Saturday, February 16, 2019

Now they are smearing Michael Jackson for allegedly abusing his pet chimp.

Fake news is part and parcel of demented medium loops. Was Michael Jackson a pedophile? Obviously I never thought so for I blogged that he was a beautiful misunderstood man. It's just my opinion he never abused anyone.

I apologise for having wanted something called proof before condemning him.

I remember they used to smear his arse with the wackadoo slur.

Aaah, Chappelle said these people are not crazy. I misremembered (sp?) him as saying these people are not weak. But now me memory is thinking he said the worst thing you can call someone is crazy.

The fake news is also claiming Bubbles started to self-harm after hearing of Jackson's demise. It is such a ridiculous story that it inspired me to write up yet another blog entry.

I want the sun to rise. I want to move from Winter into Spring. It is no fun when it is still dark out when approaching 7 a.m.. I like to time coffee with the sunrise. I read it is more effective that way for providing energy juice.

The one thing I did not like about Jackson was his always reaching for his crotch. That never added up. I recently spoke of unforced errors.  Jackson did that to himself by having kids sleep in his bed and with constantly touching his thingie on stage. I still don't think he was a pedophile but that he had made it easier for media to smear him. I rationalised that baseball players are always touching themselves in public, so I tended to not overthink Jackson doing it. And his music was never my cup of tea unless it was on. I didn't hate his music. It was good even if one wasn't into the genre.

Fake news loves to double down and gin it up. I think that is what's going on with this new wave of attacks on Michael Jackson. I'll say one more thing in his defense. Someone should track all the articles which were written on Jimmy Saville as a predator in contrast to those on Jackson. It seems Saville got away with being a real pedophile and that the dirt on him has only emerged after his death. Michael Jackson was terrorised while alive. Enough is enough. Cough up some proof or stfu.

Most people believed O.J. Simpson killed Nicole and the other fella but the not guilty verdict wasn't a big surprise. Folks were expecting a market correction for the beating of Rodney King.

The day has finally arrived! I am not allowed to drink too much coffee, so now I can have some with confidence it will wake me.

I'm having trouble finding content. That's what happens with a dead medium and nothing to pick from other than fake news.

Courtney Cox looks a lot better without the fillers. Is that news? I guess so. Makeup and plastic surgery are overrated. People should start realising we've all been brutalised by socialisation. We are far past an enough is enough situation. It's why I tend to write in an extremely subversive manner. It's not like many of us have much to lose. It's mind blowing that we all die but there is no way to avoid it. That factoid pushes us to let ideas rip. It's not like we will be here forever. Us older people don't want younger folks making the same mistakes we did. It shouldn't take half a lifetime for people to feel good about themselves. We are beaten down psychologically by elites who have been exposed. We the people need to figure out how to take control of the military and government. Bernie was a nice start. His endgame was pitiful. I guess I am trying to say stay vigilant! Don't let the ptb's think for you ever again whether through paid fakes or useful idiots. McLuhan was very cynical for good reason.

The main error was in accepting the social structure as anything other than rigged and fake.

Donald Trump is very refreshing with his attacks on fake news. Unfortunately, he is a scumturd which neutralises anything good he does. He is a rich man, too dogmatic and supportive of military and corporations and extremely naive in regards to state sponsored conspiracy stories. The whole system is rotting. Bernie was meant to be president. Assange and Snowden are meant to be free and given parades in response to their moral greatness and bravery.

I know my new perspective since 2016 is working in regards to the medium. Social media is a pure form of chains stifling our souls and natural propensities towards happiness. Perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me was getting banned from Twitter and Youtube. It has forced me to align actions more closely with personal philosophy. If I claim the medium sucks and is killing us, I must lead by example by not supporting it in any way. None of us need anything which is provided by the internet. We only keep returning due to addiction and boredom.

Everything happens for a reason? I've never believed that. Random cruel unfair things occur far too often. It's probably time for me to get back into listening to some Alan Watts. There seems to be nothing more important than enlightenment in regards to the moment. When one is at peace with oneself and Zen, everything else seems to naturally fall into place.

Carlin was wrong in blaming people too much. It was his defense mechanism because it seems impossible to save society and planet. He was still mistaken. None of this is my fault and neither is it because of millions of other people who agree with me. I just had the gonads or wtf to articulate it in regards to the Military-Industrial Complex. The solution lies in how we deal with the creators of the big mess. People are punching back at cops with truth staples and the same thing must be done across the board. Read The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills. Stop reading trash on the internet or at least wait until after reading many, many real books by true scholars who figured it out.

There is no such thing as influencers. It's called astroturfing and disinformation psyops. Read Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man. It's pretty obvious who the fvck is responsible for why everything sucks in regards to society and planet.

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