Thursday, September 6, 2018

Real True News 9/6/18

(update: I think the New York Times fabricated the op-ed. Something does not ring true about it. And I'm funny in that I can't get past the Russian hoax  as a monster-sized limited hangout for massive DNC corruption. I can't accept that Assange has been ruined for the crime of practicing real, true journalism. No one believes in the medium anymore! Ask anyone in real life. The internet is fake, demented life.)

The Rubio-Alex Jones fight was rigged. How did Alex get a front row seat? How could Rubio not know who he is? How could verified agent provocateur Alex Jones continue to stand in Rubio's face without security or someone grabbing him. He was clearly disturbing the police or whatever it's called.

Or maybe it's because Alex Jones is the police.

Fake fights are nothing new. It's called an agitprop.

The Trump thingie is steaming up. I predicted he'd say fvck this and fvck you. The New York Times have truly lowered themselves. I read that even the Washington Post wouldn't have published the anon coward smear.

It looks like Trump better work something out quickly with Assange. It might be his only chance to avoid impeachment or some kind of coup claiming he is not healthy enough to remain as president.

The Asia Argento scandal is heating up. The kid looked happy to me in the pictures. I don't like how she flaunted her open relationship with Bourdain. There's something very evil about her. I doubt she raped the kid but maybe. It would have been legal in most states and countries anyway? I am not sure. 18 is the most common age of consent? I'm funny in that I am attracted to people my own age.  I don't think he raped her either. And I definitely think McGowan and her buddy or sorry- but I see people as male and female. If someone gets a sex change or doesn't identify, then whatever. It's none of my business. I don't hate them. But beyond that, I think McGowan and her friend could be members of the informant club and this is ultimately another distraction.

I will add that the kid was 17 and legally not able to consent in California. Argento should have kept her mouth shut. I'm not sure what career she is trying to save. No one will want anything to do with her ever again. The world is changing rapidly. Trump is not the only one grumbling fvck this and fvck you at this juncture.

The Colin Kaepernick story seems state-sponsored. It's hard to take it seriously. Nike is corporate. I noticed towards the beginning that Colin seemed pro-military. He ain't no Malcolm X. I for one have been ranting against cops since 2007. That's when I saw police abuse and murder rising to the top of the zeitgeist feed. Not only should something be done about police, football should be made illegal. It's too dangerous. But I'm the kook. I'm the troll.

Yeah, I concede that Patriot's owner Robert Kraft is some form of Illuminati. Unfortunately pointing that out makes me sound unhinged according to the deep state's gaslighting program.

I hope Roy Moore is successful in suing the fake comedian Sacha Cohen. I don't like Moore either, but that was clearly fraud.

I'm sick of the carnival show. I want a freed Julian Assange.

Jack Dorsey is a turd as is Sandberg. There was an actual political thingie going on and not just Alex Jones trying to keep his cointelpro career cooking.

What a disturbing, disgusting world this is. I don't miss Twitter and never fell for Facebook.

I would probably have gotten into Youtube a bit more. I miss my movie channel. I'm just plain outright against fake news, totalitarianism, corporate censorship and the war industry. I'm funny like that. It's not my fault no one believes anything or anyone anymore. That's what happens when criminals in power get caught rigging elections yet merely continue to push the Russian hoax.

Will there be a boomerang? Not by me. I saw some kid drove a truck into a t.v. station. Like the Youtube shooter, he didn't really think things through.

The kid in Boston got twenty years for terrorism. It's the one where the father is a cop. The articles even admit it was entrapment. It's not said exactly that, but they are not fooling anyone in which every time it is revealed that an FBI informant created the crime.

The deep state targets the mentally ill for fake terror charges.

Everyone knows it. Everyone knows Bernie was meant to be president and nothing was done about the DNC election fraud. No one believes the Russian hoax. There's never any proof. Craig Murray says he picked up the Podesta materials in Washington, D.C.. Seth Rich ended up dead apparently by either a random lunatic or the Clinton Mafia. File under just saying. It clearly wasn't a "botched robbery."

Ben Affleck at age 46 is basically dating a little girl aged 23. I don't mean to belittle Millennials or sound sexist. I am against such an age gap. The French president and the Argento story shows that younger men can also be taken advantage of by older women.

It looks like people were getting paid by Soros or wtf to protest the supreme court hearing. Everything has been reduced to a circus.

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