Thursday, February 28, 2019

Surveillance Camera Man did something that's referred to as Ethnomethodology.

I only know the word from taking Sociology 101. Ethnomethodology is basically a specific type of sociological field study in which numb nutted students and fake scholars troll folks and study the reactions.

Based on this link to LiveLeak, Surveillance Camera Man started posting on June 25, 2013. Edward Snowden had about a month previously fled to Hong Kong. Documents started being revealed in early June.

Today is the last day of February for 2019. Time flies. Apparently our brains are still developing until we hit age 25. I thought it was closer to 22, but that is even worse. We experience approximately a third of our lives as pretty much children with a third of that as fake adults. We are told to enjoy those days because "life is only going to get harder as we get older." That is a lie but outside the scope of this mailed-in blog entry. (See "Someday Never Comes" by CCR)

Edwardo was born on June 21, 1983. He was probably going through a midlife crisis despite those typically not appearing until one hits 40 or 50.

He was basically a form of reverse cointelpro. For some strange reason perhaps referred to as integrity or self-respect, the honourable Mr. Snowden threw away an easy life to whistleblow on the deep state. He done good. He could have done better, but how was he to know that Glenn Greenwald is a paid fake?

While one may desire to refer to the work of Surveillance Camera Man as sousveillance, counter-surveillance or metaveillance, it was not really any of those. There are a lot of fake words and phrases including intersectionality and Mandela Effect. I coined the word interwessonality, but I guess you had to be there.

                                              Actress Carol Brady

He was very upfront about what he was doing. The most often asked question to him seems to have been what or why. His answer tended to be along the lines, "Just making a video."

Ethnomethodology is a fake social science. His video was effective in that he was attempting to expose the demented Spy Factory. It was cringeworthy because he was going after everyday people who on the surface have nothing to do with the deranged Military-Industrial Complex. It was important because no one is going to be able to save planet and society. It's gonna take common nobody slobs just like you and me joining forces against the bad actors. Perhaps it will look similar to what's going on in France? I may be prescient as a social critic but am not psychic.

We need to forge new paths. That is done by identifying true leadership in real life. The internet is fake life and the personification of death. We have been turned into forms of electronic zombies. I obviously have a bit of the Snowden zest for authentic freedom and that's why I spit out what I could over the years in the form of blogging. But enough about me.

The internet is garbage. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are cointelpro sewer rats working for the FBI and Five Eyes. They must bear partial responsibility for the omnipresent loss of civil and human rights.

The scum who have ruined the world are extremely easy to identify. That is why censorship is getting forced down our throats. Snowden has made it quite likely to be reincarnated into someone nice because he did the right thing during this lifespan. We seem to be truly fvcked due to the Military-Industrial Complex and its iron triangle. This is all their fault in that when democracy is shut down, there can only remain brutal fascism. We are not stupid and can see what has happened in real time! Demented morons have acquired too much power spanning over hundreds of years. Or even just by reviewing what's happened since 2001, everyone is capable of grokking the extent in which agents of criminality and perversion have attempted to codify evil as permanent.

Snowden had tired of his association with deranged scumturds. He saw firsthand the documents proving everything is rigged and fake, so he did something about it and healed a lot of personal bad karma. The world needs an avalanche of Snowden's and Assange's. We need Yellow Vests? Simply put, we the people need to take over power. There will need to be a truth and reconciliation committee run by good people with no culpability in regards to the status quo. How we get there, I have no idea. I just know where we are now and it's absolutely terrifying.

"Tool- Disgustipated"

1 comment:

  1. That picture actually doesn't look too much like Florence Henderson. The image appears to be a much younger looking version, possibly idealized.

    Could it be the fake Carol Brady?
