Monday, March 4, 2019

The paid fake or useful idiot problem.

I am a public domain, open information kind of dude. I can pretty much for the most part only offer philosophy and social theory. Scoops are rare. Nothing really ever happens. The internet is mostly illusion. This entry will be mostly opinion. The greatness of the Hal Turner story was in the locating of his Military-Industrial Complex pay stub. He was the proverbial exposed disinfo agent provocateur. Most other internet characters can only be suspected of it. I think we should have the right to say so and so fits the profile of a cointelpro agent. We should have to back such an opinion with reasons.

The above guy is named Quantum of Conscience. He provides an alleged real name, but it is too common or I don't see anything useful from a quick search on it.

I do not know whether he is paid or not, yet either way he is providing a lot of conspiratorial leaning nonsense.

He deleted all his videos. I noticed this guy before from a long time back. His first video now on the channel is from only one month ago. Yet he has over 30,000 followers. He has obviously scrubbed his own channel! That's very convenient because then it becomes next to impossible to troll bust him if necessary. On the flip side, this is wack-a-mole chasing shadows. Troll busting gets one nowhere.

I refuse to sit through his schtick. He is yet another fake troll buster talking up mass shootings as hoaxes. Where is that coming from if not the Pentagon? He's talking crazy on another one in regards to Julian Assange, but it's too much to figure out. I mean, it's not likely a Hal Turner styled pay stub is going to surface on this guy. The point is these kind of youtube channels seem to be everywhere. It's how Reddit Conspiracy feels so fvcking fake.

I admit some percentage are real crazy nutjobs who believe in weird shite, but the vast majority of those clowns imho are working for the Spy Factory. It's weird. I used to claim this before the Snowden documents emerged. I was spun as a paranoid kook. Mentally unhinged and paid fakes are stealing and distorting from the few of us who were real. The gaslight is in that we can't possibly know whether they are proverbial disinfo shills. We can sort of bet big money if it were possible that some of them are, however. Stolpman. Know More News is an obvious paid fake outlet. Alex Jones has been working for the Military-Industrial Complex the whole way.

I wish there was a place where real conspiracy minded people could police the content and provide some kind of balance to internet as rigged psyop.

The controlled opposition to Quantum spin him as a "freemason shillstein."

We cannot win through internet. There is no such thing as a truther community. It's called brain washing and entrapment.

It doesn't matter if he is a paid fake or useful idiot. What matters is we can't prove it either way. The finite dead end point becomes he is clearly one or the other. We know that disinfo agents are real because Hal Turner was exposed and Snowden documents also provide necessary vindication gravitas to good guy kooks owning wherewithal to avoid stuff making no sense. E.G., HAARP is conspiracy fact. The moon has however never been proven to be made of cheese. The deep state is spinning it as once a conspiracy theorist, always a nutjob who believes in anything and everything. That is the psyop. They own every domain, so we are fvcked. There is no way to troll bust back at them.

Many people saying "we" are being played are playing at gaslight. Hopefully that makes sense. And then it's so on and so on and so on. No way in hell should "truthers" associate with flat earthers or wackadoos talking up Sandy Hook. Such talk killed Thomas Brinkley.

                               This guy proved useful idiots exist.

                           Hal Turner proved paid fakes are conspiracy fact.

Stolpman is there saying Alex Jones is Bill Hicks because the main psyop has conspiracy theorists as insane schizophrenics. This plot development also emerged during the Rogan-Jones interview.

The Stolpman psyop is the same as the Pappy Korn one. Everyone needs to check out Defango? I think people should have the right to not have their internet time manipulated, algorithm'ed and simulated. We are being told that to be a truther means acceptance of the more kooky folks including those talking up staged shooter false flags and flat earth.

I'm heading back to stamps soon for self-preservation. There's more to life than paid fakes and useful idiots.

The moon landing, 9/11, JFK/MLK, Malcolm X and "chemtrails" are legit conspiracy theories, imho. Flat earth, fricken mountains as gigantic fossilized tree stumps and mass shootings as staged hoaxes are deliberately mixed in with the good stuff. Run for the hills, it's the Joos schtick is another biggie for a psyop. Holocaust denial equates to critique of the Israeli government? The newest mind control operation seems to be centered on paid fakes outing paid fakes.

It's right there on the left side under "Group." The core Military-Industrial Complex internet psyop is called conspiracy stories.

                     How are people in military intelligence not demented?

The state is doubling down and ginning it up with the conspiracy story psyop. That's what the Five Eyes call this. They are militarised alternate reality games. Larp is a disinfo catchphrase similar to Mandela Effect or shill. The deep state is attempting to circumscribe authentic social criticism within their demented medium loop networks and nodes.

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