Monday, September 24, 2018

Reddit Conspiracy is garbage by design.

It's called Rule 10.
Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.
The head moderator there has a username pertaining to some kind of psychedelic drug. A quick search shows he moderates a lot of subreddits including some at VOAT. No one knows what his real name is only that he's a disinfo agent.

It's against the rules to declare the obvious that Reddit Conspiracy is paid fake garbage.

Reddit Wikileaks is also paid fake garbage. How else is one to explain verified cointelpro actor Cassandra Fairbanks as a moderator?

Full blown censorship explains everything. There was no subtlety or nuance to the Nazis either and we know how their story ended.

If there was true power through Reddit, the scum from Eglin Air Force Base would have been completely exposed.

It is the extent to which the internet is rigged and fake that people still seem to not fully grok.

Breitbart versus Daily Kos was rigged. That little beaut put me on the map. It's what keeps me ultimately still pressing forward. It's a little nugget of meta history that I hold onto for as long as possible. I want it to survive. I want our era to live on. It wasn't just me and my little story. Moulitsas was exposed. Stuff did happen. There was an internet history. Shite did finally hit the fan in 2016.

Julian Assange cracked the code.

I think Bernie will be the next president. I think the true barometer of the future ultimately depends on Julian's fate. If there is no legit Wikileaks, there is no hope, imho.

What's to be done about the demented Military-Industrial Complex? Even Eisenhower warned about them. They are the problem. They are it. They need to be arrested. What's the hold up? Let's do it. We have the numbers. Why can't someone smart think our way out of the big mess? I'm going yoohoo, over here, it's them! I can get you exact names. This isn't rocket science. How do we start moving the football chains? I am begging and screaming for social change.


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