Sunday, February 10, 2019

No name drama happens as much as the big time fake fights.

When I was calling out paid fakes and a rigged internet starting over ten years ago, I was after big names, militarised alternate reality games and fake news outlets. Nowadays it's mostly anon and semi-anon cowards who get next to no page views attacking other no names who also barely register for social media presence. There are people named Rants of Ryan, Aunt BB, fricken fvcken freddy fvckface who the fvck is he. There is a Unirock who is a complete nobody. Defango is a no one, nothing personal unless he is Spy Factory. Few people are watching Stolpman who was actually in a few real Hollywood shows.

Joe Rogan is definitely a big name with a well-known backstory. Owen Benjamin has become sort of a fake famous person. Everyone knows Alex Jones.

My point is that there weren't many of us back in the day outing the paid fake system. I was personally doing it well before Snowden showed up. The cyber magician JTRIG documents felt like pure vindication.

Now that idea of a verified Big Brother is everywhere. I think most of those people are paid fakes and useful idiots. Random Ryan Rants comes across as cointelpro. Tim Pool and Cassandra Fairbanks reek of the Spy Factory category. Styxenhammer666 is paid fake cointelpro garbage. He's been on InfoWars. Rogan plugs Pakman and then Pool. Snowden and Assange have made the deep state's internet scam too difficult to reboot. That's what this is.

I don't know what more to say other than it feels as if my destiny was stolen with a countless number of arseturds stealing from my schtick without proper attribution.

I don't know why some make it bigger than others. One can only theorise. Sometimes we as humanity get lucky, e.g. with the Hal Turner pay stub. For the most part, however, nothing is really happening. Assange is probably reading a book as I type. God bless that man. He deserves his freedom and platform. But if you look at some of the people who so-called support him, they are paid fakes. It's called infiltration and sewer rats. No one or nothing else seems to matter except for Julian Assange. He is one of the few honest people in the world, yet continues to be boxed in with no relief. Why is anyone clicking on those other people? Stolpman gets views? I never watch Rogan. I never watch any of these people. I surf and I want to quit. It's a cold brutal winter and difficult to get outside. I don't understand how any of those other people are still getting page views other than from internet addicts too stupid to simply move on.

I try to avoid all the noise so that my writing will continue to be original.

There's one guy who gets about sixty views for his multi-hour podcasts. He likes the phrase social engineering. He also uses the word incestuous to describe the medium. Maybe that's a coincidence or he picked that up off of when I went after Raw Story and BradBlog. I used that a long time ago. Every big link they were using as proof for the hoax continually looped back into the other. I was the one who made that observation about ten years ago. There was even an FBI guy in documents and Project Vigilant was involved. It's why I was so elated when Lamo dropped dead. He was one of the biggest arsewipes in U.S. History. My impact was made from about 2008-2012. That's when I got fifteen minutes of zeitgeist fame.

This new wave of people talking about paid fakes or the new word shill do not seem very original. That's all I'm trying to say. I believe they have committed schtick theft. At least fricken podcast on Randazza? Who gives a fvck about Stolpman and Kappy what's his name? They don't make troll wars like they used to?

The worst part about it is this new trend of podcasts that never end. What's wrong with five to fifteen minutes? Now it is two hours plus. I've seen there are podcasts going three or four hours.  No one has time for that. Are they trying to create mini-cults? The military is a cult. That is conspiracy fact. So apparently they no longer care about page views as long as there is something.

I heard a phrase fake it 'til you make it. I remember Paul Mooney saying let it fly if it don't apply. Maybe that is what's going on. The internet is different from t.v. in that the videos are always available. They can keep accumulating page hits. There is a trick to every medium trade. Google is probably keeping me afloat through search results. Maybe eventually I get shadow banned. But it doesn't matter. I call it a reverse double bind. I'm not the one breaking laws. It's the U.S. Military which is breaking the constitution. I never supported any of this nonsense, have degrees in social theory and am simply saying the internet is dead. Nothing ever arrives for a punchline or big catharsis. The closest you got was Pelosi doing the troll clap. Love or hate her, that was a bit funny. But mostly the internet is about Pete Davidson hooking up with ladies of all ages while wearing Freemason designs.

It must be the addiction part which is keeping this fvcker on life support.

The internet should really have already broken down quite further. I got into stamps and the Celtics. Now I am taking a break from those and have the proverbial nowhere to go. And that's when I again start noticing those channels and their weird schticks.

What I don't get about people randomly speaking out loud for long periods of time is why do that? I had fun making some five minute videos. Sure, I'd probably have made them longer if I hadn't deleted the software to make movies. I did that to the camera area out of paranoia a few years back.

I am an old dog who does not want to learn how to put together a video career. I need to have something on paper before doing so. It's no big deal to speak out loud and in public. At first it was scary. But it's no problem if one has something prepared.

Sometimes I fear that my blogging is the equivalent of someone randomly ranting for two or three hours on a Youtube video.

These guys never mention McLuhan. They never quite advance from milquetoast analysis to spitting out brutal truths. Owen Benjamin and Alex Jones are right wingers. Cenk and Jimmy cover the left. There's Breitbart and HuffPo. I don't trust any medium outlets. I concede that might sound bizarre or akin to paranoia, but I imagine after all that was revealed in 2013 and 2016, there is only a small minority left who believe in anything. Call them the landline vote? Which medium outlets aren't rigged nor irrelevant? If the media has been proven to be a racket across the board for elections and big issues such as war and peace, at what point do we not just have the right but an obligation to aver everything is rigged and fake?

So I've been on about this for over ten years. These people on about it today are sort of kinda late in the game to be showing up, imho. They showed up at the end of the movie. They missed most of it but keep talking anyway as if any of this ever mattered. Snowden and Assange were and remain the big stories dwarfing everything else. Will there be praxis or it's Pink Floyd's the wall is too high?

I found out about Stolpman on my own from some Twitter person Pappy or Poppy Korn (I forget exactly!). He told me about Defango. It makes no sense because those channels get hardly any page views. Oh, he wouldn't shut up about a George Webb. I told him those guys were probably cointelpro or a waste of time. I never wasted any on them or it was only the bare minimum. Eventually I had to let loose of the Korn troll.

The point is all these other random no names turn internet life into a never ending fake drama. Without wasting much time at all, I notice such people and then ignore it. Now I am finally completely on my internet own. Imho, there are a lot of paid fakes fake outing paid fakes. And that's just that part. There are also all the weird videos. There is always something extremely strange showing up not making sense; like that Affected Collective mimicking Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media. That's the garbage I would like to see outed. But that just shows how rigged and fake everything is. I suppose the Anons who outed Hal Turner were a fluke and one of the greatest moves in supertroll history. Assange is just one guy and that's why we're fvcked.

I believe most people on Youtube are fake because the internet is already dead. It's definitely the desire of the Military-Industrial Complex to reboot. They don't want us thinking about Snowden and Assange. They want us wasting time on Jimmy Dore and Cenk or Breitbart and Alex Jones. I'm sure there are others, but hopefully ye can grok the basic point how they want us boxed in picking sides.

Rogan might be there for the apolitical audience. They want us rooting for Republicans or Democrats or not caring. They don't want us organising citizen arrests and lawsuits against the Five Eyes. They want us loving Trump or Pelosi or to go watch some NBA.

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