Sunday, December 23, 2018

I'm seeing no information on Susan Polk.

This is further proof that everything is rigged and fake. Back in the day this was a big story which played out on national television. Susan was sentenced to 16 years to life. She is up for a parole hearing this month. It may have already happened. I am on duck duck go but also tried google and there is absolutely nothing recent on her. Everything is from the 2000's.

It's pretty fvcked up that this humble blog mentions Polk yet where is the MSM? They sure were interested in the story back in real time when it unfolded. They made a lot of money off of it. Now that she is up for parole, it is nothing but the sound of crickets chirping.

Eli was the one sibling who stuck up for his mom. He recently left a comment on my old post. Otherwise, I would have no idea Ms. Polk is on the docket for an important hearing. Eli said he was going to share some unseen documents, but maybe my Tokyo Shemp avatar scared him off.

I had to put comments on moderation because the ptb's in the cointelpro program like to fvck with me. Maybe that's how Eli and myself have lost connection. Maybe he has changed his mind and does not want to interact. That is his right. His mom definitely got railroaded. There were so many extenuating circumstances. At a minimum, she killed out of insanity. She has served her time. She needs to be let out and live out old age with dignity. Felix Polk was not a good person. I covered that in my entry.

Others like to say lock them up and throw away the key without any consideration of why and how events took place.

He groomed her as a teenager. Unless someone can show she is violent and a threat to society, hers was like most murders. They happen unplanned. People snap. I don't know exactly what happened, but it seems quite likely that the only person ever in any danger from Susan Polk is the person she killed. He brought it on himself. He broke ethics by pursuing her. Susan Polk poses no threat to anyone, imho, and should be let out to a halfway house and then given a chance to live free in peace outside of the prison system.

But no one cares. I see nothing on her situation. This shows that the system is pure stinking garbage to be boycotted. Both right and left news is fake and boring bread and circuses. They just want your clicks and views for money. Nothing ever changes. No one is ever held accountable. Assange continues to be oppressed. The U.S. Military has broken constitutional law. Most people suck and might as well be automatons. The social structure is trash. It's better to know the truth.

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