Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez is weak sauce for a reboot.

Every time I attempt to quit the medium, someone tries to draw me back into it. It's not gonna happen. She is nothing more than eye candy. I finally looked into this. Nothing within the system will ever change anything. Bernie's so-called revolution is fake news.

The ptb's are desperate for a reboot. It took about ten minutes to figure out Ocasio-Cortez is not for real. She is basically Bernie's replacement and nothing more!

Alexandria was one of thirty people backed by the Bernie inspired Brand New Congress. She is the only person who won office. And she apparently took the election by default. The establishment democrat didn't take her seriously and took the unusual step of skipping a debate, in fact, having a Latina woman stand in for him.

Bernie did nothing to help Tim Canova against Wasserman Schultz. We're supposed to forget about that? We're supposed to let Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez off the hook for supporting the Russian hoax?

                                                Thanks, Bernie!

The ptb's are not going to allow us to starve to death. Basic income is going to happen sooner or later with or without a couple token fake socialists.

Is she supersexy? Of course. No one is debating that.

I am a bit curious if hair drooping onto her face caused itching, but that's a digression.

Black Agenda Report is subversive. Alexandria and Bernie are not.

I'm not saying John McCain was the reincarnation of Hitler. The former was born in 1936 making that impossible. But what the above shows is that Ocasio-Cortez is full of shite. George Carlin has been vindicated. We are #1 at bullshite. The medium needs to be shut down through total boycotts, period. Anyone falling for reboots at this point is naive or doing dirty work for cointelpro unwittingly or as proverbial paid fake disinfo shill scum.

Stop clicking on demented medium loop links. Stop caring. Live on one's own terms. Stop falling for obvious nonsense. Many panties become bunched up over things I tend to ignore. Then when I finally do care, it takes approximately ten minutes to figure out the medium is still garbage and will always be garbage and a waste of time. I duck duck go'ed Ocasio-Cortez with Assange. There's nothing. Julian might as well not exist to her? But she is a cutie as in ooh-la-la. I concede that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the proverbial lesser of evils. She and Bernie are not going to save us. They actually make things worse long-term by aiding idiotic reboots. It makes us passive. They are fake vents promoting fake news. They are underwhelming controlled opposition.

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