Friday, February 1, 2019

There's ultimately no way to know who most of these people are.

The above woman seems legit. I have been watching some of her videos and she is apparently a kindred spirit. She wants to put the truth back into the truther movement. I could be wrong and she is another paid fake, but I don't think so.

There is a spectrum from paid fakes to useful idiots. She seems to be neither. I have been burned a lot before so just remember no one on the internet is our friend. None of this is real. It's semi-real. It is kinda sorta something.

Here's an example to help clarify. Pink Floyd wrote and performed something called Atom Heart Mother Suite. They apparently disowned it or wtf but many people including myself are cult fans. Some of us love obscure Floyd. Some of us love Jim Sullivan. Some of us even love both and the proverbial much, much more.

One must be patient in life in order to receive spiritual pay.

So anyway, there are all these various orchestra groups from big to small who cover the Floyd piece. Try as they might, the true greatness can never be matched. It is never close. This is because as Walter Benjamin explained that reproducing art never attains the greatness of original stuff. Schtick theft never pays.

I took a few weeks off of blogging and got into stamps. Oh my, they are a lot of fun. This is a digression but with the values dropping across the board as in the stamp sky is falling, items that would have historically been out of reach of regular guys can now be attained. It is possible to find great stamps at 10% or less of catalog value.

Condition is everything, so there will be a lot of disappointment in this sort of endeavor. But like that magical passport recovered from 9/11 (bad example?) or the tape cassette that never seemed to deteriorate, good stamps can be salvaged. This isn't a blog entry on stamps but I wanted to explain how I can blog non-stop and then stop on a dime.

The Truther Girl was pretty cool for the Bill Hicks as Alex Jones video. She explained how it was a ludicrous idea.

I'll watch some more of her videos and then move on, but knock on wood, she seems to be a real, sincere person.

Then there is this guy:

Maybe he is crazy and truly believes they are the same person. However, I tend to dismiss kookiness as a plausible deniability. It's very possible and quite likely to not be able to discern whether one is fake or nutty. Yet sometimes or I think most of the time an obvious clue or two will emerge making it more than likely the person is cointelpro. That's what is going on with the guy above.

This seemed to be a mistake made at the beginning of his video. One can clearly see he was wearing a D.A.R.E. T-shirt. This guy had on a pro-police group and was talking up some crazy nonsense concerning Jones and Hicks as the same.

My sincere opinion is that the above dude is cointelpro and that they are everywhere.

He claims to have studied both Hicks and Jones. He portrays himself as some sort of expert on body movement and speech patterns.

It's either a coincidence or this is more of the military co-opting my schtick. I had concluded that Jones was mimicking Hicks. Alex Jones is a cointelpro turd who did to Hicks what was explained to do in Snowden documents.

I studied Social Theory (or Sociology if that makes more sense to folks). I am trained to write, think, read, teach, whatnot, etc..

That's about all I have to say about the above person. I scrolled through his videos and he put up a lot of long 40 minute ones claiming stuff about Kappy, Jones and Q. I couldn't be bothered. I only mention this dude because the algorithms threw him into my mug. I was more interested in the Truther Girl person.

I'll try to make more blog entries but cannot guarantee anything. I used to have the goal of living to 100. Now I just want to make it to 80 and then reevaluate. I'm not saying I want to die at age 80 but that one can only try their best. No one gets out of here alive means what it says. We are born to die. It is mysterious. It is going to happen to each and every one of us.

That's why I tend to fire from the hip. It's not like anything I do likewise will change the planet. I was taught how to think and write. I am clearly not an anon coward or not to the extent of most internet addicts. If I am not erased completely from the internet, my story will eventually become known to many. The demented medium loops or however it is phrased explains everything.

Freedom is everything. It is a beautiful feeling to have nothing to do with the demented military-industrial complex and to be on the virtuous side of history. Some of us did speak out. They can try to erase us completely but that will backfire. It's called a reverse-double bind. They need the illusion to persist that we are a free, democratic people with freedom of speech and association. If they erase us completely and go all-in as Big Brother with a zero tolerance for real, true peace and liberty, there goes this is the best fricken country in the world schtick. It's not my fault the military is completely demented or that the NBA is in bed with it. It's not my fault I am a good, nice guy who strove for a leadership role in the awareness movement. I suppose I should apologise to all the morons out there afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. I'm sorry you are numbnuts?

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