Thursday, January 10, 2019

Obvious Cointelpro

His name is Ryan Dawson. He is apparently a Holocaust denier and proverbial cointelpro, yet somehow is tied to the hip of somewhat respected demented medium loops. People like me get banned. Scum like him end up on RT (Russia Today) and on podcasts done by associates of paid fake sewer rat Joe Rogan.

Anyone can research Dawson and quickly grok within seconds that he is a disinfo fvckface. Yet to whomever this Sam Tripoli guy is, that's apparently un problemo de nada. To this day I do not understand how I passed Spanish. Undergrad required it. That was odd. But I digress.

This is the essence of demented medium loops. We are back into the blog entry. Tripoli is a regular on Rogan. Dawson is interviewed by Tripoli. Guilt by association is a smear of a phrase. You are what you think and who you associate with. If you don't want to be labelled a sellout loser, don't promote them in any way. Jimmy Dore is close buddies with Cenk Uygur. So that's an automatic FU to Jimmy. He can never be trusted. Both of them go on with Joe Rogan. I have coined the phrase demented medium loops. A C.I.A. asset and war criminal named Mike Baker is a regular guest with Joe. Explain that? I don't care. Anyone still watching Joe Rogan needs to stop.

Whac-a-mole means internet nonsense never ends.

Joe Rogan is 100% CIA sponsored disinfo influencer scum, imho.

Dawson wants people to believe that crazy kooks in alternative media are not government agents involved in psychological operations. No, it couldn't be the most obvious explanation for wtf has seemingly been going on since around 2001. It must be a coincidence internet convolution lines up with the Snowden documents. Here's Dawson:

I bet these types of disinfo fvckers convinced Snowden to go through with what he did. Edwardo made his move in May 2013. The Aurora movie theatre shootings took place on July 20, 2012. Sandy Hook happened on December 14, 2012. The Boston Marathon was bombed on April 15, 2013.

If people like me could see that there was a military controlled fake alternative conspiracy crowd without the JTRIG documents, Snowden must have been able to pick those off in his sleep. He unleashed actual documents proving that my main conspiracy analysis was spot on. I won the internet. I own this fvcker. It's not that I'm a narcissist. It's called being honest. I got into chemtrails back in 2006 and immediately recognised the problem. I then got into election fraud and yet again recognised paid fakes faking as kook grassroots. I noticed the run for the hills, it's the Joos schtick. Edward Snowden was perhaps influenced by myself and The Last Name Left going after Rivero and the right wing thing - Willis Carto, John Birch. Brad Blog had a neonazi for his moderator. That must have been another of those coincidences? Hal Turner?

The guy promoted in my last entry did not believe it as possible; he thought why would the government put so many resources into making a mockery of conspiracy people. But here and there shite kept emerging. That kid was influenced by the Cass Sunstein stuff. Maybe he noticed my schtick centered around Michael Connell. Maybe he didn't. Enough about me. I know what happened. I am a witness.

The reboot currently attempted wants us to forget about goods delivered by Snowden and Assange. I am in enough is enough mode for the rest of my life. The U.S. Military is run by criminals who need to go to prison. How we get them there is out of my knowledge area. All people involved with war crimes and spying on us need to be taken off the streets. The Military-Industrial Complex and Five Eyes have created a security crisis due to their personification of deranged psychopathic dementia. They have destroyed the constitution and have to be the most treasonous fat fvck faces of them all. Snowden gave up an easy life. He was repulsed by their crimes against humanity and freedom. Ed is no criminal. He exposed criminals. Greenwald and Omidyar then gatekept the content. Assange is the true talent and greatness. He is the true leader. We are now leaderless and drifting.

Dawson has been a guest on Russia Today a lot. Does that make sense? It should tell anyone paying attention that the U.S. and Russia are allies after all with a dynamic similar to the fake feuds between Republicans and Democrats. It is a fake fight. It's called buttered bread and tickets to the circus.

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