Saturday, January 12, 2019

Part of this is definitely my scoop. I called it #Comictelpro.

Maybe most of it was done at Twitter and my destiny has been stolen. I went down the list of all the numbnut fake comics affiliated with Joe's show. I remember Callen and especially Doug Benson. Oh, fricken Stanhope was quite an obvious deranged lunatic probably voted in high school as most likely to be a narcotic agent's informant.

This guy TBaggin linked to seems to be associated with the milieu. I don't know him and will not vouch for his schtick, but he covers the Jones/Rogan squabble. He covers some of the Comictelpro aspect to the Rogan schadenfreude. He also goes over Onnit and the weird fleshlight thingie. Probably most importantly he takes a reasonable approach to the DMT part. Joe crossed some major lines promoting dangerous drugs to masses of impressionable people.

If Alex Jones can be sued for the Sandy Hook nonsense, I'm pretty sure Rogan could be sued for influencing someone into taking hard drugs. It's despicable. The common knowledge has always been for one to keep a sealed yapper. We didn't speak out loud even about marijuana. Loose lips sink ships.

There are too many coincidences surrounding Joe Rogan. If he doesn't work for the CIA, then no one does, and the Snowden documents refer to operations taking place on Pakistani websites only. Hal Turner was a fluke. Cointelpro was exposed in the 70's and done away with. There's no such thing as entrapment. Of course the Russians rigged the election. Hillary had that thing won. Good thing no one is allowed to read stolen materials hosted by the criminal Wikileaks. Thank God for CNN who can look it over as professional journalists for our protection.

Stop watching Joe Rogan. He's a fake comic. The military didn't exactly think things through too clearly. There is zero proof Rogan was ever a comedian and there is no available explanation for how he ever got those acting roles. I researched him a few years back. It's been common knowledge for quite a while that Joe is a scumbag. Someone would have to be quite the idiot to still contribute to his ratings.

I am done with demented medium loops and have become a pure free agent for wasting time on the internet. I will try to get back into stamps and music and get through the Winter. Then I plan on spending more time outdoors in nature once it warms up. I'll read books. I'll figure it out. Ye will too. You know I'm right that we should no longer g.a.f. about anything in the medium. I haven't watched SNL in years. It took decades but I did finally see what the wingnuts were on about concerning "liberal media." Wow, those Podesta emails were mind blowing. But, but, but Putin. Both sides are garbage, comrades.

We are talking divide and conquer 101. People are people. Let's end wars and start making the correct decision for all issues. We know what is wrong and who is to blame. We know that it will not be easy to change things. It looks like TYT is trying to get Nomiki Konst elected to something. Paid fake fvck faces are everywhere. I exposed her as a Truman Project shill. I don't forget what I did. Yet, it's not about me because it all flew back into the collective consciousness. I implemented a reverse-cointelpro program.

The bad guys can have it all. We will create something different as they rot. Here's that dude. Listener discretion is advised. I probably wouldn't listen to him again but do agree with his take on Rogan.

That dude should shave his cheeks. That is crazy looking. Women aren't into that and it makes him look like a strung out FBI informant. Sorry, dude. There's just nothing but truth here at the institute for convolution analysis.

Okay, here is a two part video I made on Rogan. I forget when.

Here's a bonus video I made on Jimmy Dore. Are there any questions out there on the demented medium loops schtick? Dore and Cenk go on Rogan's. Jimmy Dore spit on Alex Jones. Oprah interviews Tom Cruise. Etc. and so forth.

Making videos is fun. I'll try to come up with those more often.

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