Sunday, January 13, 2019

Freemason Kyrie Irving has worn out his welcome in Boston.

I've been tired of his shenanigans for quite a while now.

I wrote up this classic at Reddit close to two months ago on November 16th.

The creeps who run the Boston Celtics subreddit should be identified if at all possible. They are running quite the trashy, censored shite show. They also own the subreddit Celtics which redirects to the one named Boston Celtics.

I don't know where to post at Reddit. I have the research and writing skills but am done with supplying energy to milieus which don't merit any attention.

The individual who goes by the name Roy Hobbs on Celtics Blog should be identified. They are now called Celtics Strong. All Boston Celtics forums are pure trash because of the people who run them. It is not imperative that such arseholes are doxxed, yet they surely deserve it.

Shiteheads moderating Real GM should be identified and outed. The scumbag named Axetol Peyote (sp?) or something who runs Reddit Conspiracy- in fact every username moderating the subreddit should be identified.

The internet is a big fricken place. Unless someone is a Celtics or NBA fan they will not care about my basketball posts unless it relates to the paid fake and useful idiot schtick.

I wrote this gem at Real GM a day before Kyrie's tantrum last night.

It's called being prescient.

There is a Youtuber named Scouts Honor who should be identified. He is either a cointelpro agent or a random twisted racist piece of garbage.

If someone is a random asswipe, then of course they should be left alone. I know exactly who donkeytale is but do not have the proof he is a disinfo agent. I'm not the nicest guy but still have some ethics. I do agree with the idea that one must pick their battles.

There is nowhere to go as a Celtics fan. I am not even a fan at this point but still observing each game. It's tough for me to think of Hayward as some hero fighting odds to recover from a gruesome injury. I see a guy stealing $30 million per year from the C's who admits to not having liked the team succeed without him. I do not respect any team "led" by Kyrie Irving. I will lose respect for Brad and Danny. I sincerely believe Kyrie will ruin the team if he is part and parcel of its future. These people are not gods and are paid a lot of money to act as a distraction to real life issues.

One cannot go anywhere to participate in good basketball talk. One can only get the gaslight. Reddit Boston Celtics could be the worst forum anywhere concerning anything. It is pure trash.

I am watching this carefully. I want to see what Ainge does over the next few years. I want to witness what comes out of the wash after he accumulated so many quality assets. The problem is he might have been too effective a GM. The other teams are probably scared to trade with him or worried Ainge is trying to rip them off.

Kyrie is overrated garbage and an even worse person in real life. Yet he is still an asset. Teams hit the limit for what can be reasonably spent on players in regards to chasing free agents. Then all the GM has left for options are trades and crapshoot draft picks who often take years to develop if they do at all. The young guys who do improve expect hefty pay raises. Journeymen like Marcus Morris and Evan Turner play out of their minds in contract years and then there is no way to keep them. The luxury tax is crippling. Injured players still count on the books. This is why the Hayward situation is so painful. He takes up a huge part of the budget yet adds next to nothing. Maybe he will drastically improve. Maybe this is bad luck and there can be no relief for 2+ more years of him. He might end up as a $10 million/year quality player over the next two years, but the team will still have to pay him triple that number.

Kyrie has proclaimed that he is 100% staying in Boston. However, he could easily say at the end of this NBA year something about blah, blah and blah, as in that was then, this is now. Schwarzenegger in one of his movies was refreshing and said he lied. Kyrie won't go that route. He won't say that he was talking trash at the time and always knew he might have to bolt. He'll say something like, "This hurts me more than it hurts you, Boston." There's no law against someone changing his mind.

Last night in the post-game Kyrie mentioned his hometown of New York. Boston definitely has great odds to keep him but someone would have to be naive to trust Kyrie's word. Unless the year ends on a positive note with Irving a primary reason for that (with Irving as the indispensable LeBron or Kobe), along with Danny and Brad committing to his god-like greatness, he will leave. Perhaps Kyrie will tell Wyc he will stay, but he will also need a percentage of ownership. Kyrie's biggest fan is Kyrie Irving. It's called textbook narcissism.

Kyrie walking for nothing wouldn't be the worst thing to happen, but it would cut into Danny's stack of NBA poker chips.

I hate Kyrie but am not denying he represents a so-called asset.

It is a tricky, fricken situation. It is an interesting diversion from real life. The trading deadline this year is February 7th at 3 p.m.. That's about three and a half weeks of insignificant nail biting to go. Of course, it means a lot to individual players. But to the common observer, in this case me, this is a silly hobby while honourable greatness Julian Assange continues to rot in the embassy.

Kyrie is saying that the young Boston players don't know what it takes to be on a championship competing level. However, last year Kyrie was hurt and young guys Brown, Tatum and Rozier came extremely close to stopping LeBron's run competing in NBA Finals.

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