Friday, February 15, 2019

Adam Green is a moron.

This guy is an obvious tool of the state apparatus. He claims to have been a low level worker at Viasat, e.g. word processing. Adam says if anything he should get credit as a whistle blower or soon because he's going to expose them.

Adam Green says that the biographical info surfacing in blog court was self-written.  He asks why would he have outed himself as a disinfo agent. That is a good question but he is the wrong person to ask it.

Aunt BB made the same sort of mistake. Beebs done snuck into a video that she used to work for the NSA as if that's supposed to provide gravitas rather than doubts. Markos Moulitsas made a similar form of unforced error. He thought people would be impressed he had worked for the CIA. The opposite happened.

It's called the reverse double bind. These people are morons who assume the default opinion is the military is awesome and we love them silly with mad respect and kudos. Without them there would be no fake freedom. We'd be speaking German. That's the attempted simulated outcome.

Instead of accelerating reform, cops still think the same shite about themselves in regards to greatness. It's about various levels of tone-deafness.

The disinfo shills hate that it's become transparent who they are. The lesson of the Rogan controversy is that people are not stupid and will eventually stop supporting paid fakes when provided with pertinent info.

This Adam Green dude is really not much different from a Mike Rivero who also worked for a top military contractor.  But the latter revelation was a scoop for me. I found something in Google cache proving he had an email address for McDonnell Douglas. Green or his supervisors were simply foolish to include the reference to his working for spy country.

The "run for the hills, it's the Jooos" disinfo schtick is nothing new under the conspiracy sun. Green's controlled opposition seems to be a militia dude. During the last election cycle, Adam promoted Trump and Alex Jones while acting as a fake pro-Hillary. He was dressed as an emo and going all in with the right versus left fracture point. Everything about him emits the aura of paid fake.

I'll add a couple rerun videos. The first is on Mike Rivero. The second is on Pakman who collaborated with Military-Industrial Complex asset Roger Sorkin. And I'll also add on the Aunt BB classic.

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