Sunday, January 20, 2019

Football announcer Jim Nantz just made the devil horns.

If the Patriots lose, it'll be my fault as in jinxing it. I usually don't watch this sort of thing. I am about ready to quit following the Boston Celtics, too. I am ready to say fvck this and fvck off in regards to anything related to the medium.

Who do asswip3s from fraternities and freemasonry think they are fooling? It sucks because this is no different from telling a Scientologist that they are a nut job. Freemasons act as if they are not demented. They continue to gaslight society on a monstrous level.

I don't see any smoking gun for Nantz as a mason but he obviously is one to flash the symbol and hold it. I am a primary witness.

A quick search does reveal that Jim Nantz had a very close friendship to ex-CIA  president G.H.W. Bush.

I have come to terms with my mortality and place in the world. I am okay with being very smart in a non-narcissistic way. It is what it is that I was born with tremendous outside the box brain power. Most people would have given up a long time ago. I had the advanced degree in Social Theory and simply called the bluff. I am not Christian. If anything, I am a Zen buddhist who studied the works of Alan Watts first when coming of age and then when he became available on the internet.

I know how fleeting everything is. It is pointless to hold onto any ego. One can be against demented cults such as Freemasonry without being part and parcel of some divide and conquer grouping organised through demented medium loops.

I hate Freemasonry because it is too powerful and crosses the line into our mugs.

I saw Nantz flashing that thing. It was no coincidence. It is some sort of superstition based on previous vows and is very disgusting.

I think he actually gives it away if you watch him on video. He is fixated on his fingers.

You can also catch him doing the one finger point schtick a lot, too. This is the beauty of conspiracy going mainstream. I'm not afraid to let the reader decide. They can watch him and see it for themselves. They can look for it in others. I am not talking about someone acting like it's sex, drugs and rock & roll. I am saying to look for it when it should not be happening. It then becomes apparent making the devil horns is part and parcel of their lives and philosophy.

Someone needn't be Christian to realise how evil Freemasonry and fraternities are.

This is taking no effort at all. I saw him on t.v. and within seconds found him on Youtube fixated on making an M with his hand.

Word is the computer and pornography fvcks with people's minds. It's obvious that Freemasonry and fraternities do the same.

I concede the odds are low Nantz will ever read this post but if he does or any Mason for that matter, they will probably wonder how we are able to see it so clearly.

Those who are not conformists are advancing as thinkers. We are not stupid.

Freemasons are cult members. John Quincy Adams fought against them.

People are so not stupid that Freemasonry numbers are apparently falling. Who in their right mind would want to associate with the elitist pigs who have destroyed the planet?

So to repeat, look for this where it is not meant to be. It doesn't mean much if a rock star is doing it.

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