Sunday, February 17, 2019

This seems to be a JTRIG styled cointelpro writer.

Apparently a disinfo agent read my last post and then copied it in a bunch of ways.

He misused the word disenfranchised. That was pointed out by people in the comments and he admitted to not being good with words.

If one reads through my last post "Why is it non-stop Freemason imagery," one will see quite a number of similarities as if the person was working off of those documents exposed by Snowden.

My last post was all about being disenfranchised despite my not using the word. It was also about how there is no one to believe in. I also wrote, "I had a good run at Twitter. It's not bragging." His use of the word bragging made no sense in any way. There were other similarities. He claims to have poured over the Podesta and Hillary emails. Again, that was pretty much the meat and potatoes of my own entry. In fact I have spoken of such stuff here and there because it's so important. I have represented a certain breed of conspiracy thinker over many years and must have the record for most times mentioning Hal Turner.

JTRIG has something called the Four D's:

Moron has a similar technique which he admitted to because he is so immoral and arrogant. I simply am able to pick up on a lot of internet minutiae. If someone is a paid fake or useful idiot, I can piece that together fairly quickly nowadays. How was the below a coincidence? It wasn't. It's called gaslighting.

I notice things. He wrote, "I am not part of any organized religion." I had written about the problem of Christians versus Freemasons, as in what about everyone else? What about the rest of us when both sides suck? Why are only two crap options ever provided?

The anon coward admits to dubious activities on other threads. Paid fakes often write as if they are fishing for individual information and opinion. Agent provocateurs can usually say whatever they want. Turner threatened some judges and that was his downfall. He crossed too far over the line. That's how they operate. They try to push the envelope as far as possible. They are "flushing out the crazies" and are referred to as sewer rats.

Another guy posted elsewhere on Reddit Conspiracy that there was a pro-pedophile thread and that he hoped it was a honeypot. Sure thing. But why use that word? Why act as if Big Brother is good?

Back to the guy mimicking me, he doesn't want anyone to get into violence if they too become "disenfranchised."

It's starting to feel pointless to blog when JTRIG and assorted Cointelpro losers are obviously reading and stealing from the schticks of real bloggers. I don't want anyone going violent either. Military intelligence is not only the scum of the earth but extremely stupid as exhibited by the anon coward highlighted by this blog entry. They think we are dangerous unhinged morons when it's them who are the demented low IQ garbage.

The military-industrial complex through its widespread civil rights violations is sort of asking for a Yellow Vest styled movement in America? People are not stupid, e.g. they know Alexa never shuts off and listens to everything on behalf of the deranged state apparatus. I think if social movement ever happens here, it will look and play out a lot differently than the stuff going on in France. I think here it would be less defined and more chaotic. Something has to definitely give, imho. The ptb's want the next generations to hate older people, blame them for everything and then move on with the reboot. But I think whippersnappers must be able to see that this is a police state run by criminals. They must grok that the entire internet is manipulated garbage with both sides of the political aisle as militarized corporate sellouts.

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