Thursday, January 3, 2019

Truth As Subversion

It's wicked bizarre how one can speak simple truths, yet in this day and age that comes across as radicalism. Everyone but true perpetrators get scapegoated. If Assange is locked up like an animal, then what could we possibly do that he didn't? How could we have improved on Wikileaks? Why is anyone even judging Julian?

It's rigged. There is nowhere to go unless one ditches truth as a value. Pick the topic and nothing goes. Anything goes is mythology.

Remember being told to enjoy one's time as a child because real life is tough and you'll yearn for those days? I also remember Creedence saying that someday never comes.

One can't even claim outrage that Led Zeppelin stole music and deserve shame. They stole actual songs and didn't try to hide it. Weinstein sexually assaulted women and hid nothing from nobody. It's called a pattern. Where was the outrage and justice in real time? What about Denis Leary stealing from Bill Hicks? No one seems to give a fvck?

It can't be that. The truth is a few things. Less people are into "social media" as spun. As time travels forward, more people are quitting participation.

The best Jewish story I remember is Masada. The Romans or wtf were on the warpath but the Jews were protected by the mountain. Nonetheless, eventually the bad guys were right there ready to pounce. The Jews were about to be kicked off the sanctuary. So they killed themselves instead.

New Hampshire speaks of live free or die. That's the story of Masada.

I am against suicide and not condoning it. I am for freedom and saying we have none. That makes me a radical, subversive agitating lone wolf person of interest?

I am saying fvck with their manufactured fake image of heroism early and often. The Military-Industrial Complex is run by monsters as in true, real criminals. I never tortured anyone. I'm no war criminal. I would have never been that arsehole chump who enlisted.

The terrorists are the losers running the Pentagon. I would arrest them. They need to face justice but it will never happen because the criminals are in power. Yet, I'm the troll end of story.

You can't even say Led Zeppelin is the personification of trash who stole music from others. It's simply not allowed.

This is the best article on Jim Sullivan. Here is where I learned his music had been stolen.

The Strange Tale of Jim Sullivan’s U.F.O.

I think he killed himself or it was done by the cops. Maybe DNA can be used on missing bodies found in New Mexico. What doesn't add up is that his body was never located. Or maybe it was but too difficult to verify.

There seems to be much more to the story. Did he have money problems? Was he a drug addict or alcoholic? His songs suggest a broken heart.

Lenny Bruce let us down. Jim Sullivan should have been more careful.

Light in the Attic tracked down members of Wrecking Crew, the Hollywood band who played the music on U.F.O.. None of them remembered Jim. One of the guys finally did when the album was played. But the article made it clear that Jim Sullivan was not an accomplished artist. We don't know how much money he made working the club scene.

We know he was scrambling and on his way to Nashville alone.

He reminds me of the woman who jumped off the Hollywood sign. It's apparently a very similar story. Someone with talent fell through the cracks. The system is not about talent. That's the essence of being left with nowhere to go. There is nothing salvageable to the internet or how our society is structured. We were shepherded into ultimately inane clicks and off a cliff. We have been smoked out of individual pockets of tranquility akin to embassies. Julian Assange remains as the greatest human being alive.

Everything is fake. Even Led Zeppelin were lying cheating scumbags.

Rest the glassy eyes. No need to check out the show. Julian will not be saved by U.F.O.. Trump is pure trash for not pardoning him. Warren is garbage. Both sides are scumbags supporting the criminal military. Speaking the truth becomes an act of subversion. I simply called the bluff.


  1. The Incredible String Band converted to Scientology at their peak of their fame. Soon thereafter their music lost its mojo with the critics and the band was basically caput by the mid-seventies. Then, a decade later, Licorice disappeared hitchhiking in the desert.

    I hoped with your cybersleuthing skills you might delve in? There doesn't seem to be much but alas I possess rudimentary cyberskills.

    I'd also be interested in your opinion of the band's music, if any. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for that. I might actually know them from my Ireland days and had them on tape cassette. Those were less reliable than stamps and fell apart. I had to throw them out.

    Yes, I saw they ended up in Scientology. That's disappointing. Maybe there is info at Rick Ross' anti-cult website. I've lost my sleuthing fastball... I found some links:

    Only the first two links are relevant. Use control F to search within pages to save time. That's a good trick. can also be helpful for tracking down broken links.

    It's only been more recently perhaps thanks to Anonymous that it's become okay to smear them as a cult. The internet feels like a race against time before not much will be allowed. The Mormons own a whole state.

    I studied Sociology but have no monopoly on knowledge. The best material is shared.

    When we are ourselves, it becomes impossible to plagiarise.

    I was a form of Jim Sullivan. I just wanted to be a teacher. Decades pass faster than expected. Many people have fallen through the cracks into underappreciated, unfulfilled lives. Basic income might calm down masses of people.

    The last blow to me would be if this blog is deleted.

    Cybersleuthing no longer seems possible. People should stop using G00gl3. That is step #1. I say that while on blogger. Duck duck go was pretty good to help relocate the crucial article on Jim. But it's still not enough info.

    From a quick look there doesn't seem to be any info on Licorice. She is more likely to be alive than Jim but that's probably no solace for family and friends.

    What I did with Kimberlin is no longer possible, imho. There's nowhere to publish without censorship and controlled algorithms.

    With what happened to me and others, why would anyone want to try? The internet is increasingly untalented people out for money. They are tone deaf and do not notice they are conformists and bricks in the wall.

    I keep listening to U.F.O. over and over.

    Jim Sullivan was apparently in the tier just above nobody status. Maybe there is more info on Licorice as she made it closer to the present. Kimberlin was sort of sheltered from coming before the internet kicked in. I actually think the internet died in 2016.

    One might need to use the old school skills. Track down people for interviews.


  3. I don't get the walking into the desert part. It sounds a bit like Theresa Duncan's boyfriend walking into water.

    I have trouble following the Incredible String Band's style. She might be alive.

    I tried Sullivan again on the Playboy label. I'm starting to like "Plain as your eyes can see" for that version. He sped it up by about five times. It gets a bit nutty. Otherwise, I can't stomach his form of country. I bet he was talked into changing his music style if he wanted to "make it." I don't understand why there isn't more footage on Jim Sullivan. If he was truly in Easy Rider, there should be easy to document video evidence. Sounds kind of important.

    My cybersleuth skills are done. It's no one's fault the internet failed. It was too much pure bait and switch. I'm not sure how back people go for internet, but it seems everyone was compelled into addiction, herded and then dispersed. My fear has been that new waves of folks get suckered into new cycles of same old, same old. People can't be that unaware.

    It's possible these mystery people slipped on a rock and died, then an animal made them unidentifiable. It's very difficult to get around no bodies found.

    I learned from AJ Benza that William Holden had slipped drunk and hit his head on a piece of furniture killing him. It was many a plot for film-noirs but it still happened occasionally in real life. Life is fragile.

    I think Freemasonry is just as bad if not worse than Scientology and Mormonism. They are very similar anyway and yet again I am all over the place. The ptb's care about freedom of cults over freedom of speech.

    I can't relate to the String band. I tend to listen to only a few bands over and over depending on mood. I wish there was more Jim Sullivan. There's only one Lon Chaney talking movie. Some medium has been outstanding if not radical. Easy Rider was greatness. I hope Jim was in that and someone tracks down the clip if so. Sleuths should figure out who stole his music. This Jerome tune reminds me of driving back streets in woodsy New England. These songs feel familiar. Maybe it's because of the Hollywood band and album gifted by friends. I probably heard them a million times within knowing it. I think they were called Wrecking Crew. Yes, they have their own Wikipedia. I am learning new things everyday but am unsure of the relevance or endgame.

    Others want to kill the buzz and label Sullivan as mediocre. I bet he put on a clinic if one was fortunate to watch him live. Artists were quite a bit less full of it back in the day. My conclusion is America killed Jim Sullivan as much as it did Elvis.

    Plain as your eyes can see seems important.

    I think he was saying it was a miserable move.

    He doesn't sound similar to a band like Squeeze coughing up silly lyrics as filler. He seems to measure every word like a Bukowski.

    That hippy dippy stuff came a bit before my time. I can relate more to the driving tune style of Sullivan so that's where the obsession has remained. It can't last though with only one album. Jim Sullivan lacked volume. He waited too long. I really don't know what happened. It's sort of sad. Poor Jim Sullivan and Licorice. No one deserves to die like that if that's what happened. We should all perhaps be a little more humble and try to live long lives without cults.

  4. Those links aren't too helpful, sorry. It sounds like you might be able to find info through a library. A book is mentioned. The band is barely mentioned. She also disappeared before the internet, so there's no way to know what happened to her. Jim might have been killed by cops who would know how to get rid of evidence and Scientology is shady. I can't really say more than that. I remember the Jeremiah Duggan story. That backfired on them. The Tom Cruise video was the crushing blow. That might have put Gawker on the map. And now they are done because of Peter Thiel who is one of the treasonous military people who should be in prison. He is the one who sold PRISM. Ptb's are looking for a reboot. The internet feels dead. Maybe I am missing out on great websites or they don't exist. McLuhan said content no longer mattered. That's what it feels like.

    I think the internet is no more special than pre-internet for awareness. The only difference has been Snowden and Assange, imho, and the speed by which their info traveled.

  5. Oops, Duggan was done in by the LaRouche Cult.

  6. I am Anonymous. I am legion. I am everywhere.

    And I'm nowhere at the same time.

  7. Wrecking Crew... It's impossible to know what is Jim and what's them. I suppose one can guess or picture "unplugged" Jim Sullivan. It boggles the mind.

  8. Wrecking Crew could be the conspiracy. If they were so great, why didn't they make their own hits? I've never heard of any of them.
