Saturday, March 23, 2019

The internet is trash. That's why people are abandoning it in droves.

I checked in for the first time in a while. I haven't lost the ability to write. There is just not a big enough audience to keep plugging away at it. I got a few comments but one was on Bryce Matthew Cuellar with no proof. I'm not going to publish random unverified chatter at this point. Another person was simply outright trolling me. That's got no place here either.

If I am such a loser, think of the people who have had nothing better to do than verbally abuse and attempt to gaslight myself. Those are clearly internet addicts filled with rage or perhaps even proverbial cointelpro agents. The best way to proceed is to not care.

I have stopped watching basketball for the first time in decades. I have stopped putting creamer in the coffee. People can change. The system cannot.

I have some pretty fascinating ideas but am basically unable to offer them.

I'll just say that there is zero hot stove, don't touch in place. The system is too big and bureaucratic. Folks who might have made a difference are going through the motions or are powerless except at projecting banal egotism.

I am no longer having anything to do with the demented medium loops. Thank your government for this crisis and in particular the military which is the true power. They are responsible for the breakdown of society. They are also on tilt because Snowden released documents proving they manufacture conspiracy crap as an all encompassing psychological operation. It gets to the point in which anyone with a smidgen of dignity is going to give up. It's imperative to quit the internet as it is. I'll try to keep posting now and again but can't promise too much.


  1. I think you're often brilliant

    game has changed

    hard to tilt the howl

    good no silly sports

    we are in a nice community, organic farms

    plot on plots

    stand firm

  2. I grew up with a basket nailed up to a tree. It wasn't perfect, but I learned how to shoot well. I watched a lot of sports. Basketball was my favourite. It's beautiful at times such as figure skating or it was. They are cheaters. The refs play a star system akin to pro wrestling. They palm the ball. That's awful. There's no skill to dribbling if one can cheat. They shoot too many three pointers. It gets boring. The bottom line is that Kyrie Irving is very creepy and by extension so must be Danny Ainge.

    It reminds me of Bernie Sanders buttoning up his mouth and allowing election fraud to go unchecked. A true hero would have said fvck it, blame me if Trump wins, but this is flat out wrong, illegal- I'm talking get up to the window and scream I'm sick and tired and not gonna take it no more, fellas. That's some Tokyo Shemp character.

    Yes, stay firm is the only path left. Everything was revealed as rigged and fake. It makes me look good as prescient or wtf. I mean, I went out on friggen ledges of thought and was easily spun as a kook. I feel free. I watch zero t.v.! I'm off of sports. I do spend a lot of time on stamps. I suppose that is a form of medium. I'm no Unabomber styled agitator. I love peace and abhor violence. War must end and the military is the actual swamp needing to be drained. That's outrageous criminal activity! They are fvcking lunatics and demented. To be blunt and tie all loose ends, the demented medium can fvck off. They are cooked. Stay the fvck firm yes indeed. Schadenfreude either means something or this is all double speak from government and media. People would have to be quite stupid to have faith left in any of it. It's called unsalvageable. They are criminals. This is the world's worst nightmare. It is better to know, but it would also be nice if there was true justice. The military can kiss me butt! I'm not the deranged asswipe with blood on my hands. They are gaslighting nutjobs.

  3. Well said. I found this page by searching the internet is trash and the internet is unoriginal. I haven't been online in weeks, rarely do anything other than check my bank account and haven't owned a smartphone in two years. Life is better for it. I think more clearly, understand more deeply and am politically aware that all sides are full of it. Just living my life, home schooling my kids and avoiding consumerism as much as possible.

    It is a good way to live and stress melts away the farther I get from the fake world and deeper into the real one. Cheers.

  4. Thanks. It looks over. Calling this conspiracy theory no longer works. The reboot is centered around restoring animosity between left versus right with "kooks" as the non-playing characters. We'd have to be masochistic to keep participating by the system's rules. One easy thing folks can do is boycott check marks. Use ad blocker. If I had the money, I'd start a Bitchute which wasn't run by GCHQ. My proof on that is the place never grows despite Youtube basically cancelling everyone who is not a corporation. Not only that, they also cancelled lurking. The internet for all intents and purposes looks cooked. No one is talking about the Snowden documents and Podesta Files signifying this fvcker is in a complete lock down by government authorities from every country. Even Ecuador turned out to be controlled. We need positive political revolution or the game is over. Take care.
