Friday, March 29, 2019

I've been listening to some William Cooper while putting together my stamp collection.

                             a hybrid of David Icke with Wayne Madsen

The "lecture" that's on took place in Sedona, Arizona. He is saying the craziest, most no way can it be true nonsense there could have been. This was in 1989. I was trying to think along with him as in, what is the endgame? I think he was the flat earth styled fool psyop of his day. Another of those guys was Ted Gunderson.

The only truly interesting thing I've noticed is that Cooper acted 100% positive we went to the moon. I am not condemning anyone who thinks we did. I just find it funny that kooky Cooper had a million weird wackadoo things to say about aliens but nothing on the moon landing. He said because we went to the moon that proves anything is possible.

He had a decent sized crowd of perhaps fifty people. Maybe his job was to discredit dissent in a similar way to how Reddit Conspiracy or Alex Jones does it. It looks like Cooper was also getting paid to flush out UFO nutjobs.

Stamps are fun. I go through two phases. There is accumulating and then there is putting it together. It's similar to moving furniture. You want to have a plan before just doing it. There's sort of an inbuilt catch-22. You need a lot of stamps to make it worth it to update. Yet the more stamps there are to organise, the more of a zoo it appears. It's extremely similar to jigsaw puzzles. The little organising jobs add up to the conclusion.

I read somewhere there are 20 million stamp collectors in America. I thought it would have been a lot less. Another source claims there are 5 million. Maybe there is no way to know. It just seems a lot of fun to me. Stampworld is pretty good. They make it very easy. I also like Colnect. I think the Stamp Community Forum is a marketing website posing as a forum. It is the Real GM of philately. There is really nowhere to go for anything in regards to the medium. It frees up a lot of time for getting back to living in real life.

I truly believe philately is a decent hobby and diversion.

Pam Anderson is pretty cool. I'll vouch for her at this point. Where is anyone rich and famous except for her fighting for Julian? I did notice he is still a chump in getting his chain yanked by cointelpro agents, this time Cassandra Fairbanks.

It was a coincidence Cooper was killed. This was before it became common knowledge that a huge percentage of police are criminals. It was a fluke. Maybe there is missing info. A CIA dude got killed by a cop in Texas. That's the same sort of thing. Cooper looks like he's all dosed up with drugs. He was just trying to turn dissent into conspiracy stories (JTRIG) and perhaps get a few names to offer to his handler. He was a more sedate Hal Turner who worked a different slice of the psyop world.

For some bonus convolution coverage, I once spoke on the phone with Joe Lauria of Consortium News for about an hour. He was vouching for Wayne Madsen. The Military-Industrial Complex owns every website. They are that deranged. We need more Snowdens, but these are basically fascist pigs. Cops and military are very stupid people. There's no way around the fact they are pure evil and a cult.

Fvck William Cooper. He was proverbial cointelpro scum.

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