Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Freemasonry is not spun as conspiracy theory across the pond.

                         demented secret societies have too much influence

One needn't be a conspiracy nut or Christian to think Freemasonry is deranged and dangerous.

The reason why comments and politics are disallowed on many websites is because that enables the prevailing oppressive social structure to persist. Herbert Marcuse spoke of repressive tolerance. In this case, all politics have been outlawed. But have they really?

My recent example has been with basketball. The RealGM forum is one of the places that partakes in a lot of censorship. One would be incapable of posting an anti-military thread. Yet, the NBA is pro-military. Thus the disallowing of discussion on this important topic supports the demented Military-Industrial Complex.

Freemasonry isn't disallowed because it is seen as breaking the no political chatter rule. Anyone mentioning it is spun as a wackadoo. They are smeared as conspiracy theorists. Then the thread is closed. No one gets into trouble for verbally abusing the so-called tinfoiler. The ideas are mocked and then locked.

In England this sort of thing is dealt with much differently through the internet. It is actually taken seriously as a topic. The Guardian is probably considered its best newspaper? It is not seen as a tabloid. One of their columnists went after Freemasonry. This sort of article would never appear in mainstream American media or only in order to mock it.

Secret Freemasons should have no place in public life

My fear is that NBA Freemasons such as Kobe Bryant, Shaq O'Neal, LeBron James, Kyrie Irving and many more are having profoundly negative influences on young players entering the league.

But this becomes hidden knowledge or spread as inane conspiracy chatter despite being easily proven. People are getting censored. Trolls are being protected by forums. So basically RealGM is protecting both the military and freemasonry. They are trash. People from fraternities and secret societies are the personification of garbage and need to be stripped of all power and influence.

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