Saturday, October 20, 2018

I'm sort of back.

I continue to recover from the heart attack but not my deteriorating writing skills. As I've finally found the courage to break off from the medium grid, I've lost the will to care about letting it rip on anything and everything. I don't trust audiences nor the state apparatus.

Some comments were left in moderation, but I am wary of letting them through. Someone claims to have real life info on the Reddit Conspiracy moderator but after looking, I see no substance to the claims. Another person leaving comments seems to be the same bloke who inspired me to shut down instant guest posts. He kept referring to dicks and then vaginas. I despise paid fakes and trolls. I don't know who that was. Maybe he is just a socially awkward individual. But this is my fvcking blog with a history. I am not some random chump who needs anything from anybody. I did it my way, as the song went. He wants me to keep avoiding the stress of social media, but to keep blogging on it because it's funny and entertaining. Thanks, but I do not feel comfortable publishing guest comments anymore unless they are relevant or in legitimate good faith in regards to me schtick.

I used to like getting comments. Some of the entries here from way back when had major activity in that old-school part of the internet.

The Celtics are about to start game three against the Knicks.

I have some stuff in rough draft form that I never published. I might be able to mail in that content.

I finally posted something at Reddit Conspiracy. It was mostly copy and paste from my entry here.

The game just finished. The C's barely beat the Knicks. Kanter is good, but they were missing the very tall white guy, their star. It's gonna take some time. I agree with LeBron James that basketball is not as simple as cooking up some instant oatmeal.

Hayward looked good yesterday in the loss to Toronto and then had tonight off. The injured guys from last year including Kyrie have been very rusty. Jaylen Brown has not played well and may be feeling pressure due to how easy the game comes to the younger Tatum.

But I digress. I mailed something in at Reddit and it got a decent response. There is a lot of activity there and if something doesn't gain much interest, it gets lost quickly into the archives.

This is the link and verifies that I am posting there as Tokyo Shemp.

Anderson Cooper is apparently a front man for the CIA and Military-Industrial Complex.

My blogging fastball might be cooked. Just saying.

Getting banned by Twitter and then Youtube royally sucked.

This world is filthy garbage. Everyone knows it. Conspiracy wouldn't have gone mainstream if the dovchebags running everything weren't such demented scum.

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