Wednesday, March 27, 2019

In my humble opinion, this is the best reason to consider that no human ever went to the moon.

They blatantly rigged the primary against Sanders. Putting to the side Bernie might be fool's gold anyway, that nothing was done about outright election fraud and pure schadenfreude means the U.S. can never be trusted. They reboot as if nothing has changed. Rumours buzz around that Assange is about to be taken into custody, but I'll believe that if it happens.

The Republicans committed their own war crimes with Iraq. There is no real choice between right and left.

People are foolish if they allow toothpaste back into the tube due to new technology. Just because life is hard and we seem incapable of ever fixing society and government, we should still use our brains and try valiantly to retain dignity.

So yup in conclusion, on the surface calling the moon landing a conspiracy hoax sounds ludicrous. But when has there ever been any true accountability and positive social change?

Since the ptb's continue to obfuscate and pervert, say for a few examples with Iraq, Iran Contra and the Podesta emails, why couldn't they have faked a trip to the moon? Everyone knows the CIA/Johnson killed JFK? The scales of common sense have basically flipped towards supporting the conspiracy side. Everyone by now must realise Alex Jones is a proverbial cointelpro agent?

The disinfo will make it seem like JFK and the moon stuff is from aeons ago; that even if it is proven, that's like blaming modern day people for slavery or Columbus. The point is that the government and military have zero credibility and are comprised of heinous criminals, period.

Demented fvck faces are actually jealous of those of us who are free and happy. I mean that in the deep down sense. They are very stupid and don't realise it on the surface. There's the phrase called tone deaf. It's not my fault I am a bit above average for smarts and can often get ahead of the curve. I nailed the Kyrie Irving story. There are still plenty of losers acting like he isn't a narcissistic, freemason tumour. The guy is demonic with low brain power. One can easily see the flaws of others. I'd let people go after me here but it gets very cruel. I know I'm flawed. But I also know that I've had some skills and altruistically shared them. I suppose I am a mini-Kyrie with talent but lacking leadership skills.

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