Sunday, November 25, 2018

Susan Polk Eligible For Parole

Back in 2010, I wrote the blog entry, "Susan Polk Was Innocent Of Murder." It was a famous case. Two close friends know all about it. I guess it used to be all over Court TV. I learned of it from researching some satanic panic.

Now there's apparently nothing on it. The medium no longer needs to fake a consistency. Eli Polk recently left a few comments on the thread mentioning an upcoming parole hearing.

That video is from the go fund me page. Youtube doesn't let me embed anymore. I was banned from Twitter and Youtube. Recently I tried Reddit and it is also rigged and fake. I'll be blogging a bit on that probably soon. It feels like it's finally time to refeed the blog.

This is my last refuge. This is my little free speech box. I was right about Susan Polk back then and pretty much vindicated on nearly everything blogged.

I hope they let her out. I think the guy who shot Reagan is free or maybe it's the one who killed John Lennon. I'm pretty sure one of those guys was let out. For whatever time Susan Polk may have possibly deserved to pay for punishment, that's long past. Same with Assange. I will pray for both of them.

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