Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Et tu, Dick Gregory?

Multiple sincere sounding Youtubers are claiming Dick Gregory was a disinfo agent. The general argument is that he deliberately acted the clown role. He was the Kanye West of comedy back in the days of Lenny Bruce. But then over decades he became the Black man's Alex Jones into crazy shite making all dissent look too wackadoo.

Malcolm X knew what was going on. He'd have no platform right now but that's besides the point. Harry Belafonte is the last famous guy I recall who spoke truth to medium. He must be up there for age even older than Tommy Heinsohn. God bless them. Harry was the Barbara Streisand of the Black man. He could sing, act and do it all. He told the Democrats that perhaps the party had become unsalvageable. That was way before anyone had heard of Bernie Sanders.

Malcolm X claimed Gregory was put in place to distract Black people. That sounds very plausible. Malcolm X was extremely smart and philosophically he had a very entertaining, cerebral schtick. Gregory had become famous from doing clever man stand up comedy but over the decades was unable to avoid a growing association between his name and the kook label. He seems to have deserved it and perhaps willingly for money. It's sounding like Dick Gregory was an actual tool of the state apparatus.

Was Prince a pure wackadoo? Not everyone can be cointelpro? I don't think so and believe he was eccentric and off-topic.

But Dick Gregory as a paid fake makes perfect sense. Apparently he was a big fan of the shape shifting theory with bad guy humans as reptiles.

That must have been a coincidence just like the Reddit Conspiracy moderator promoting Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told? I don't think so. Those are not coincidences, imho. The demented deep state is scripting and simulating social media. Everyone knows this because it turned out to be true as revealed and verified by authenticated documents we were never meant to see. They are called "conspiracy stories." That's what Dick Gregory and Alex Jones work for. Rogan also works for them. Jim Carrey is cointelpro. As is Kanye West. No one famous is our friend. There is no such thing as a free press. There's only propaganda and psychological operations in play for internet. The truth hurts but it is better to be aware.

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