Thursday, January 10, 2019

Obvious Disinfo Agents

The Military no longer cares how obvious they look to the vast majority of lurkers. All they worry about are people in the hundreds or thousands who might be stupid enough to believe what is pushed. They admitted Snowden has made their job more difficult. So they no longer care that we know that they know that we know.

A place like Reddit Conspiracy does not exist for you and me. It is in place for sure to make a mockery of dissent and to identify possible lone wolves. Someone who is rational but still interested in conspiracies is not wanted. They don't need us. We become too much work for them.

It's the same process that led to DLC/DNC dominated social media pushing away the true real left and independents. One was to choose between yellow dog democrats or the right wing Breitbart cult. That's the milieu based on duality I personally exposed and did so before Snowden ever emerged.

The offshoot forums for DKos styled defectors are all gone. It's been years since there was a Political Flesh Feast, Free Speech Zone, Pffugee Camp, My Left Wing, etc..

I experienced modest success everywhere I participated. After the old school forums were put out to pasture, I landed at Twitter and Youtube. Now I am banned by them. My ilk is not wanted. People like you and me are only allowed if we can be easily mocked or otherwise rendered ineffectual.

The U.S. Military controls or influences the flow of information on all social media and domains except for very few of them. Wikileaks was just about the only decent website available and now they have been marginalised and Julian's life remains in danger.

The big shift occurred after the Snowden documents were released in 2013, then with the fallout from 2016.

My schtick was verified and vindicated. The military plan shifted to the idea that it is common knowledge that everything is rigged and fake. The word shill started to get pushed more. There are many people portraying themselves as my sort of thinker or acquaintance, but they are actually working for the Five Eyes.

It becomes extremely obvious. The military cult has destroyed the world.

They can't be fooling many people. The lack of interest in their schticks speaks volumes. I'm talking about disinfo agents such as Stolpman who do not get many page views. No one is listening and no one cares about us? Well, it's right back at them because few and far between are listening or caring about obvious paid fakes.

Snowden documents have shown that one of the primary goals of internet cointelpro is to mimic and co-opt. They can't pull that off if real true people develop powerful voices. Yet the more we the people get censored, the more ludicrous these fvckers appear. The double bind works from both directions. That's what I mean by which the vast majority of us are no longer being targeted by such websites. They are only interested in people who can be manipulated. If the Snowden docs had never been released, then we'd still be on their gaslight radar system. But we were handed the goods. Paid fakes don't even try to debunk Snowden and Assange.

The debunker/believer fracture point has been thoroughly exposed and rendered useless.

Search results for disinfo shills now lead to paid fakes fake exposing so-called shills. Results for flat earth psyop tell us that the world is round is the narrative. Up is down. They want us to find people who say what we think, yet become strawmen for the topics. The people now calling out paid fakes are paid fakes. In Snowden documents there is mention of how disinfo agents like to switch real with fake and vice-versa.

Precisely due to Snowden and Assange, they want the topic of paid fakes to hit a dead end and dissipate. They want most of us to move on. It's the nothing to see here, move along schtick. They are conducting a criminal investigation for our safety.

Go read some Daily Mail while we flush out the crazies.

It wasn't always like this. Snowden took a big whack at the disinfo tree in 2013, then 2016 brought about the big historic shift. Demented gaslighting scumbags were thoroughly exposed by honourable greatness Julian Assange. A person like myself overnight went from fringe to mainstream for ideas. It was proven beyond any doubt that we've been getting brain fvcked on an epic scale.

It is whac-a-mole, so ultimately none of this matters. They want to break fracture points. Those of us aware of the fake shill busting psyop continue to be gaslighted. Most folks must be turned off by the noise and feel confused.

The Spy Factory wants everything funneled back into mainstream medium loops. The goal of remaining conspiracy websites and channels is to create fake social movement for entrapment and strawmen. The entrapment part is bringing them diminishing returns, so internet convolution has become the primary end in itself for such domains. Davefromqueens called them turnoff trolls.

When left with nowhere to go, one is forced to watch or read people like them or scroll through Reddit Conspiracy or Daily Mail for infotainment.

"Repetition reduces vigilance"

It's that sort of dead end circular motion. The ptb's want to fracture any signs of solidarity with independent thought while continuing to identify social media participants.

To get wordy and overthink is to fall into a double bind. One must live free or die. In this case that means we must quit the medium as socially constructed.

There are diminishing returns for both the military and the curious chasing after their shadows.

I found one decent video yesterday. The thing currently only has 91 views and it seems the person has given up and abandoned the channel.

"Hoaxer Conspiracy Disinfo & Clickbait"

I don't expect many to sit through it, but the guy makes sense to me. He also started a thread for it at Reddit Conspiracy which only has twelve comments.

The premise is that in 2012-13 towards the end of Obama's first term into his second term there was an unusual spike in the use of phrases such as crisis actors and government false flags. He's saying that such a narrative took off with Aurora, the Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook events.

Paid fakes attempted to gaslight this individual in both the Reddit and Youtube comments.

Even if his research is sound, no media outlets will cover this story. That is the essence of being left with nowhere to go. I have had a number of solid scoops. I was on the phone with Joe Lauria and all I got was that he respected Wayne Madsen. It wasn't just the Kimberlin thing. I had a few other newsworthy finds as a social critic/sleuth. All media has been bought and sold. They don't care about truth or real news.

All we can do is try to destroy their profits. That is done by making sure ad block is used. I never visit places such as CNN or the Washington Post. Those are just two examples, but they both most certainly need to go bankrupt. I used to confront such losers on Twitter and got banned for doing so. Free speech is not allowed on the major platforms.

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