Monday, February 11, 2019

Nobody Can Be Trusted

It's on each of us to quit following demented medium loops or there will never be anymore original thought. Not only that, we will keep getting our chains yanked. Disappointment and resentment will never end.

There's someone named Alien Fossil Project who might have been the original state sponsored fake cyber sleuth. He has been around for a long time compared to the new batch. He sort of sounds just like Fkn Freddy but there's no way to nail these things down. "Chad Lilly" definitely looks and sounds like Unirock, but I am not positive. It's quite possible paid fakes are recycling themselves, but that would be some outrageous chasing of shadows to investigate further.

They keep trying to draw us back in. I forget where that phrase comes from. It is very difficult to be original. Everything that could possibly have been thought and said must have already been accomplished. Walter Benjamin covered this aspect of social reality. He described automation of reproduction of art leading to alienation.

I found one link to a wordpress covering the Alien Fossil Project dude but it's behind a page in which the author must allow one to see it. Thank you, next?

He has a disclaimer about his alien fossils; something about the word alien not necessarily meaning outer space. It's chasing shadows. The Skooby Doom guy sounds like he has a fake Northern Ireland accent. Fkn Freddy seems to have a fake Canadian accent. They could all be the same people. They keep wanting us to remain within demented medium loops.

So I stick with my conclusion that we are looking at paid fakes and useful idiots fake outing paid fakes and useful idiots.

There is a "handsome truth" who has apparently been outed as another failed actor with an IMDB page.

Oh, I almost forgot. So this person with the blocked wordpress can be somewhat accessed through the wayback machine but not for the pages on the Alien Fossil guy or I couldn't find it. I'd link to some of him offering credit but there's no legit access to his stuff. He has blocked his blogging and could be a paid fake. But unlike most people, I do not steal ideas from others thus I mentioned this. I do not mimic. My goal is the opposite of brain fvcking. I am not a demented scumbag from the military-industrial complex or one of its contractors.

The idea I don't want to steal is that Alien Fossil might have been a controlled opposition to the David Icke reptile schtick. And that's not all. Icke used to be into DMT same as Joe Rogan! I searched that claim a bit and it's true. The Graham Hancock guest on Rogan is also easily linked to hard core drug use. The ptb's want us chasing anon coward shadows and not real names. But what is more productive? Obviously it is human nature to want to be as universal as possible. We do that by exposing "influencers" everyone knows. All these other people provide anecdotal stories at best. They might be cautionary tales. Ultimately they are dead ends each and every time.

Carol Rosin was someone I tried to expose as cointelpro many years ago. I today learned she was buddies with Timothy Leary. I am looking at an old NY Times article on Leary's death. Ugh, McLuhan apparently knew him also. The deep state wants us all intertwined and incestuous in regards to medium. They want us all discredited. C. Wright Mills, Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm nailed it. Stop wasting time going down cyber alleys to chase disinfo shadows. Take it from someone who actually succeeded at it. What did I accomplish? Not much?

I done good but it was never for entertainment purposes. I was trying to make something of myself. But the system is rigged. I wasn't allowed into the conversation despite being in the center of it for the Kimberlin thingie. So it's natural I hate these fakes who talk about shills when they are apparently the garbage themselves. Unirock is paid fvcking trash imho who might get a thousand views per video. Stolpman barely registers if we're keeping things real. H.A. Goodman sort of made it and he now gets next to nothing. Rogan is pure scum and his ratings are starting to wane. yet he can still get into the millions. He has a real name and is the cointelpro trash which needs to tank as a priority boycott. Unirock and these other confidential informant actors probably get paid 10 grand a year to be sewer rats fvcking with a limited number of followers. Stolpman probably makes 30 grand if I had to guess.

Disinfo scum probably get moved to desk jobs after a while if they can't gain any zeitgeist traction and then eventually they are let go after their contracts with non-disclosure agreements run out.

My theory is these people are given a basic income and then they have the opportunity to make more by I think it's called E-begging.

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