Friday, March 29, 2019

It's time to stop visiting Daily Mail.

They are grotesque pigs filling up the screen as if it is 2003 and they are some Mickey Mouse website posing a health threat to epilepsy.

If the paper was a person, it would get a punch to the schnozzle for such an obvious dirt bag maneuver. Since it is military personnel who are the warmonger violent scumbags and we are merely peaceful agitators, us folks can merely vote with our page clicks.

I am not promoting the New York Post, but I just went to their joint. It probably provides almost everything Daily Mail does without fvcking with the computer screen.

The people running Daily Mail for lack of a better word are cvnts. I am not British, so it's not really my problem. Folks in England should do something about them. Make it go bankrupt? Hello, McFly?

And off-topic since this blog entry is mailed in, why is England so backwards in regards to marijuana laws? But yet again, I am not from there and am powerless to change that.

Sorry to digress. The medium is trash, but if you need something to read while eating or wtf, is better than Daily Mail which can go fvck itself. They might as well not exist. It is not our friend and can go to hell.

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