Monday, September 24, 2018

Authentic True Real Bottom Line News

This is where following Daily Mail pays off.

                                               That's good acting?

I was one of those schlubs (a Lenny word) who went door-to-door requesting donations to help save some planet. We'd pile in a car with other so-called activists. It was more of a fun, unique job. I remember one older dude. We were in the back seats and he started ripping into me.

"Why are you always acting?"

I didn't know wtf he was talking about. Today looking back, the punk was clearly gaslighting.

In my next life there will be a scenario in which another dude will brain fvck me with, "Why is everything a joke to you? Why must everything be reduced to a bit or schtick?"

It was bad enough Asia flaunted the open relationship. That's what was first thought to have put Mr. Bourdain over the edge.

It had to be the kid part. Anthony must have felt so embarrassed and realised that story would eventually emerge into the zeitgeist. It's one thing she openly cheated on him through the media stalkers. On the surface, that had to have been the final straw. But I think it was this kid who actually put Bourdain over the edge.

Geez, get him into some counseling a.s.a.p.. He looks devastated.

Asia was just quite a bit less of a pedophile than Mary Kay Letourneau. I think there are levels to it. It's a tough topic because there is no set law for each state. Eighteen seems safe enough, but someone 17 could be somehow more mature than a person aged 20. It happens. The key is we should be attracted to people our own ages. That basic truth can prevent a lot of unnecessary heartbreak and shenanigans. They are called peer groups and perhaps the most powerful influencers of them all. We are meant to be with people of similar ages in regards to hanky panky.

The Italians are mocking Jimmy Bennett for claiming rape.

This is a bad look for all involved including perverts from Europe.

Letourneau is still nuts. She too was recently interviewed. She is blaming the kid. She egged him on to admit he was "the boss" at aged 12 who pursued her.

That guy, that poor fella. Now that's a true victim. He seems to be doing the right thing sticking by the lady.

Asia Argento is not as demented as her but it's not as far apart as it may seem. I forget the other kid's name, but 12 is way too young. Uhm, these women are craving their childhood innocence days. It's gotta be that. The women want pure guys. Men are to blame for everything for them? But not the boys and Momma's gonna make all the pain go away. Philosopher Pink Floyd covered that. She's gonna put it back together the way it's supposed to be or something.

Things have really gotten twisted in regards to the medium.

That's my take on Asia and Jimmy. He's an adult now. It's well past time to keep dragging Argento through the mud. She's rightfully finished. Sure, he was victimised but he was old enough in which it was statutory rape based on which state claims it as such as in nothing was forced. File under fake news and crocodile tears?

This is one more reason to make schadenfreude great again. If it were, then such trashy stories would hit the news cycle and go away as in bing, bang, boom, buh-bye. However, it continues to get milked.

Speaking of milk, Selena Gomez apparently removed the Instagram photo of her new boobs. Some suggest perhaps she didn't get plastic surgery but rather created upperboobs through bra manipulation. Others contend she is on tilt due to Bieber and the Baldwin woman.

What I find funny about Gomez is she acts all holier than though wearing crosses and acting like the sweet innocent lady woman, yet she gets downright satanic in her videos. I don't like shallow hypocrites. She comes across as extremely petty and unsophisticated. Bieber and Baldwin aren't going to be finishing any crosswords soon either.

Bourdain couldn't have cared less she was out and about with the model or wtf. That made him look good. It was the baby faced kid who drove him over the edge. He must have felt so disgusted and ashamed after sticking up for her. He wasn't jealous.

She is so nasty. She is blaming Anthony for "abandoning me, my kids."

Ugh, Selena Gomez has apparently been driven off of social media due to trolls such as myself. To paraphrase, she's saying even rich, elitist fake singer/actresses with brand new obvious boobs or it's the bra have feelings too.

Here's a pause pointing out this is the Tokyo Shemp News Network.

Katie Holmes is the most infotaining for stalker shots.

She seems to turn it into a cat and mouse Greta Garbo versus photo stalker schtick.

SpaceX is now admitting it is part and parcel of the military. That's my scoop. I claimed Musk had CIA ties going way, way back. It was in Wikipedia.

I have to wrap this up and take a nap. I get sleepy every day around this time.

James Woods has been silenced by Twitter.

He's a jerk, but no one should be censored.

The dude running Twitter is a Jack Dorsey. This guy. This clown.

To breathe is to be angry?

There's a weird story out of Mexico with mass graves. It's scary. And in the article, the snot word emerged.

It' snot a typo?

No one could pay me to visit Mexico. Sorry, it doesn't look safe.

A yoga teacher is vouching for drinking a half pint of her own urine per day. Fricken perverts and wackadoos are everywhere. Yet, I'm the troll. I'm the kook. Wow.

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