Friday, May 24, 2019

Bitchute is disgusting and Howard Stern is pure moron.

Video after video at Bitchute is filthy garbage. Much of it pertains to the "Jooos" psyop to go with various forms of divide and conquer nonsense. I went to DLive because Stolpman has shifted over there, but it is a mess, and I didn't even find him anyway. Nate is quite the moron and makes Freudian slips on his despicable cointelpro show. I was going to make a video on that but am not that ready to get back into the flow of things.

Detachment seems to be the only option remaining in regards to internet addiction.

Speaking of morons, the "deep state" is extremely moronic. A dude like Stolpman has some skills, but his credibility is completely gone forever. One cannot push flat earth, Sandy Hook hoaxes and Bill Hicks as Alex Jones and survive those kinds of unforced errors.

Icke and Alex Jones had good runs, but they too are toast. CNN is done. It is a matter of when not if the whole freaking lineup is fired and replaced by AT&T. Why would the CNN owners feel such allegiance to Don Lemon, Cooper, Brooke Baldwin, Chris Cuomo et al? The shallow, stupid PewdiePie gets many more views than any of them. There are tons of things that get watched much more than fake cable news. MSNBC and Fox will not be immune either to rating plunges. Sooner or later, they will also become completely irrelevant if they aren't now. CNN for all intents and purposes is already dead. People don't act crazy psychotic like Anderson Cooper if the end isn't near. If CNN was the Boston Celtics, they would have been blown up a couple years ago by Ainge. Maybe there are contracts in place and it is cheaper for CNN to tank than replace them now. But by the time they get around to that, CNN might already be taken out of airports and whatnot furthering a progression from coma to completed demise. They are scum and it's a small victory that they are near the end if not already gone.

Audio was leaked of Howard Stern directing his staff to make fake Twitter accounts and astroturf famous celebrities to go on his show.

Society is in a death spiral because the military-industrial complex is that demented.

Protests need to form at colleges for Julian Assange. Figure something out, people. I'm not saying get arrested, but join together and start to come up with some strategies.

At my undergrad, the older kids were blocking the campus road. There was supposed to be a right wing guest speaker from El Salvador. I'm not saying get tased, but the kid who spoke out to John Kerry made an impact. I'm saying don't give up, don't get down and start forming around the Assange issue. It has to take place in colleges and in conjunction with the local labour people and all kindred spirits. We are the hidden majority astroturfed off of social media existence.

There was one video at Bitchute I sort of liked. A woman seems to be from Boston who likes to say stfu a lot. She is perhaps a kindred spirit who also thinks Julian is the key to everything. There's a small chance she is cointelpro trying to flush out Assange fans but hopefully not. My advice again is to join forces in a college setting. Get the professors involved. Herbert Marcuse helped coordinate protests in the late 60's and early 70's. I'm not sure of the exact dates.

Fvck Howard Stern. Fvck Oprah. Youtube and Bitchute can both fvck off. All websites indeed have become useless. It's beyond bizarre how deranged the military-industrial complex and Five Eyes have become! They are the problem and everyone knows it, astroturf or no astroturf. Orwell wrote a book predicting this. And there was other stuff. I saw the movie They Live and it was pretty, pretty good. I loved The Stepford Wives. Brave New World with Bud Cort was not too shabby. I liked 1984 starring Edmond O'Brien. It was an old-school film-noir. Otherwise, I have quit watching movies. I'm off of basketball. I no longer am addicted to the militarised ARGs. Life as we knew it is dead. There are a lot of nasty fvcking criminals in power who have totally fvcked up the world. I have no answers. I do recommend big humongous protests on behalf of honourable, greatness Julian Assange. But definitely call the bluff. It's not our fault the military-industrial complex is run by some of the most psychotic fvcking trash that ever existed. Seriously, whoever is responsible for torture, war crimes, PRISM and all the stuff revealed in the Snowden documents need to be executed for treason after trial. Assange needs to be granted his immediate freedom. The truth hurts that our country is run by criminals.

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