Thursday, January 17, 2019

Who are these people?

Perhaps it's more like, who do these people think they are fooling?

I am quitting this one at the 1:48 mark. They are plugging Stolpman and Lift the Veil as if it is a real channel. This was uploaded two days ago. Just looking at them, they are apparently in the military or something similar as cointelpro actors.

I had found that off the right margin suggestions of the below:

Who is Louise Mensch fooling? To me she is obvious cointelpro. I ended up on her Twitter earlier today. I learned for the first time she used to take heavy drugs. I'm not sure why she admitted that unless forced to. If the info is already out there, one tries to get ahead of the curve.

But with Mensch she seemed to admit it for some kind of political point to give her fake gravitas. That was back when she was a politician and perhaps not as obvious a nutjob.

Anyway, I pretty much saw she was a hard core druggie and went aha, that explains her schtick. She was a criminal forced into the British version of cointelpro. There's no other explanation. Everyone is not going to be insane. At some point, there is no plausible deniability and these are government sponsored disinfo agents. Barrett Brown obviously works for the Spy factory or would still be in prison. There are not going to be a million coincidences.

Before I forget, someone also feels the same as myself. His name is Randy Credico who sounds familiar but I am no slave to the medium and don't know many of the players anymore. He seems to think she works for GCHQ. Yes.

Mensch is a vicious anti-Assange troll.

She says it was an A class drug which damaged her mind. I forget the exact quote. If I had to guess, she went to raves and was addicted to ecstasy and cocaine very possibly before her brain had stopped developing.

No one is kidding anyone at this point? That should be the plan for everyone to no longer be fooled and to deliver thought to the point in which it is easier to convey.

The fake conspiracy losers above don't seem to get that many page views. I don't see many flocking to Stolpman either nor to people such as Unirock, Random Ryan Rants, Defango, et al. Fricken on and on I don't see much interest in them and their militarised alternate reality games, i.e. entrapment honeypot scams.

They get a small number of views. Those are their targets. People like me or perhaps you the reader as kindred to some or whatever amount of my blogging ideas- we are not allowed. The same thing happens over and over. It's just nowadays the censorship and cheating is completely transparent as in demented. Fascist pigs no longer hide their true natures. Youtube is actually set up perfectly for developing individualised cult cells.

It was also transparently bullshite back in the day, but try to remember social reality before Snowden and Julian. Things have definitely changed. The medium has gotten so fake that everything is now at 97% absurd, demented, irrelevant and stupid. I am just a mere messenger. I was one of many who was on the internet at the right time to make small dents forcing this gigantic big mess. The double bind has been reversed. We are free and have broken away from state-sponsored brainwashing and conformity. Never forget that.

The biggest crime of the present internet is that it's boring. By not allowing the best, most important thinkers to participate, all that is left is a plastic toxic nothingness.

I wonder what Jake Patterson did on the internet and which cointelpro agent(s) drove him over the edge.

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