Monday, January 21, 2019

"We do not know if the attacker was a real monk or his background"

I'm reading headlines and selected articles from the trash called Daily Mail. The one pertaining to the blog title says it all. The fascinating part of it was a monk apparently stabbed a street seller peddling amulets. The monk wanted to show him enlightenment through attempted murder.

The story might be completely fake. It looks somewhat real based on photographs. It is definitely fake in that at the end the article says, oh by the way, we are not sure if that was an actual monk but hopefully you keep visiting for more news which may or may not be true. Thanks, fellas.

I almost forgot to mention the brave foreigner who saved the vendor's life by applying pressure to the stab wound. No, this couldn't be some form of psyop. It couldn't be that. Fricken.

We're apparently no longer concerned with Hailey Baldwin versus Selma (sp?) Gomez. We are moving on to Charlize against Angelina over Brad Pitt. Jolie by the way is one of those disinfo agents easily verified. I don't know about the others.

After venting on Jim Nantz last night, the algorithms brought me to public debates over Freemasonry. It's actually discussed as a true, real topic across the pond rather than kooky conspiracy theory. It is a relief to not be gaslighted. That is my #1 goal moving forward. Fvck this and fvck frick means what it says. Get the demented medium loops the heck out of me mug, lads.

The Native American apparently working for Soros or wtf seems to be a war veteran. That's special. Maybe he can share insights on the fake monk.

And the dudes wearing Trump hats work for the John Birch society or ye know what I'm saying. Both sides are demented. That there are always two stupid sides proves everything is rigged and fake.

The Patriots have reached their tenth Super Bowl. That is pretty remarkable but yet again the question remains, "Who cares?" Sports turned out to be demented. Am I the only real true adult left?

The IMF is warning about revolution or wtf from masses of people. It sounds too good to be true? Anyway, that's my scoop because I warned well before those clowns that there will be a boomerang. Check the time stamps. Scoops can be for ice-cream or filling the coffee filter. This scoop means I was prescient with gravitas. I don't condone violence. I don't get enough page views anyway to have that sort of revolution leadership power. I didn't create the mess, so I imagine I'm not prepared to go to prison over the boomerang idea. It's called a prediction based on bad people ruining the world. But now the elites are claiming riff-raff will be ruining an already ruined planet. It's called state-sponsored demented surrealistic brain fvcking with meself as mere messenger joker regular Joe fella dude.

Lady Gaga can a gogo to Hellville? I don't care. She is trash. Thank you, next, for crying out loud.

They want us tied to the demented medium loops. That means their fake conspiracy websites, trashy tabloids, fricken sports pages, you name it. Just don't think for yourselves is the message.

People want the MLK, JFK and RFK murder investigations reopened or looked at or something. This is why conspiracy has been thrown into our mugs. Ellen Degeneres spoke up the deep state phrase. The examples approach endlessness. Joe Rogan had a t.v. show covering or mocking conspiracy, then he went onto the internet to do the same including with CIA and other government troll guests.

I better put on some Jim Sullivan U.F.O. album to cheer me up.

Aaaah. it's called a Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Hmmm. That's yet another scoop for moi? I tweeted Nina Turner that we needed one of those and she liked the tweet. But then I got banned. I knew one Twitter kindred BernBot person from Georgia. She got banned before many others. "They" said she was a Russian troll but there was never any proof and it just wasn't true. One could search her real name and see she's legit.

George Costanza kept doubling down with his going to the Hamptons bullshite. That's all this is. Snowden and Assange blew the lid off of the fake power grid.

The couple who killed themselves should not be mentioned in the papers. They are no different than when killers and other criminals are ignored so as to not give anyone else any ideas.

I scrolled through the article anyway. Why did they do it? They left a tip for the hotel maid but no explanation?

There are a million videos of Black people watching Bill Burr. Maybe come up with something original? I admit he is interesting. He's from one town over from me in regards to growing up. I lived a lot of life near where the Patriots play. I bet Burr could get to the stadium in about ten or fifteen minutes. He seems to have a Black wife.

I was watching two Black stoner dudes watching Burr. Then in the right margin suggestions were a million other youtubers doing the same. Huh, what? Develop your own schticks or quit social media?

The Bikini Hiker has died in the line of blogging duty. It's called death by internet. I had never heard of her before today.

I don't know any of these people. Burr I can relate to although I don't sound like that. Me Boston accent is much more subtle.

Sinead O'Connor's son is missing. I sort of know her in that one of my Irish best friends was from Waterford which is her area. He told all he knew about her. She's a good person and it's okay to hope she finds some peace. Although one of Burr's bits was on how we fake act concerned about people we don't know.

I'm out of content. That's it. I'm done.

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