Friday, January 18, 2019

Satanic Panic Victim Susan Polk

She was just a kid whose childhood and adult life was stolen away by one of the Satanic Panic psychotherapists. I covered the story back in 2010. I get into phases. A little while ago I became obsessed with missing musician Jim Sullivan. Back in the day I was very interested in the ritual abuse schtick which many today might refer to as Pizzagate or you guys know what I mean. Maybe there is an MK-ULTRA aspect. Felix had been in the Navy during the 50's. I truly believe there is always an explanation even if it is hidden. Such as Jim Sullivan wasn't abducted by aliens. It seems he either killed himself, had an accident or was killed by cop or something reasonably similar happened. The alien u.f.o. part is a distraction. In regards to Ms. Polk, the satanic panic part of it has been proven although only by a few sources including my humble nobody blog, so mentioning MK-ULTRA might be pushing it.

Susan was recently up for a parole hearing, yet there is zero information on that. Unless I am missing it, this blog is the only recent mention. Wikipedia doesn't even cover it saying she is up for a parole hearing in 2018 when it is already 2019. The only reason I became aware of the updated situation was through a recent comment left by Eli. He hasn't returned since, so unless someone from California with access to info fills us in or Eli comes back, there's no way to know what is going on.

The media used the Polk's and then brushed them under the carpet or something saying thank you, next.

Fake news is not just a manufactured fracture point between right and left. Fake news is what it is. Fake is as fake does. This isn't conspiracy theory. Unless someone is a moron or astroturfer, one must realise everything is a big fat lie and demented. The medium serves power through a complete obfuscation of social reality.

Here is a transcript from an NBC Dateline on the story from around the time of the trial. There's no mention of the Satanic Panic.

Here's a small clip from Geraldo covering it.

The Susan Polk story was all over the place in real time. It was a form of O.J. Simpson let's all keep watching development. The family was from right outside Oakland, California. I wasn't into it in real time but I have friends who followed it on t.v. while it unfolded. They remember the kids were not in agreement. They remember the days of Court T.V.. After I informed them of Eli's comment, they too wondered why there isn't a media update.

Why am I a random nobody the only blogger who seems to care? It was the same with Kimberlin and other tidbits I uncovered over years of internet addiction. I always wondered why some stories were never covered by the media or how certain aspects would be omitted.

We can perhaps understand this phenomenon today since Assange exposed fake news for what it is in 2016.

Here's a small clip from a Court T.V. program. I am unsure when it aired.

The Felix Polk murder was covered by a crime documentary show called Behind Mansion Walls. I haven't watched this yet. The episode titled Lord & Master aired on July 25th, 2013.

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