Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Simulated thoughts

Many people will stop posting if they haven't already. The ptb's are upset that Snowden and Assange ruined their plans. Maybe not everyone is a paid fake, yet it is turning into a negative to post on anything anywhere.

I searched "Led Zeppelin plagiarism" within Reddit and there's next to nothing. Whenever the topic was rarely addressed, the band got insulated from heavy attack.

There's a thread on conspiracy in which a person claimed JFK and the moon landing as old school conspiracies first learned and then one moves onto newer ones such as 9/11, the NWO, Sandy Hook and flat earth. The post is endorsed by 72% of voters. I think 99% of people lumping idiotic conspiracies with more plausible ones are paid fakes. That's pretty much been my bread and butter conspiracy theory over many years. When Snowden came out with what he did, I was definitely in WOW/WTF mode.

I was banned by conspiracy yet they still allow me to subscribe to it. That isn't odd? They include me as a member to pad stats yet don't allow me to write anything. Fricken.

They want to slant conspiracy a certain way. It is an effective name for a subreddit and they jumped on it. Conspiracy theorists are spun as believing in anything and everything. They tend to be anti-Jew and leaning hard right wing.

The new world order is tough to dismiss. Brexit happened. Clinton had NAFTA. It is meant to be spun a certain way. This is the military's goofy never ending battle to ensure a fake balance. They don't want too many "Libtards" or "Repukelicans."

They don't want any mention of Assange, but if so, he is to be spun as a right wing Fox T.V. type person responsible for Trump's election. They'd rather he died. They are obviously trying to flush him out of the embassy and failing. Ecuador would have already handed him over to the Brits if it was happening, no? I am seeing all that stuff from a few weeks to a month ago as a bluff that never happened.

Cassandra Fairbanks is not a moderator at Reddit Wikileaks by fluke. It's called a designed play from the Pentagon. Or it's a coincidence? I should shut up and watch some Tim Pool?

All medium is pointless including alternative media. There is precisely nowhere to go and fight back with words.

I listened to a lot of Jim Sullivan to wake up and then segued into a Pink Floyd marathon session. Music is good. I'm no longer watching much of anything. I am following basketball but hate Kyrie Irving. It is a battle to follow the Celtics. It feels so cynical. And lots of basketball players have been saying a lot of stupid things lately with no humility. People following hoops know what I'm referring to. But most folks aren't following the NBA or my specific team. I am about ready to quit the NBA despite still believing Boston is on a trajectory towards a dynasty maybe not starting this year but some time it should happen soon. Maybe it will be this year.

That's all fine and dandy in a simplistic rah rah way,  but I also think it matters how games are won and by whom.

Kyrie Irving is a jerk and narcissist into freemasonry. He is truly bad at defense and makes illogical (hot dog show off) passes every game. He can't keep up on D and is perhaps no better than I.T. was. He gets a couple steals or does well for brief spurts but otherwise in general cannot contain the opponent and especially on switches.

Early in the season the C's were exceptional for defense. Now that Kyrie's ego has fully taken over, the defensive identity is shattered. It's all pretty much about Irving at this point and my interest is waning. Word leaked he fought with the Coach in practice to get more minutes. I like basketball as team work and artistry.  I see this phrase out there called virtue signaling. Kyrie is doing that. He wants everyone to see him as the leader. If anyone is curious. keep an eye on him. He is a form of Jim Sullivan trying to jam a square peg into a circle. Basketball is the man's version of ballet. It's meant to be graceful. There is a thin line between greatness and narcissism. Irving is a specialist as a scorer. It's actually cringe-worthy to follow this. Hayward still sucks and has little power and speed. His shooting is atrocious.

Kyrie is great, but so was Carmelo Anthony. That's all I'm trying to say. And he talks too much. Horford is a great humble man. Unfortunately he is getting up there in age. Tatum and Brown play the right way. The Celtics have not had any real problems until this year and it's with Kyrie versus the team as one unit. I hope Ainge can see what I do and will trade him. But I could also see this as Danny stuck with Kyrie. I hope he at least lets him walk. I feel like Archie Bunker when he found out it was his daughter's and not the meathead's fault. I am starting to like LeBron? Maybe. Or Kyrie is no different than LeBron, imho. They are the same diva in many ways.

I despise Hayward even more and as a person too, so this is not about race. Gordon Hayward admitted to not liking the Celtics succeeding without him. The C's have been the best team in league history because it's always been about making everyone else better. Hayward broke the code. Kyrie is breaking it. But Ainge might not have a choice in this and is stuck with both of them.

I tried explaining this at Reddit but there is a brick wall there for free speech even with some lame insignificant topic like NBA basketball. It is akin to Conspiracy Reddit in which the best word was poached and rigged for a subreddit. I had bad experiences with each of the subreddits tried- Wikileaks, Conspiracy and the Boston Celtics. I even tried a stamp forum and got my arse banned.

Maybe it is my own fault? It doesn't matter. They don't matter. I don't either. Nothing matters. Mike Brown never mattered. Sandra Bland has been forgotten. Not by me. It was all fake drama. Nothing is ever done about the cops. Darren Wilson basically got away with murder. And Kaepernick is pro-military. He is no Malcolm X. Kanye West and Jim Carrey will not save us. There is nothing salvageable to the medium. There is no such thing as a resistance. It's better to know.

There is no revolution to be blogged. The internet is the ultimate bubble. It is propped up by small donations and the Military-Industrial Complex. It's grotesque and demented. Snowden was a typical right wing leaning CIA styled loser, so for him to throw it all away, yes things must be really bad. The institutions exposed by him, Manning, Assange and others are truly deranged.

Eisenhower warned about this. He was the #1 cheese in military and as president. Even he knew and could only wet his pants. Sorry for my language.

Trump is living large. Warren versus Trump would be billed as a barn burner. So is Bernie okay with this? Has she stabbed Bern in the back for a second time? But I am not going to fall for this again. I think the 2020 election starts in a few months. It's called a reboot attempt. They want us to go back to pre-2016 and even before then and forget everything that's been exposed.

I was listening to Jim Sullivan's Playboy album. Wow, he was all over the place as was this blog entry. The guy was on tilt. I would have just accepted the modest but fun life he had. He went missing at age 35? He looked a lot older than his years. There's next to nothing on him. That's why it's so interesting. Sullivan could have been anyone. I wonder why there are no recordings from when he played in the night club. We can only imagine how his band sounded. Was it a bunch of the same guys or did he just go up to the microphone alone and played old-school guitar? The one thing I do know is there are no aliens.

The album title song was about Jesus or others in comments claim Jim wondered if Edgar Cayce had arrived by U.F.O.. The Jim Sullivan story is ultra-mysterious. And now I am curious about Licorice McKechnie. People disappearing is terrifying.

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