Monday, February 18, 2019

Why do they mimic us?

I was skimming through some more Reddit conspiracy this morning and realised the mimicry and distortion of organic internet participation is beyond anyone's imagination. I am just one person. This can't possibly be just about myself as co-opted. But I keep coming across others stealing my ideas and then completely changing them as they are no longer anything to do with my own. It's akin to the person at Youtube stealing Melissa Dykes' voice, tempo and basic presentation. They are called Affected Collective and it is a military psyop as is Reddit Conspiracy.

The link below provides an interesting paper written by Professor Robert W. Gehl who teaches communications theory in Utah. He is perhaps a kindred spirit to Marshall McLuhan. I found this because I am anti-medium and anti-internet. It took scrolling through quite a lot of bad links to locate.

It is a long article.

The big idea so far seems to be that there is freedom of thought but that it must remain within the spectrum of the status quo.

The article might explain why those of us creating original thought are the ones most mimicked and circumscribed. Truly subversive thought has been neutralised. Instead of folks reading great scholars as they should in order to generate their own original thought, the ptb's desire us to remain within the demented medium loops.

So instead of people e.g. reading some McLuhan, Marcuse or Fromm, they waste most of their time reading Reddit Conspiracy and watching Youtube videos.

"What's on your mind?
Social media monopolies and noopower"

We are not only suffering under the illusion of free speech. The increase in censorship implies that the deep state is failing miserably at controlling our minds. The truth was revealed through Edward Snowden in 2013. Speech has never been free on social media. "They" tell us what to think about as in topics. "They" then attempt to modify how we react to the limited topics force fed to the masses. If someone is incapable of compliance, they are deleted and banned.

Free speech in essence has been rendered as inorganic. Even if one is able to break away and create as a free individual, one's schtick is still eventually processed. Some parts are retained, others scrubbed and distorted additions are made with the original context destroyed.

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