Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kyrie Irving is a bipolar freemason?

One can hear the depression in his voice. Other times he sounds as if he is on the cusp of delirium. The entire TNT panel didn't like his apology to LeBron. Where are his friends and family to tell him to stfu? I don't hate Kyrie for no good reason. I'm actually starting to pity him. And I definitely pity anyone shallow enough to care more about basketball than Julian Assange.

Kyrie was wearing freemason gloves in the postgame. The NBA is very demented. I saw earlier that their ratings have dropped.

I'm hanging on by a thread at RealGM not banned yet. I wrote this:

I called out Kyrie as a cancer to go with Morris the day before the Orlando game. I love to say I told you so.

The thingie seemed all over once Jaylen Brown forced Kyrie into an apology.

Unfortunately Irving is back into nonsense with the LeBron call. It is starting to get very messy. The NBA knows drama? It's more akin to convolution. Danny is either acting like a moron or he can't say what he is truly thinking. Ainge is either trying to trade Kyrie or is all in with the dude. Hopefully he can find a moron GM to take Irving if he hasn't gone senile and is still at the top of his GM game. Danny should perhaps be grateful to all the morons overrating Irving. They must not watch him or the team very closely. Kyrie is extremely good for scoring but not much else. He's probably average at best for point guard skills and below average on defense. He doesn't seem to fit a system. LeBronBall worked for him because that's about do whatever it takes. It was about practice, schmactice, everyone move to the side, give me the damn ball and let's star system this beaut while still young. LeBron and Kyrie could take turns as hall of fame ballhogs. Everyone else needed to know his place as dispensable filler beneath the gods.

The Celtics have an interchangeable philosophy in place. They don't change the system to fit players. Guys who do the work get the opportunity to shine within the system. And then in regards to Kyrie, the question becomes can an old dog learn new tricks? This is like Rondo. He tried hard to fit in with Stevens but the relationship never took off between them. Rondo was gonna Rondo at that point in his career trajectory. Isaiah, Avery Bradley, Evan Turner and Crowder and many more became good to very good players through the Celtics. Thomas and Bradley became great. Average players became good rotation guys with Turner a big winner for a new contract.

I've been perhaps Ainge's biggest fan but he is a mistake or two away from looking like a moron handing away triumph when it should be a cupcake at this point to make it to the finish line.

No one will remember Crowder's dirty play if Hayward is cooked. People will remember that Danny gave him the 6th highest NBA contract. Then folks will say hey, he wasn't worth that even without the injury. Why did you do that, Danny?

Rumour has it Ainge made an outrageous offer attempting to draft Winslow but I'm not sure if that was ever confirmed.

Danny is in a form of hot seat. He will never get fired or not for many years. Words often have multiple definitions. This hot seat just places him under a lot of pressure. He either wins some titles or at least one more or his legacy will fall off of future power rankings. This will obviously take some years to unfold.

Ainge is either aware Kyrie is a negative due to his narcissism or he feels champions need top talent with character issues as not so relevant. It's not very clear what Ainge is thinking. It's in fact impossible to know how he truly feels. It could be what this thread reports that he feels it's just words and stuff happens or he is just attempting damage control. He is not going to chastise Kyrie lowering his trade value especially with three weeks to go for possible trades. I don't know why certain media guys are acting stupid. I am referring to the ones so proud of Irving. It's cringeworthy.

This is bizarro world level surrealism. It doesn't take a rocket science degree to see that Kyrie needs to shut up and stop throwing teammates under the bus. Even when the thing should have been over, he's talking about how young players don't have a clue and champions need that top dog such as a LeBron.

The Red Sox finally broke the Bambino curse by trading diva Nomar Garciaparra for a defensive first baseman. It was proverbial addition by subtraction. Do that with Kyrie and the same thing could happen. He was very good against Toronto. He is great for scoring and as a decoy but not so much at defense. Even in his alleged greatest game he had seven or eight turnovers.

I'm hoping Danny just doesn't want to show his cards and is fake acting like there is nothing to see, move along. I'm not a big fan of gaslighting. I see and hear what Kyrie says. I usually expect Barkley to be biased but even he understands Kyrie. There's truly not a debate to be had. This is more akin to schadenfreude. Kyrie Irving is a bad influence.


  1. The Heyward signing doesn't appear to be one of Ainge's better moments, although to be fair it may well be the severe ankle injury in his very first game as a Celtic may have robbed the young Butler grad of his game, or at least to this point he hasn't been able to fully recover.

    Still, the omens were from last year were telling. Without Heyward the Jazz drafted a rookie from Louisville and basically ended up in the same place as year before with Heyward: 5th seed, convincing second round playoff loss to the one seed in Western Conference.

    The other omen, as you have mentioned in relation to Irving, is the Celtics put together a fascinating run to the Eastern Conference Finals without Irving or Heyward that exemplified team ball versus individualism in the best Auerbach tradition.

    However, this year we see Utah falling off and inconsistent versus the prior two years. Boston basically same boat, although hanging onto a playoff seed in the easier East.

    Utah could well be back to the lottery. Currently they are hovering in the usual Western Conference pack between 5-qo in the Conference.

    Was Heyward thought to be a necessary component for team that appears at times to be soft with the excellent finesse play of Horford, Tatum and Brown covering for a lack of muscle?

    Or was this something more personal, a connection between Heyward and Stevens trumping a smarter business decision to perhaps look for a stronger power forward?

    I'm not suggesting this is the case. I honestly don't know but have much respect for your basketball knowledge in general and Celtics in particular. Thanks in advance.

  2. I've never seen that misspelling. I've seen Haywood quite a bit.

    It seems extremely doubtful Gordon would've been signed by Boston if he didn't have the close relationship to Stevens.

    The Kyrie Irving situation is so unnecessary. I'm going to assume he is damaged goods in the head. I appreciated the TNT guys as in all four of them agreeing Kyrie has been up to no good throwing teammates under the bus.

    The Hayward situation is probably more likely bad luck than an outrageous overpay by Ainge. His defense is not too bad. It helped that he didn't need training for Stevens' system.

    My problem is Kyrie for all his complaints about LeBron wants to be a similar kind of dominating presence. Unfortunately for him, he's a little guy or weak looking in regards to the NBA. He will never be able to influence games on both sides of the court ala The King. I'm surprised Ainge is apparently going all in on him. I will lose faith in Ainge if that's what is happening. I don't know.

    It could be a double bluff. Perhaps Ainge simply sees Irving as an asset one cannot allow to walk for nothing.

    How Danny treats this going forward will impact the entire roster. If I'm Jaylen Brown, I'm none too happy seeing Danny group myself (Jaylen) and Kyrie as equally at fault. The "w" word has been emerging. Kyrie is very weird. I don't want young people hanging around him. Freemasonry is demented, period. It's one thing to see people flashing 666 or devil horns once in a while as in a ha ha, look at me, I'm a star. But it never ends. It never dissipates. Kyrie and LeBron apparently truly really believe they are gods. F that.

    I can see what Kyrie is up to. He is a total showoff. Every pass he makes has some sort of wallah yeehaw look at me motion. There was the Bill Murray movie on bowling or the golf movie in which Shooter McGavin turned everything into a show.

    I'm thinking Kyrie learned the wrong way to play under LeBron. The C's have been on an outstanding old-school trajectory since the end of the Paul Pierce/Doc Rivers era. I sincerely believe Kyrie poses a serious threat to the Auerbach tradition you mentioned. I'm hoping Ainge is merely acting as if there is nothing wrong and will unload Kyrie within three weeks.

    Marcus Smart is a great two-way player finally shooting well and he is decent for pg skills. Hayward and Horford can also provide ball movement and easy buckets for others when the offense is run through themselves. Kyrie is the odd pyramid Illuminati shaped peg being pounded into a circle hole. He clearly does not fit as in a what is wrong with this picture kind of way. It can't be everyone else's fault. I was disappointed to see Ainge in the front row behind the basket drooling over Kyrie's Globetrotter styled hot dog moves. I hope that was a form of politics for promoting trade value and Ainge is not really that goofy.

    I don't need the Celtics to succeed. I'd like to see it happen. But I want it done the right way. I will lose a lot of respect for Danny Ainge if he allows Kyrie to take over the team which is basically what has happened.

    Thank you TNT people for keeping it real. Others who praise Kyrie for showing maturity or whatnot are full of it. That's pure gaslighting or stupidity.

  3. Sorry. I confused Gordon with Craig "Ironlung" Heyward, a nice bowling ball styled running back out of Pitt who played for New Orleans in the NFL. I'm leaning towards a wager on the Saints and had him on my mind.

    So, is Hayward going to make it back and if so I think they will keep him and trade Irving to a western contender nearer to playoff time?

    Dallas has a similar issue with Doncic and Smith,Jr. Two ball hogs and one ball. Smith is basically on a sick-out for 3 games and will be dealt soon.

  4. Balancing the roster is another reason it seemed inappropriate to sign Gordon Hayward. There were already enough people covering his position. Devil's advocate says the young guys shouldn't have been so ready. But they were #3 picks.

    Hayward has had a few great games. I think he will make it back somewhat but the year is already running out. Maybe he will become more consistent by the playoffs.

    If Kyrie is getting traded, it has to be done within three weeks or would have to wait until after the playoffs. I am not 100% sure on the dates. The trade deadline is February 7th.

    If Ainge sticks with Kyrie, I am giving up on the NBA. I am okay if he brings him back and then trades him, although I don't think he should wait. The young guys will become very cynical. They will remember Danny as cutthroat with Isaiah Thomas and letting Kyrie get away with being a weird high maintenance diva baby.

    The schedule is looking easy for right now, so there is no immediate rush. But if Kyrie is still here after February 7th, I imagine the Stevens' Mystique will be cooked overdone. Kyrie will seemingly have more power than Brad or as much and Hayward getting minutes even when he stinks might further erode team chemistry. Kyrie was complaining to Brad in the huddle before the play happened. That was outrageously bad karma. Then he went after Hayward. He's been going after Jaylen and younger guys all season. He talked foolish about a phone call to LeBron. He is his own worst enemy and completely tone-deaf for how stupid he sounds.

    It's on Danny in regards to myself. He has me hooked for at least this and next year. I will definitely renew loyalty vows to the Boston Celtics if Irving is traded on or before February 7th. Otherwise, I will be closer to completely saying F.U. to the NBA. I understand Kyrie is a so-called asset, so if he is still here after Feb. 7th, I won't completely give up but that sort of personal trajectory will continue. I won't be ecstatic if Danny somehow ends up with Anthony Davis, Kyrie and some other form of super team. The window will not be that big. Any injury to those guys would be devastating. I don't think Big Threes work anymore. They cost too much.

    Golden State worked because they signed Curry to NBA chicken feed/peanuts. The C's will win a title or more if they get lucky the same way. I think Marcus Smart right now is currently a better player than Kyrie Irving. I admit the offense could stagnate a bit without Kyrie, but the defense would be so much better without him.

    Kyrie is incapable of playing two way team basketball, imho. Hayward and Horford are flawed a bit in regards to their pay but they are solid for Celtics styled team tradition and pride. Their contracts aren't forever. I have no clue what Houston was thinking ruining their frachise with the Chris Paul contract. I think signing Kyrie would be a similar kind of deal. Paul is older but a better pg than Irving. I can't believe Danny is this stupid and blind as he appears. I am hoping he just is not going to throw Kyrie under the bus making it impossible to move him. But if he isn't moved and Ainge truly believes this is a non-story with people as too sensitive, then I suspect Ainge has been more lucky than good as a GM or he's aging rapidly and might end up with Alzheimer's. Tommy Heinsohn has probably been sitting out games as much for disappointment as his health. The games are not that fun to watch.

    The shows and forums for the games are also miserable. I am ready to quit the NBA. I have been ready for a while but the C's are still in the hunt and I continue to waste time on it.

  5. Well, to be fair to Houston, they face a very steep hill to climb in Golden State and Paul was the added piece that seemed to be working to get them there.....until he got hurt.....and even then the Rockets still gave the Warriors all they could handle in the Conference Finals.

    Unless a good team like the Rockets (65 wins) wants to settle for second every year they had to do something dramatic to force the issue while their own team is at prime strength.

    And now look out for the Lakers are molding an interesting young team beyond James. They have played well in Lebron's and Rondo's absence here recently, taking Houston to OT last night on the road in the Saturday night game of the week.

    I was never a huge Rondo fan but I have to admit last year in New Orleans he opened my eyes to his greatness. The Pels were arguably the third best team in the NBA last year.

    I love that Saturday night game of the week by the way.

    The NBA has its share of issues, but all in all, the league is still fun to watch...and emerging teams like Milwaukee have fully adopted the wing and fling style, looking very much improved and on an upward trajectory.

    Toronto with Kawhi also looks to be a serious challenger. Add in the Celtics and Philly and you have a pretty interesting playoffs looming ahead.

    I hope you don't fully give up on the Celtics over Irving. This is a selfish consideration on my part. I enjoy your take on the team and the league.

  6. Gordon Hayward was an overpay but his injury was random bad luck. Chris Paul was an overpay to an injury prone pg past his prime. It's a similar sort of mistake Brooklyn made acquiring KG and Pierce.

    I disagree completely with the claim it is a fun league.

    I don't know who you are but it seems you flatter me and then by the end you are adding in comments that are in complete opposition to my ideas.

    I didn't care about Trump or SNL. I didn't like the overuse of certain offensive words.

    I didn't see Ocasio-Cortez dancing on the roof as any kind of magical political win.

    I would love to see the NBA go bankrupt but that's not going to happen any time soon. Thanks for the kind words, but again, I have no clue who you are. You could be posting out of a military cubicle or not. If so, you missed the part in the Snowden document concerning accommodation.

    "Possibility of over-accommodation and end up looking condescending"
