if someone seems to have a lot of info and gets plugged by mainstream media, there's no way they can be trusted or at least without further evidence they are regular guys.

I'm kind of rambling at this point and apologise for that.

I'll try to minimise the rest of the written part of this blog entry and let screenshots speak for themselves.

The outing of Ryan, in short, is wicked awesome. However, I am nervous that it is just another trick to keep us from fleeing demented medium loops and forging authentic paths.

Hopefully, this is the last kind of video I make in regards to pake fakes and useful idiots. At what point do I become no different and am merely the proverbial unpaid useful idiot?

movie guide part one:

Aug. 4th, 2018 - Ryan again trying hard to portray himself as a regular guy with video blogging as his hobby.

Paid fakes come in batches.

Apparently Nathan Stolpman asked Ryan, "What multi-channel Network are you a part of?"

It's as if my demented medium loops schtick has been co-opted?

No, I'm not going to sit through an hour and 47 minutes of Stolpman and Ryan. I'm funny like that in which I don't appreciate getting brain fvcked. I try to avoid it.

Ryan portrays himself as a random nobody but was exposed by someone named Joel5.

Ryan and even Unirock do not get many page hits. None of these people do- even H.A. Goodman and David Pakman seem to have fallen off the zeitgeist map. I believe Ryan when he says he makes next to nothing through Patreon. $100 per month is apparently a good amount for him. That is obviously not enough to live on.

The Adpocalypse may have been state-sponsored. It might also have been to do with the fact that anyone with even half a brain knows to put on the internet condom called Ad Blocker. So where is the revenue coming to Youtube and various nvmbnvt5 if not from the U.S. Military? It can't be coming from ads. I never see them. Multiple websites are now requesting visitors to turn off ad blockers. It's called a reverse-double bind. It's called people are waking up to the fact that everything is rigged, fake and a waste of time.

That being said, Ryan has been outed as part and parcel of a paid fake unit or Stolpman calls them multi-channel networks. Is it too good to be true? How do we know the people doing all this exposing are not controlled opposition and forms of Rauhauser?

Long schadenfreude short, Ryan has been linked directly to a network which produced a fake film titled, A Child's Voice.

It gets very interesting at IMDB when one scrolls down the cast and crew page.

Is his real name Ryan Amurao? It's the only Ryan listed. If so, he now has a shiny fake, yet pretty much empty IMDB page. If so, he is now forever tied to the hip of that movie and the people involved.

With the new no-sweating policy, I only searched a small batch of the names. Some of them will look familiar or at least they did to me. Sara Ruth Ashcraft? Maybe I noticed her at Twitter before I was banned?

Tracy Beanz has been recently and directly implicated in the Q psyop. She was involved with the movie.

A Robin Basiliki is on the list. Her Twitter presentation looks remarkably similar to Ashcraft's.

I searched Roxanna Rox Cella. She is easily tied to the hip of the Hagmann Report as is Tracy Beanz.

Jerome Corsi and Infowars can be easily tied to this group.

Ryan's shiny bald noggin is turning very red of late. He's melting under the bright lights of schadenfreude. Cointelpro losers don't seem to realise that they are easily replaced especially when they have no talent. Seaman, Stolpman and H.A. are annoying and should be ignored, but at least I concede they had some decent movement on their trolling cheese ball. Rauhauser was evil but impossible to ignore. Ron Brynaert. Liberal Grouch. The names change. And so do the narratives and disinfo players. Herd behaviour is channeled into the next psychological operation.

Alex Jones said it when he said it. Paid fake schticks eventually run their course.

Wac-a-Mole means what it says. It's not just about who is exposed and ruined for zeitgeist pull. It's about who replaces them? What militarised alternate reality game is next troll up to sub in for the done and finished one?

I'm still not sweating and am slowly but surely getting through all the open tabs.

Mellisa Zaccaria is listed in the thanks section. That is the real life name of the Honeybee woman.

I'm not sure she was the satanic singer with the same name. I don't doubt it. One problem with that question is the only video covering the angle was produced by a Neo-nazi.

I had never heard of Craig Sawyer before but he is also easily tied to the "multi-channel network."

I have decided to change the name of this real true film from Demented Medium Loops.

Fake Random Ryan; the movie part one:

part 2 outline:

I thought Ryan wants us to think he makes peanuts off of Youtube and that his primary job is running a small landscaping company. If so, what was he doing in Hollywood or wtf in the middle of prime time yard work season? Hmmm?

There was one last name on the IMDB list that stood out to me. Michael Trimm. I confronted him on Twitter but don't remember him responding. Perhaps he did but the exchange went nowhere. I've known about that paid fake for quite a while. Is it a different Michael Trimm? I kind of doubt it.

Et tu, Tim Black?

Even the production company behind A Child's Voice looks shady.

They are called No Restrictions Entertainment and are apparently located in Arlington, Texas.

I get a military vibe off of so many Youtubers and other shady so-called influencers. Arlington, Texas is apparently a military city. It's not the greatest proof or any proof. It's sort of similar to how Eglin Air Force Base just happens to be the most addicted city to Reddit. I guess it's all a coincidence?

No Restrictions Entertainment may be worthy of a socratisation, just saying.

I feel no compulsion to research the Joel5 channel, nor fricken Freddy or Scooby Doom. When one looks over to the related channels of Joel5, it does not exactly offer one confidence that there is no hidden agenda to the schtick.

Synthetic Rebellion has some funny videos. I like the one where he photo-shops or wtf Joe Rogan into interviewing himself. Folks can easily find his channel if interested. It's not rocket science that there are demented medium loops. I'm worried that the wrong people as in controlled opposition are fake exposing people for ulterior motives. Where's the true real relief? Unirock exposed Q. Now who is exposing him? It always seems to be just more of the same old, same old demented medium loops.

There's one video by Joel5 in which he was definitely punching down on someone named James Munder. I don't respect that. It's the same kind of vibe  that was given off by Schmalfeldt, the Liberal Grouch. Fricken Barrett Brown was somehow buddies with him, perhaps unwittingly as in entrapment, but his plea agreement has been sealed and all we are left with is his cruddy smears on Julian Assange.

I did find Joel5's expose on Roy Potter very suspicious. I like that Potter was exposed, but it seems fishy how well it was put together. I find it odd that Unirock was able to easily access info and ended up receiving kudos from NBC.

In short, we may be incapable of ever fighting back with an online truth movement when all the big platforms are controlled by the Spy Factory. That's always been my #1 conspiracy. It still is. I am positive there is such a thing as internet cointelpro. I've been chasing those shadows since 2006. Unfortunately my conclusion is that it has become a double bind to do so. Hopefully I am merely trying to hammer in the nail. It is a very stubborn and well-funded omnipresent psyop nail as exposed by Snowden and Assange documents.

Sorry fkn freddy, but I do not trust anyone making four hour livestreams with multiple guests. Maybe I'm wrong about the Skooby Doom fella, but it often sounds like his Northern Ireland accent is being faked. They are beyond the scope of this movie, however. I wash my hands of all medium or that's my fricken goal. I truly believe it should be everyone's aim, to stop getting suckered into demented medium loops.

Wow, all those open tabs are now gone. The song Mystery Guest by Slicing Grandpa is actually about 13 minutes. I was only able to include the first five. People can check them out at the link I dropped at the top. Maybe the next time I make some movies, I'll include more of their work. They started in the early 1990's in New York and ended up in Seattle.

I ran out of pertinent screenshots and included true real random ones for the last minute or so.

Okay, I'm done. Thanks for your time and consideration unless you are a paid fake.

Fake Random Ryan; the movie part two:

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