Wednesday, May 29, 2019

It's become pointless to participate in social media.

"James Corbett" is a paid fake ratfvcker allegedly located in Japan. He is proverbial controlled opposition which claims to expose paid fakes, yet that is precisely what this scumturd does for an occupation.

He's been on Alex Jones and is shady as fvck. For lack of a better phrase, he is a disinfo cvnt.

I don't know how many times he's been on Infowars. I see he's also been on RT and that he is basically a conduit for demented medium loops within the conspiracy genre.

He recently made a video on Reddit Conspiracy saying the forum is mostly trash and now so-called controlled opposition. Yet, the moderators are plugging him. The implication is that there are a lot of shit posts by design in order to distract or to have us going down rabbit holes while that is what they all do. This is Gaslighting 101. The conspiracy moderators are also paid fakes. I looked at them over the last year or two. They have fake names and are responsible for the proliferation of the "Jooooooos" psyop. I think Reddit Conspiracy is simulated by military scum operating out of Eglin Air Force Base and elsewhere. It is propaganda and entrapment.

They banned me because I wouldn't stop going after them for their weird promotion of Hitler. The top moderator goes by the fake name axolotl_peyotl. I think that is some sort of hallucinogenic drug perhaps similar to the stuff Joe Rogan promotes.

So what we have here is basically "James Corbett" trashing Reddit Conspiracy while the pure 100% trash running the subreddit give him an absurd amount of kudos for doing so. Round and round it loops. The Talking Heads said, "Same as it ever was."
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The above is nothing new from Bloomberg. It's called an extra soft disclosure cupcake. I just noticed this in my photo archive:

The real true news is that Assange's buddy Craig Murray claimed to pick up the leaks in Washington, D.C. which had nothing to do with Russia. The last big project from Wikileaks seems to have shown how the military-industrial complex forges documents to spoof location. This Russian conspiracy thingie has been nonsense and the pure essence of doubling down and ginning it up. We are about a year and a half away from the next fake election for president. Trump is closing in on the point in which impeachments don't happen. It becomes too late. The Democrats don't seem to have the numbers anyway. Clinton was impeached yet never forced to resign and everyone knew that was the only possible outcome. It was just another example of the divide and conquer psyop of right versus left.

The only story of relevance is Julian Assange's fate. Maybe others can emerge and build on what Julian accomplished.

Take it from a wise old Generation X'er. No one is ever held accountable. Nothing ever changes. If we are to be honest, then the government, military and corporations have become worse than ever before. Like I've said, this is not as terrifying as a Nazi Germany, but it is just as authoritarian and fascist.

Assange proved that politics and media are rigged. Now Trump acts all dumb about Julian. What happened to his 'I love Wikileaks' schtick?

It's pointless to watch or read the internet. It makes no sense to add comments and participate anywhere. I see no problem with real folks expressing themselves and sharing knowledge, but it's become impossible to change anything through the computer. The internet has become useless and unhealthy.

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