Friday, May 10, 2019

Cointelpro Exposing Themselves

Fat fvck face, sewer rat "Scott Creighton" has been smearing Julian Assange with crazy nonsense since 2010. He went on a show associated with David Icke. On a different episode the guest was Ray McGovern. It's called not adding up.

The internet is rigged so much that the bad guys don't seem to feel any need to sound organic. They get extremely sloppy, Snowden or no Snowden. One episode had someone on praising Assange. The other had on the Julian hater who pushes the craziest shite that Assange works for the CIA. He gets pushed as a journalist and receives other weird compliments despite being a total nobody with zero gravitas. The Freddy guy who talks up shills and cointelpro is currently promoting this specific anti-Assange turd. They expect folks to be coincidence theorists and not notice such contradictions? Icke talked up reptiles as a deliberate maneuver to smear dissent as crazy. The saving grace is that none of these other arseholes gained any traction anywhere over many years. Paid fakes get lousy results. It shows that real people are not fooled by them much anymore and tend to go into ignore mode early and often.

People in military intelligence are the scum of the earth. Everyone knows this. It became common knowledge that the Freemasons are trash and that's why few people now join them. Why would someone willingly join a demented secret society? In Europe they talk about the Freemasons and it's not seen as mere conspiracy theory. It's called schadenfreude or toothpaste out of the tube. Oh, the cat is out of the bag? Do people still use that one? It became common knowledge that a vast percentage of cops are grotesque, steroid infused criminals themselves. CNN's ratings went down the tubes precisely because they were exposed as fake news by the Podesta e-mails, Trump or no Trump. Cointelpro attempts to divert attention away from obvious, non-rocket surgery styled truths. Add in censorship and that's why these people appear so fat, twisted and idiotic. There's no one real with true skills remaining to divert attention away from state-sponsored buffoonery internet. They all get banned or are bricks in the wall.

Attention is pushed towards "conspiracy stories" created and simulated by the Five Eyes. They just want you to know there is a Five Eyes because that's the toothpaste no longer secret. BB works to become the gatekeeper. Instead of the U.S. Military being held accountable for its war crimes and raping of the U.S. Constitution, we are told that Assange flings faeces at walls and raped Swedish women. What else do they do? That fat fvck Siggy infiltrated Wikileaks on behalf of the FBI, the original paid fakes. No, we won't discuss that. It's that Assange is a CIA agent. That's the ticket, Mr. Lovitz? Let's pause and say that again. No, not the that's the ticket schtick. These fat fvcking scumturds and lowest forms of human imaginable attempt to perform as "real left" outing "fake left."

BB went after Debbie Lusignan. That's how I originally noticed this mess of a disinfo cell. They are the poor man's Stolpman. But that's the weird or wtf Shatner rub, Horatio. Nate doesn't even pull in that many page hits. These are some of the most obscure disinfo agents on the internet, yet they never seem to go away. It's as if they are paid to spread disinfo, but no one is listening and no one cares (see walk and talk, ducks or bear goes #2 in the forest).

Such schticks are pure noise. The Snowden documents spelled it out in power point presentations. They described precisely who these people are since they are what they do. That the nasty gross BB admitted to it unforced isn't my fault. She trolled herself. It's not my fault she apparently suffers from flatulence. She's always grimacing like Hitler did. The obvious paid fakes provided the pay stubs without being asked. They are fricken not only acting out cointelpro but are proverbial morons.

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