Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Daily Reboot for September 26th, 2018

The Boston Celtics have their first game in a couple days. Today is the two week anniversary for my heart attack. I think everything will work out fine for both myself and the basketball team.

I imagine next year will become the start of presidential election season. It's been just about two years since the election. Where'd the time go?

Start preparing yeselves to not overeat for Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. Haha, once a teacher always a teacher.

This could become my new schtick basically providing a capsule of today's fake news. It certainly becomes arbitrary. There's never anything on say, Yemen?

Maybe I should create videos instead of blogging. Speaking of which, I need some tunes. That's what's missing from this moment. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Radiohead.

The Daily Stalker:

Olivia Culpo is the new Ooh-la-la girl?

Courtney Stodden has put on some weight.

There doesn't seem to be anything on Jane Fonda.

The CIA obviously wants us to think of Trump as a laughingstock. The problem with that is Stephen Colbert is the personification of dog shit.

In Europe the person below is referred to as a cv|\|t. Why can't both he and Trump go to hell?

Drive them into bankruptcy? Who the fvck is watching such nonsense? I am going to find pirated basketball games. I get me news headlines from the Brits. I listen to free music. I partake in the free stuff. I use ad blocker. It takes a special type of moron who actually views ads on Youtube? What is wrong with this picture? We are the product. This is called a war economy. I'm funny in that I refuse to bow down to the demented Military-Industrial Complex.

Here's a pure stalker money shot. This is what I'm talking about.

That's apparently Phil Collins' daughter.

Damn, Radiohead sounds so good.

I'm loving my coffee, this blog entry not so much.

The schtick feels forced.

I've always liked Alvin.

With segregation, one was forced to find Black friends through the television. I was also friends with Theo. I had a crush on Dee. I loved meself some Rog and Dwyane. I had real issues with Rerun. Talk about forced schticks. He was the Black man's Horshack.

Webster wasn't a bad show. The problem was it looked too similar to Different Strokes. Even as a young man I was repulsed by schtick theft.

Howard Stern killed Dana Plato. That is conspiracy fact.

Some poser named Nicki Minaj donated 25 grand to Alvin Huxtable. Sorry I forget his real fake last name. But anyway, he has turned around and donated the money to a fund for down and out Hollywood people.

The key was Owens never complained about bagging groceries. He just did it. He lost revenue to the Cosby scandal.

I think Bill was totally guilty. My problem is that seems like torture to lock up someone at his age. He seems to be a scapegoat for #MeToo.

Maybe the Pope needs to go to prison?

The Daily Mail sucks today. I suppose they are consistent.

Piers is taking heat for body shaming the morbidly obese woman, a story covered by this blog.

Asia Argento should be let alone at this point, imho. The Rain Dove person makes me skin crawl. I would bet my stamp collection she and Rose McGowan are FBI informants. Same with Corey Feldman. I personally think California is due a huge earthquake. I see Hollywood eventually crumbling. There was this show Everyone Wants to be a Millionaire. It got huge ratings. It got milked. Eventually people stopped watching.

Unfortunately it is not about ratings. The money flows from taxes to military back into the octopus/medium convex hull.

"I lost myself."

Speaking of fat fvcks, Piers Morgan looks like he could lose a few pounds.

What's up with the Pope?

What does that mean as in modern standards?

How is one to not get stressed out? The Pope is apparently a pedophile and/or protects them.

There's no more Dunkin' Donuts. They are just going with Dunkin'. How about they can fvckin' off? That's news?

As a former teacher, I feel compelled to add an opinion to the story on the woman who was fired for refusing to give half credit to non-existent work.

Schools are part and parcel of the big mess. Any real true authentic revolution will include taking over of all local power from pigs. I side with the teacher who was fired. If someone passes in no work, they deserve 0% for a grade. People who comprise the school power structure are the morons, not her.

Do some teachers take it too far and overdo homework? Sure. The problem is the groovy teachers never make it. There is something called authoritarian personality disorder. Those afflicted with that are rewarded by the system. There's a reason why most people can only remember one or two teachers who made sense. Most people suck including educators. It's a brutal truth which forms the core of oppressive social reality. First things first, folks need to pull their heads from the medium's grip.

Perhaps I am part and parcel of the big mess. These kind of entries are seemingly promoting the medium reboot I wail against.

It's possible. There is so much that I am finding as couldn't care less content. Meghan Markle shut her own car door. That is apparently news.

My big challenge is to not sleep during the day. I've been sleeping so much lately. My proudest accomplishment is quitting cigarettes. It's two weeks from right now when I had my last one. Oh how life can change in mere moments. This feels like bonus time. A woman died the other day at age 54 from a heart attack. I feel so lucky. It coulda probably shoulda been me.

It's mortality. The shocking truth is that we were born to die.

Stolpman has one line in the Ketchup King in which he admits to selling out.

I pulled a bit of inverted Sirhan Sirhan on myself. I kept repeating:

I will not sell out.
I will never sell out.
I refuse to sell out.
Blah, blah blah.
Etc. and so forth.

Reincarnation is what it is. But why rush to start over? The fruit of life is in the blossoming even deep into old age. Enlightenment means what it says. Everything will happen in due time.

It's painful to continue especially when one has zero faith in medium or pretty much anything. Yet, there's no choice. There can be no giving up. There's nothing but the moment anyway. There's nothing more but so-called feeding the blog or whatever it is that rocks one's internet addiction.

There's something new on Wallis Simpson. She's the woman for whom Edward VIII abdicated the thrown. So apparently they didn't even love each other. He looks like he was in love with being in love. She seemed to be in love with the mirror. Add another shrimp hoax to the barbie, lads.

I have no respect for this type of woman.

She was an ingrate against true love and complained about money.

What a clown carnival life has been. They were never in love. There was no George Washington Cherry Tree. No Santa Claus. And this woman wanted nothing to do with the fella after all.

                        Everything is rigged and fake including abdications.

The Jeremy Piven story looks interesting. Wtf was he doing performing his schtick in front of #MeToo people? He allegedly ended up stealing my fvck you and fvck this schtick.

Miss Utah went on a date with someone with autism. It's an awwww kind of story. I need some lunch........

I've only a few stories left to vet.

A cvnt named Ken Paxton is the attorney general in Texas. He claims students must recite the pledge of allegiance.
School children cannot unilaterally refuse to participate in the pledge.
The Pledge of Allegiance is trash, period. How can the student lose her lawsuit? On what planet is anyone forced to recite anything they don't want to? How is Texas not demented? I've been forced to self-censor. Sure, people are people and Texas is just another state? I don't know. I think it's demented. Slavery was demented. The South is crazy f'ed up. Truth is truth. Alabama is shit. Yeah, the North has some issues, too. I'm fricken left with nowhere to go. That makes me so mad that our civil rights have been flushed down a toilet.

Judi Dench is supporting Kevin Spacey.

Oh. My. God. Why does everyone suck including her?

There's a new "conspiracy" article spinning people like myself as schizophrenics. Stolpman recently claimed to be schizo. He basically works for Cointelpro. What else could he be up to? Sometimes there are no coincidences and they troll themselves.

The main Americano psyop is called conspiracy stories. Look at how everything gets lumped together. Thinking the CIA killed JFK is tied to the hip of Alex Jones' Sandy Hook schtick.

See how they want conspiracy to be seen as right wing?

I quit cigarettes. Maybe it is time to quit Daily Mail.

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