Saturday, January 12, 2019

Fake fight between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan

The same thing happened back around the turn of the century between William Cooper and Alex Jones. They had a fake fight in which the "chief commander" disinfo talking head role was transferred from Cooper to Jones. Now it is being handed over to CIA asset Joe Rogan.

I'm not trying to sound like a clown. If people deny that Cooper, Tucker and Moulitsas aren't verified CIA media agents when it's clear as clean water, there is far less evidence for smearing Rogan as cointelpro. It doesn't matter anyway what I think. What matters is what the vast majority of the zeitgeist believe. And I'm pretty darn sure they think Joe Rogan works for the Military-industrial Complex.

Joe is an influence leader same as Cenk. Tucker Carlson is another one. My philosophy says that the best bet would be to drive such people into bankruptcy and effectively end the convex hull influence charade. Would it not be wonderful to hear CNN has declared bankruptcy and no longer exists? It would be outstanding if we the people could start accomplishing at least little things like that.

It looks like the script had Joe spreading positive disinfo on Soros at the expense of Alex Jones. That seems to have started a few months ago. That's called a reboot attempt.

Myself personally I do not follow any of these guys. Every once in a while it happens but usually I am just into free music and not much else. I suppose I blog? I am still following the Boston Celtics. Yesterday I listened to Alan Watts for the first time in quite a while. Sometimes we need refresher courses to stay grounded. If you want to hear reggae, it's Bob Marley. If one is in the mood for buddhism, it's Alan Watts for that genre. Experiencing nirvana begins and ends with Alan Watts, period. He nailed the topic for us. I can't stop digressing!

I was listening to some of The Ghost True Capitalist Radio Show. Perhaps I should blog on that. I actually think it was a government run psyop and entrapment carnival. Some of it is very funny but ultimately it desensitises and represents pure divide and conquer, not comedy. Alex Jones used to crack me up, too. That was ten years ago? It is now impossible to laugh at Kramer on Seinfeld or Cosby knowing who they really are as people. It's the same with Alex Jones. It is very easy to quit the medium because 99% of it is twisted garbage.

I'm happy in general. I appreciate all the food and sleep each day. I am in the moment and that's all we can ever ask for. I'm still drinking coffee but am not allowed to drink too much. It has to be mixed and diluted with decaffeinated. I don't miss cigarettes. I do tend to get a lot more tired. It is mind blowing to realise that one of these days will include our last breath. It could be today. It could be in twenty or fifty years. Younger people have it easier to not think about it. I'm still thinking reincarnation explains everything. Watts figured it out. When in doubt, listen to him and he provides all the clear imagery needed to grok what and who we are.

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