Friday, September 7, 2018

The hum is real.

I've heard both forms of it. There's the horn. It's sort of like those used at hockey games. The other hum is the lower frequency rumbling.

There don't seem to be any answers. This is actually looked at as a proven phenomenon, just mysterious as to what's causing it. Chemtrails are spun as fiction. Those who believe in them are paranoid or mistakenly believe persistent contrails are deliberately created.

H.A.A.R.P. is not a conspiracy theory.

The problem is there is nowhere to go to get real scoops and insights.

JFK is not a conspiracy theory. There were at least two shooters proving the tragedy a verified conspiracy.

The hum is not tinnitus. One YT channel named NerdAlert spins it as only heard by two percent. It's a disgusting show. The hosts couldn't help smirking when mentioning it drove someone to suicide. And yet again, the use of "Illuminati" symbols was in clear view.

The propaganda is laid on very thick. The guy who looks like the Radiohead dude is wearing a corporate t-shirt. They say it is mostly older people and it's heard indoors.

It's Yanny versus Laurel time again?

Question your ears and minds?

Real true local affiliates have covered this.

I think the lady started getting freaked out with his hands. Like Rogan did as covered in a previous entry, he held that fvcker for a long time.

They don't sound natural. They do sound mechanical. Is it underground tunneling? Is it H.A.A.R.P. related? See, this is the problem with allowing the Military-Industrial Complex to be above the law and society. They are outside of government reach. They are the true rulers. They are the shadow government. They probably know exactly what is going on with the Hum.

And a disinfo agent like Joe Rogan laughs at the idea he would sell his soul or work for the deep state to have access to the most mysterious of truths. Where did he get that idea? Who would say such a thing?

Here's some more double bind. To attack Christianity is to aid a fracture point. They or disinfo agents acting as Bible thumpers claim those are biblical trumpets telling us it's approaching the endgame. They clog up too many videos and comments. People just want to know wtf is the hum.

Mainstream gaslighting over there.
Proselytising over there.

It took a while for people to acknowledge chemtrails might not be that nutty of an idea. They were working inside all day. People outdoors in nature saw them.

The hum isn't as common as chemtrails. That's why they're never mentioned. There was no need to fake debunk them by creating a zoo environment for that specific batch of internet addicts.

This could be the first time I've ever commented on them.

This is why we need Wikileaks. Before Snowden proved the harsh reality of disinfo agents, people like me would get abused on forums as a kook.

We were calling out people like Moulitsas and Al Giordano. Hal Turner was huge because there was finally a pay stub. He was just one guy, so I was still spun as a loser for calling everything rigged disinfo.

Then Snowden did what he did and I was instantly vindicated.

Maybe someone could leak info on the hum if we had Julian. Ecuador caved in. Wtf is going on? Why is social reality so unfair? It no longer seems possible to think our way out of the big mess. Assange is the current biggest fight going on, yet nothing ever gives. Is he okay? His immediate freedom must be granted. He is a modern day Socrates telling the elites they are not as smart and special as they pose. No one has come close to what he revealed. It wasn't just another news cycle.

Those Podesta emails were gold. I'm lazy or else I would crank out a book on all of this. Someone will and it won't move any needles. I keep thinking back to the Church Committee and wondering what they accomplished. It looks like zero, zilch nada.

Assange took it to another level. 2016 brought his most productive achievement. With all due respect to Chelsea Manning, what she leaked wasn't the U.S. Military's first war crime rodeo. The deep state acts as if there's nothing to see, we're moving along to the Trump fracture point.

So Assange and Manning kicked it off. I suppose go back further to what'shisface who exposed the Spy Factory. This is actually the easiest conspiracy of all to claim as verified due to 2016.

Pizzagate is important. The phrase to me doesn't mean there's necessarily a pedo ring operating out of Comet Pizza. But I saw the paintings in the Podesta homes. I wasn't blind to spirit cooking. Of course stopping pedophilia and child abuse should be the #1 priority of a civilised world. Alefantis is very creepy. So pizzagate is not off the table. I don't follow any of it. It's like some of Black Lives Matter meant something positive. It wasn't all co-opted astroturf starring DeRay McKesson. The Boston chapter was effective confronting Hillary backstage at something. BLM is a phrase like Anonymous. It is now free and can be defined in many ways.

It's a bit late in the ballgame to be stuck in demented medium loops?

There should be thousands, a huge protest on behalf of Julian.

The Podesta emails proved collusion between media and government.
This is why they are trying to kill Mr. Assange. They seem to have murdered the missing Wikileaks guy. I haven't heard much roar from Wikileaks since those Podesta leaks. Granted, the CIA documents were good to great but came across as akin to water is wet. But the Podesta emails showed much, much more. If we can't control the politicians as in we the people, we'll never be able to reign in the Military-Industrial Complex.

Pizzagate in hindsight might have been a planted distraction. Militarised alternate reality games isn't a conspiracy theory. Maybe we need to ban the word conspiracy. It may in itself have become a distraction.

And it is all now very surreal. The Russian thing is a hoax. The worst part is knowing that even after everything is revealed, as in they trolled themselves, they still push towards the endgame of total surveillance and never ending war.

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