Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Very Weird Stuff

Chris Hansen of To Catch a Predator fame was arrested for bouncing a check. He apparently had plenty of time to fix the problem but didn't. This has been going on since September 2017. The total owed was about $13,000. How does a dude like him have no money or otherwise let something like this happen?

Is he a drug addict? Did he fall in love with a high-priced escort or wtf? This is very weird stuff indeed, hence the blog title.

Erdogan wants Enes Kanter of the New York Knicks extradited. That's very weird. If I do not include something as very weird it's because this is mailed-in. I am unpaid. I basically needed something to do while listening to Zappa. This is schtick experimentation. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Info is starting to trickle out on Jake Patterson, the scumturd who killed Jayme Closs' parents and kidnapped her to seemingly become his sex slave or something. He was an amateur taxidermist who collected roadkill and filled them.

A woman named Brianna is claimed as having been his only girlfriend. This took place in ninth grade. She is saying he was a "scumbag." I like the phrase scumturd meself. I probably didn't coin the word but have never researched it. Scum and turd seem to fit well.

I don't understand people. Violence is as weird as anything. I've never been involved in it. In the past I've been in some shouting matches yet nothing even like that in many years. That is so disgusting he killed her parents, then put her through some very outrageous torture. I do not doubt her family members claiming how strong and brave she is. I don't know what it took for her to move the weights blocking her escape, but yay for her getting it done.

I've seen some comments suggesting he might have become a serial killer. That seems plausible.

His sister and mom look so normal. Wtf went wrong with this guy?

His father is saying all the right things. I know on the one hand we don't want to give people such as his son fame in notoriety. On the other, it might be a good idea to figure out what makes someone so psychotic and how did he go insane without anyone noticing. Maybe he was abused as a child and the family never knew. Something had to have happened or something is wrong with him physically, a brain tumor perhaps? Society got to him?

The problem with very weird stuff is that there's nothing entertaining about it. Things never change because we are looking at everything as infotainment and not as we should as junk to learn from.

I think scumturd might have been influenced by cointelpro and society in general. He was going bald. He was a loner and cringeworthy for social skills. I wonder what he was looking at for internet. He was apparently a bookworm and smart or at least trying. He had the trauma of breaking an arm in elementary school and took getting dumped in ninth grade very badly. He allegedly slashed the ex-gf's parent's tires.

It looks like he was in the Marines for five weeks and then discharged. He had to feel like quite the loser with women and career. It's hard to appreciate life in itself if one is tricked into believing in society as is. It's why we should very well look into buddhism to appreciate the Tao. When in doubt, do nothing. Listen. Be peaceful.

It's easier said than done. Sexuality is thrown into our faces. I believe the phrase "incel" was created by the Five Eyes as a psyop honeytrap. In this analysis, the state and society it dominates are to blame for all violence. Most people do not have a clue and don't attempt to grow spiritually. I forgive them or cut people slack because I ultimately blame the state for social reality. They are the fvckers who have ruined the world. Scumturds are the symptoms, not the originators. This is easy to prove and has been verified decade after decade into centuries and now millenniums.

The people with authoritarian personality disorder continue to dominate the world. There are no easy answers. It is illegal to condone violence and it's pointless anyway. One can't say go after such and such with anything more than truth staples.

Personally I am incapable of posting on big outlets without getting banned. If Snowden and Assange cannot live freely and none of their work has actually changed much, then anything I come up with is going to accomplish squat. Planet and society equate to an unnecessary epic tragedy.

I've basically tried to tell people to quit the medium. It is pure garbage. I've told young people to never join the military. I've let everyone know how rigged and fake everything is. I was doing this before Snowden and Assange emerged. It's not about me, but I ended up with fifteen minutes of gravitas for my social analysis. I uncovered fake news before it became common knowledge. I was at the forefront of exposing the right-left divide and conquer hoax. It's not about me, but I know what I accomplished. Truth is gonna truth.

The Marines are well-known for being deranged arseholes who haze. Maybe they drove scumturd over the edge.

Patterson is going to have to be placed in solitary confinement for life or I assume another prisoner will eventually kill him.

Cointelpro will certainly use this story to justify their current entrapment and psyop scam. Just search for incel. This bullshite is everywhere. Daily Mail makes us think too much of women in terms of sexuality. There is never relief. And the Five Eyes/internet cointelpro continue to pick at scabs of the lonely socially awkward and some go nuts and act on such state-sponsored provocation. There's your explanation. Governments and society killed Jayme's parents. Things don't just happen as random eternal mysteries. Life is not supposed to be infotainment in which we say thank you, next.

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