Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Reddit Conspiracy is Operated by the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex

The head moderator with all the power is a government disinfo agent named axolotl_peyotl. No one knows his real name because it is not a real person.

They are shaping it as a traditional right wing conspiracy sewer in the mold of William Cooper, Alex Jones or Manly Hall. Pick your poison. None of it is meant to enlighten or mobilise protest. It is hard core right wing so as to maintain traditional fracture points.

It's as if there has never been a true left wing. That is the spin. Obama and Hillary represent the Left. They are called communists. The right-left paradigm is the biggest hoax of them all. It's ridiculous but forms the bedrock of oppression.

Reddit Conspiracy has only recently grown into a bigger forum. However, it does not appear that there are many real people contributing and that the stats have been padded. The rule 10 also makes it impossible to participate. It becomes pointless. There is a two month waiting period. I am still waiting to even be allowed to post. And when I do, we shall see if it is deleted and I am banned.

Axolotl_Peyotl represents hallucinogenic drugs. His name in itself trolls the forum. The cvnt named Axolotl Peyotl is an enemy to humanity. All of Reddit Conspiracy is fabricated, manipulated garbage run by Cointelpro.

He might as well have named himself Adolf_Hitler's_Love_Child.

The above was from 2014. The fake conspiracy theorist promoted a Holocaust denial movie. Now he runs Reddit Conspiracy. The numbers back then show it to be a minuscule website. It's a charade and facade. It's no better than the cvnts who control Reddit Wikileaks or in fact every subreddit is owned and manipulated by scumbags. Cassandra Fairbanks is a Cointelpro agent yet is a moderator on Reddit Wikileaks. That is as fvcked up as internet life can get.

Everything is rigged and fake. Nothing is real on the internet.


  1. Yes rigged and fake, but by whom? The Americans? It's lol worthy, but more cringeworthy to me. I agree though. The internet is good for history, geography, facts, urban dictionary, and brilliant for running around in circles, reading the same shite, fake, bs. You make me laugh alot, but also worry you worry too much. Apparently The trumpeter is the laughing stock of the world, "Oh yes he is, Oh yes he is"...
    The UN would agree: Trump later dismissed the reaction by claiming he intended to draw laughter, an unlikely claim in the context of his speech. It was an ironic moment. In his stump speeches at home, Trump often laments that the United States is “the laughingstock of the world.” But, on Tuesday, he was.

  2. Thanks for your concern, but I am doing quite well. I did worry about using the word scumbag or in general sounding cranky and mad as hell in the Network sense. That's the problem with writing. There's no face to go with the words. Blogging is even less informative than radio in that there is no voice to search for nuance and multiple meanings.

    Trump is a joke. I'm not disagreeing. But it still feels like a reboot attempt. I feel under no obligation to support or attack him. The United Nations is a twisted joke. I can't think of anything in this world which is not convoluted and surreal.

    Bernie was supposed to be president. I will never support either party. I will never support police or the military. I'm basically done. All I can do is provide one voice, me own, and hopefully facilitate a little room for others.

    I am still in search of a new schtick.

    I think I saw that Bernie was one of only seven people to vote against the new military budget. If he was younger, then perhaps I'd have more faith in his possible endgame. Sanders to me is the proverbial pissing into the wind or too little, too late.

    It's an ugly, scary situation with apparently no answers.

    All it feels I can focus in on is the social theory side to modernity. I am thinking of dead ends. It is a negative approach. I concede we must have some hope. One cannot merely give up.

    I see the Assange situation as part and parcel of hope versus cynicism. He showed a way out of the big mess, imho, but he is obviously in a heap of personal trouble. He is a modern day Nelson Mandela rotting in prison. It pisses me off to no end that Cassandra Fairbanks is a moderator for Reddit Wikileaks. I don't see what advantage there is to becoming pro or anti-Trump.

    I am Pedro Martinez in 2003 saying okay, the New York Yankees are my Daddy. It doesn't feel good to admit that because it doesn't feel like next year will be 2004 with Assange as the Red Sox finally overcoming the Babe Ruth jinx.

    I am putting my foot down as one person pointing towards exactly who is responsible for the big mess. It is called the U.S. Military. They are to blame for everything, not Trump. It is obviously impossible to change the system from within. That is why I have put all my poker chips into Julian's fate. Only extra-parliamentary activities will save us. That was Mr. Assange and his Wikileaks.

    The laughingstock to me is the system in itself. Trump is but one mere point of the whole. Thanks for your comment as it has helped me to better personally focus. I am a BernBot conspiracy freak. That's my demographic. My final answer is I have no opinion on Trump other than it is all a game. I refuse to pick a side. I refuse to support Neoliberalism. I sincerely believe that the Democratic Party is the personification of garbage and that the right also provides no relief, just more bread and circuses. The Truman Project is demented dogshite. Both sides can go to hell. No reboots will ever work on me. I'm certainly glad Trump beat Hillary but only in the sense that the fake left is my immediate enemy, not the right. The lesser of two evils crap has lost another voter in meself. 2016 has apparently ended all internet history. H. should be in prison. But even if that ever happened, she'd only be a scapegoat, the Bill Cosby of politics. Julian Assange is greatness. He provides the tiniest shred of hope but I've no choice but than to accept it. Long live Julian Assange. I truly couldn't care less about Trump or anything to do with politics.

    Maybe some brilliant minds will eventually emerge providing new hope. They will have to figure out how to prevent sewer rat infiltration.

    I used to think the social theorists I studied were too negative. Now I think they were simply being prescient. People should read One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse.

  3. Wow, thanks for the comment/feedback. Maybe internet news should have the Motto "What Mass Hysteria, and Controlled Brainwashing shall we create today"

    I've already forgotten what those protesting women wearing the giant vaginas was all about, but then i'm not addicted to the internet, for me it's entertainment.
    Congrats on giving up smoking, that is amazing.

  4. I had to duck, duck go "giant vagina protest." It took place in Spain and was apparently a protest against homophobia.

    Quitting cigarettes was easy due to circumstances. It is a paranoid situation in regards to thinking the ticker could give out at any moment. Each day brings more confidence. I am apparently healthier now than I've been in ten plus years.

    Some of the journey is very personal and I'll probably leave that stuff to myself. Going to the bathroom changed a bit. It seems to happen too fast. Think of how beer flows through our bodies faster than water. I have to get used to that. I never had an alcohol issue and don't drink it. My only vice left is a bit of weed smoking.

    I've also been scared straight to eat better. Any type of indigestion or stomach acid and little pings to the heart make me extremely nervous.

    Life is pretty bizarre.

    As for today, the obvious chatter will be on the Kavanaugh hearings.

    I've ordered a new batch of stamps, so I will not be so dependent on the internet for "killing time."

    Someone was arrested for threatening Youtube.

    I wish crazy people would be more careful. We can't just say anything. The classic is one cannot scream fire in a movie house. We can't make threats.

    I feel done with the internet.

    Reddit looks stupid. It doesn't look like I will post there too much.

    I think it's truly f'ed up that the conspiracy moderator promoted a Holocaust denial documentary. I can be matched up to a real name and backstory. He is some anon coward who is an obvious disinfo agent, imho. His actions and that blog line up with Snowden cyber magician documents. I do want to confront that person and the forum.

    There is the rule 10, so it will probably be removed. That two month waiting period is ridiculous. All rules seem to be manipulated in an Animal Farm sense.

    I would like to start a subreddit and take over the conspiracy and Wikileaks topics.

    I am very critical of both the Israeli government and the right wing "anti-Joooos" psyop. People are tired of there being no legit place to participate on social media. That's what I think. Folks get run off.

    I have been aware of the "shill" problem in regards to conspiracy theory for over ten years. It formed a big core of my schtick.

    Or it must be a coincidence that Reddit Conspiracy is the stereotypical nut job approach to the topic in the day and age that such chatter went mainstream.

  5. Well at least The trumpeter has granted women the right to wear giant vaginas.

    I must say though, they must feel like massive dicks doing so,... I mean Cvnts.

    Do you know anyone who would want to borrow the giant a-hole I just made for any future protests?

    Radiohead you say

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