Friday, March 1, 2019

The timeline explains why Alex Jones was censored.

I noticed this a few days ago and almost blogged on it then. Quitting the medium has kinda sorta kept me out of the loop. It's tough to share opinions and analysis on stuff someone couldn't care less about. The benefit, however, to not caring is that some stories seem to become much easier to put together through detachment. It might have to do with the phrase missing trees when trying to master the complete forest. Or if no one is out in the woods, then does the tree falling make a sound? If someone makes a digression, but no one reads it, did it really truly happen?

When one is in the thick of something, a person tends to not be able to see enough to form proper decisions. Someone if they are a true friend will tell us to use a tissue if snot is hanging out the schnozzle. When one is breathing and alive, one cannot keep track of everything. A good person will tell someone else if there is a piece of spinach lodged in a tooth.

Quitting the medium means we end up on our own. That the internet is rigged provides nothing but gaslight. It's called a catch-22. One cannot win either way. The only thing which could possibly save us is the reverse catch-22.

What I do know is that white vinegar is effective in cleaning a coffee machine. But the last thing I am trying to do is write up a Martha Stewart styled home and garden e-zine.

So that's the scenario. I don't care and am on my own. Yet somehow great truths still somewhat bubble to the top of the noggin. I think it's from listening to a lot of Alan Watts but am not sure.

This is what I think happened with Alex Jones.

I submit to my peers of conspiracy scientists the following for theory. The ptb's started to worry that they had mastered flushing out the crazies. Perhaps while they were studying my entries from the Unknown Region, they said to themselves, "What if this kid and others are correct that we are the true scum and the real reason why fake terrorism and mental disorder is borne from the internet?"

One of the most obvious cointelpro agents working for the Military-Industrial Complex is named Milo Yiannopoulos. It emerged on June 28, 2018 that Milo had said, "I can't wait for vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight." And that's exactly what happened two days later.

                                           Jarrod Warren Ramos

The ptb's couldn't charge Milo like they did Hal Turner. He hadn't threatened the lives of judges. His defense would have been that he was just doing his job. It'd be something along the line of "they" told him to flush out the crazies and had actually written the tweet off of a previous suggestion made by Adrian Lamo.

That's what I think happened. Cointelpro basically triggered the murder of five media people in Maryland through their good buddy and sewer rat employee Yiannopoulos. And that's when I imagine Colonel Flagg or wtf decided to shut down Alex Jones and conspiracy chatter in general. I don't think it was because of the Sandy Hook stuff, although that probably served as a good cover story.

Youtube wasn't going to take any blame for what Nasim did even though they were apparently paying her only ten cents per 300,000 views amongst other perceived grievances. And cointelpro wasn't going to admit their part in the assassination of those media people. That's what I think happened. Timing is everything in regards to social media, imho. If you want to start a restaurant, it's called location, location, location. The internet and fake news is about cycles and reboots.

That's about it. I have to change the coffee pot now filled with white vinegar and crud juice. Then I'll run some cold water through the machine. Then I'll brew me coffee and welcome in the sun. I am not a demented freemason or anything like that. They fricken think the world revolves around them and especially the sun. It is there for everything alive.

I am in no rush because I've still got an hour and a half before daylight emerges. I'll probably have some orange juice, proofread this, listen to some Jim Sullivan or whatnot, whatever it takes to make it to the new day. It makes sense to not drink coffee while it's still dark outside. So I am basically stalling. No sunlight means no coffee. Come on, God. It's time to wake up, my friend.

The main point is quit the medium in general. It provides nothing of value. Be your own news service if that makes any sense. Read books instead. It pays off in the long run. I am not reading them too much anymore but I read tons back in the day. I paid my dues in regards to studying. The medium is trash and will turn you into pathetic morons. Listen to some Alan Watts or Marshall McLuhan if you don't want to read. Erich Fromm speaking truth to paid fake Mike Wallace was pure brilliance. Listen to some Malcolm X. Find only good stuff if you must waste time online. Seek content which is sincere and honest. And good luck with that because it feels nearly impossible.

So like I said before, Alex Jones ran his course. The ptb's want to reboot to before Snowden and Assange. They don't want us thinking about what Hal Turner was up to or how connected he was to mainstream media including Sean Hannity.

Snowden threw away everything. Let that sink in. He was a very patriotic dude. He was part and parcel of the alleged new liberal side to the spy factory. He gave up everything because even he couldn't stomach how demented and deranged the Military-Industrial Complex had become.

Where's the clip in which Jones and Rogan iron out their differences? It doesn't seem to exist. Only the most stupid of idiots will keep clicking on Joe Rogan's podcast. His show needs to go bankrupt. They are mocking us. Rogan gets paid by Twitter. All I saw was Jones acting crazy. It seems that the two have made up and that's that. Stop being chumps. Make the Joe Rogan Experience go bankrupt through a complete boycott. Alex Jones is pure scum. Fvck him, too. Those guys are towards the top of the internet cointelpro pyramid. Stop supporting obvious garbage or inform those who do that. The internet is done.

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